Friday, May 10, 2024

Second Week of May

We are having just fantastic Autumnal weather at the moment... I do love it.... Moderate to cool days and cooler evenings.

Friends last weekend meant roaming around - a Gin Distillery and a lovely bush walk in a National Park.  After they left we went and watched the extra large Widget play Touch Football at which his team won the finals....  so that was exciting....

This month the UFO I am working on is my Table runner Embroidery.... this is the start of this month.  There is so much in this that I will be happy with any progress.

I did finish the next block for Caswell this week... so that is 3 done - 27 to go!

This weeks progress on the Table Runner....

Some crochet has been done for KOGO - I find it the best craft for me later in the evening when my eyes are too tired to focus...

Righto, Gotto Go ..... my daughter moved out last week and took her plants back (but left the cat) !  So off we went pot plant hunting and Hubz is doing some potting today and I am supervising!

Have a lovely weekend xx


Michelle Ridgway said...

Cooler sure is nicer. My there is something work in your runner....but it is lovely. Caswell no. 3 is lovely. I am lagging lol! Enjoy your new plants xx

Lin said...

You made good progress with your embroidery and another lovely Caswell block. Well, we are actually having some warm spring weather - but it's not set to last! Enjoy your autumn. xx

Maria said...

We’re still have rather warm humid weather, desperately need rain.
Sure is a lot of work in the runner.
Beautiful Caswell block completed.
Enjoy pot plant shopping.

Jeanette said...

You are progressing well on your runner, it's looking good. Love the Caswell blocks, so pretty.

Julie said...

Gosh that embroidered tablecloth will be stunning Fiona. It looks so lovely already. As does the Caswell block. We are having sunny days but heavy frosts at the moment - our firewood heap is going down fast! Enjoy the new potplants. xx

Jennifer said...

So now the cat is yours! Well done on your progress.

marina said...

Love your embroidery project!!!
Your latest caswell is a stunner. I must say this was one of my favourites, though I may say that about most of them lol

Chantal said...

You make embroidery look so easy to do (but I'm not that naive). The Caswell block is fabulous. Love to look at all the different greens. Enjoy! ;^)

Ondrea said...

That stitching looks fun. Looking forward to seeing your progress. The applique block is beautiful, as always. Hope you found some plants.

Cheryll said...

Ohhh I LoVe the Caswell block. It looks gorgeous...xox

Barwitzki said...

What a great table runner...
it will be great.
I wish you a successful and happy week.

WoolenSails said...

Fall is alway a nice time to get out, when the weather is cooler and winter hasn't set in. Your embroidery project will be keeping you busy for awhile. I usually do simple stitching or quilting at night, relaxing and I don't have to think too much.


Janice said...

Autumn can certainly put on some glorious weather. It’s good to make some progress on long term projects. Love the Caswell block.

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