Monday, October 25, 2021

The weekend.....

Rain and storms were forecast over the weekend so we didn't make any outdoor plans - the fact that we didn't get them was annoying but we did get the humidity.... Hubz spent some time in the garden and I opted to stay indoors and sew...

I pulled out my box of William Morris 'Road to Tennessee' blocks....

... and the binding for a friends quilt....

And trimmed up some incy wincy HST's to make into pinwheels...

... and set up a panel on the Moxie for quilting....

... and found a piece of lovely cotton tablecloth from an opshop.... I love those old cotton tablecloths and vintage sheets.... I'm always scavenging for them...  such lovely quality cotton

By the end of the weekend... the binding is on (need to do some handsewing now)

I have a new clothes peg apron....

The HST's are in pretty little pinwheels (cut at 2")

.. and a plan is together for my blocks.... they have been sewn into pairs so far....

I did a load of washing this morning (having held off over the weekend due to said rain expected) ... and so far it has had 3 rinses of lovely clean rain water today..... of course ....

I do love those weekends when I just sit and play with my pretty stuff ...... I put on my earphones and listen to books.... I listened to  The Dressmakers of Yarrandarrah Prison

- a fun story.... 

This week I got hold of some new pins.... I have for a long time used good quality glass head pins... they have been reliable and easy to use..... I got some of those 'Magic Pins' at great expense with little silicone heads and also some fine  'Quilting Pins' at a much more reasonable price...

The fine pins are just wonderful..... they really make a difference.  I'm not sure I will iron much with pins in but the extra length is good on the silicone ones... the much finer quilting pins are really great... 

I am officially a pin snob now....

Righto, Gotto Go... that quilt isn't going to quilt itself.... and those blocks need sewing together...  after some pinning with lovely new pins of course ......

Have a great week... I hope you get rain if you need it... and get some time to do something you love....xx


1 Karen's Korner said...

I would have opted for the sewing room instead of the garden also. You certainly made good use of the time in there. Lovely projects.

2 Maria said...

You had a great productive weekend inside ….
Enjoying an audio book and sewing … 👍

3 Jane Galley said...

those hsts are tiny :) love pinwheel blocks

4 Jennifer said...

The right pins can make quite a difference to the result.....well done on the productive weekend!

5 Jeanette said...

You had a busy productive weekend. Love those cute pinwheels. Hugs, xx

6 Ingrid said...

Well you were very productive! I laughed at the washing getting some extra rinses…very familiar! The Moxie looks like it had fun and I love those little HSTs!!! I’m a bit of a pin snob…or should I say ‘particular with pins’ too. Who knew there could be so many factors involved in finding the perfect pin! Enjoy your week Fiona. X

7 Lin said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend to me - and such a lot achieved. I am always in search of the perfect pin - trouble is when they are all packaged up it is not until you have bought them that you get to try them out! I think I shall be going on a pin hunt soon though. xx

8 Karen S said...

Looks to me like you put your weekend to very good use.
Great to read your thoughts on the different pins. Good to have an opinion from someone wo uses them rather than sells them.

9 KaHolly said...

Oh, that Mother Nature! She’s so unpredictable! You did a great job staying focused and completing your tasks. I hope I have that kind of day today, too!

10 Michelle Ridgway said...

The weather is a bit erratic at the moment. Looks like you had a nice time playing with all those pretties. OMGoodness those HST are little! Hmmm pin snob hey? Good pins are nice to use. I have teeny glass headed applique pins that were a gift from US and I despair everytime I lose one because I love them so much lol! Xxx

11 kiwikid said...

You had a very productive inside weekend, those teeny tiny pinwheels!!! I enjoyed the Dressmakers book to. Good to find good pins! Have a great week.

12 Raewyn said...

Spring time for us seems to be the time of rainy days on and off too - and never when predicted! It looks like you had a perfectly planned weekend with all that sewing goodness, and made great progress too. Good idea to use that good quality table cloth for a clothespeg apron. Interesting what pins are available - I like the sound of the silicone headed pins - not that I iron them very often! My favourites are the flat head pins - if they are in the fabric for whatever reason, I can still lay a ruler over them for measuring, trimming or whatever.

13 Susan said...

Always a lot happening there and I've read your later posts so I know everything is finished!
Can you also show pics of the containers so we can join you in your pin snobbery...I've been using the really fine Clover pins for years and although I still have oodles of other pins - they don't get used for much.

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