Friday, September 13, 2024

Second Week of September

This week I hosted a few friends for a Machine Sewing day..... I had to dig in my shelves to find a project as I seem to have lots of hand work on the go...

This small quilt was made from a Charm Pack (Picnic) and leftover background and mustard from previous quilts.  I found some stripey metreage to work for the border.  It is quite small - 46" x 40" but will be ok for a wheelchair quilt...

Some leftover backing was joined up to make a size I need and some mustard made into binding....

In the quilting queue it goes!!!!

Hand work has continued with some more hexagons framed, some crochet blocks made and a few more rows on my crochet scarf done.....

Other than that I have no idea where this week went!!! 

Righto, Gotto Go.... I am going to finish cutting up for a project to sew at a retreat at the end of the month.... rather do it now ....   

Have a lovely weekend....xx

Friday, September 6, 2024

Beginning of September....

Well, last week it was winter and summer and now we have gone to Spring.... that's what it felt like anyway.... 

Trees are greening up, flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing and birds are doing their Spring thing....   my most favourite time of the year....

I do love our Wisteria growing along the fence....

... the bees love it too and the scent spreads all over the garden....

I think this is a bottle brush variety.... flowers at the stems and is the only plant to draw in a little honey eater into the yard.

The prunus was full of soft pink flowers, then the wind blew and it looked like confetti...

I sewed a few more hexagons together.... this is the width of it now.  I will add half hexagons to the top to straighten.  Lots more rows down to do....

This months UFO is my Scrappy Houses.....  I never did more that these 8 in last years colour challenge...

So this week I made a brown house and found cream scraps for sashing and coloured for the cornerstones...

Happy with this made completely out of the scrap baskets...

The backing and wadding is left overs from previous quilts too - I did join the backing.  I found a half metre of bright flowers to use for the binding....  off to the Quilting Queue....

On Thursday at Embroidery Guild I stitched another little block Sashiko style...  that's #66 out of 365.  I really need to start focussing on this one soon.  The plan was one a day not a fortnight!

Knitting in the evening has resulted in another knitted cowl, soft pink.
That is the end of the lovely marino wool I had...

I got on and crocheted some more blocks for KOGO.  I want to get 48 of these so a blanket can be made with the two colours..... Half have the red centre and half with the fawn colour....  most of them are done.

Here is the cowl round my neck.... all garter stitch.

And that is my start to Spring crafting..... the nights have been cool and it's been lovely to sit and knit or crochet, sometimes with a cat on my lap!

Righto, Gotto Go - time for a cuppa....

Hope you have a lovely week.... xx

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