Monday, November 20, 2017

I'm a farmers daughter .... and mother.....

My Dad was a policeman but when I was 9 years old we went farming, to support my grandparents and Dad was retiring after 25 years of police service.

I loved the farm life (except for having to go to boarding school which I absolutely hated).  We grew fruit, and had our own dairy cows, chickens and a very good vegetable patch.

My eldest son is a farmer ...... he has worked for some years here in Australia but the family now live in the UK at his wife's family farm..... He looks after the cropping and of course I think he's an amazing farmer .....

I have pinched some of his pictures off social media ...

Baling the hay ....

Harvest time....

Collecting from the combine harvester....

Summer is crazy busy harvesting and then autumn is heaps of getting the land ready and planting the winter seed... it's quiet on the land for a little while over winter but that's when all the machines and sheds etc are cleaned and maintained... then crazy busy starts again in spring ...

That's farming life - every day looking at what the weather is going to do and making decisions based on it ... 

I love visiting the farm - love the big spaces and big machines, big skies and big hearts....

Big love to our farmers all over the world

This weekend I sewed (surprise surprise!!!)

I have had this panel for ages and been meaning to quilt it for a wallhanging....

I went around all the leaves on the tree and used the swirl print to guide the background quilting....

Mostly outlining the pictures ....

very sweet panel and I love the colours too....

The quilting is done and the hanging loop and binding on - I just want to hand sew it down sometime....

I also finished up this block for Gardeners Journal... these blocks go with me to any hand sewing groups... sometimes not much gets stitched!

... and a Dutch Treat block done.. this one was nice and easy with the straight lines... the next one is going to take a while!

Righto, Gotto Go.....  stuff to be done....


1 Maria said...

I think farmers are fabulous! It's such a challenging job....big hooray for them all.
Such a lovely Panel and your quilting has really made it pop....
Nice GJ block and the DT block is perfect.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona,what a interesting post,i have learnt a bit more about you my friend.
Love your wall hanging and your quilting shows it off perfectly xx

3 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

What would we do without farming? Farming life for you in Zim would have been quite different from the UK & Oz, wouldn't it? Lovely panel, the quilting is fab! xx

4 kiwikid said...

Great to read about the farming Fiona, the photos of your sons are beautiful especially that evening one. Your stitchery and block are amazing, that is a beautiful panel, your quilting makes it really pop.

5 Susan said...

We all need to say thank you to the farmers....a hard life
Love the quilting - a perfect way to do it - probably a good practice piece - not that you need the practice but a guide always helps the novices!

6 Michelle Ridgway said...

Loved your post and yes it takes a great deal of very hard work to be a farmer. Love all your sewing xx

7 Lin said...

Your son takes some amazing pictures! Is he on Instagram? I follow Holes Farm in Dorset, a sheep farm that sells knitting wool. Love seeing how the farm changes over the seasons. xx

8 Chantal said...

Thank you to the farmers. My parents sold the farm before I was old enough to remember any of it. I grew up with respect for everyone but always a little more, a special place for the farmers. If we eat, it's because of their devotion. Gorgeous quilting on the panel. Congrats on finishing an oldie. ;^)

9 Sue SA said...

I am a farmers daughter too, hats off to farmers I say!

10 Pidgeon Patch said...

sorry ladies I have no farming family but all farmers are amazing... thank-you... and love the beautiful panel...

11 Louise said...

Your sons photos are wonderful! I'm fascinated by all the big machinery that does so much farming work now, the balers and combines and such. Lots of hard work needed to feed a nation, that's for sure.

That panel is really sweet! I've never seen it before. Is it a new one, or very old?

12 Sheila said...

As a young girl i wanted to live on a farm but that never happened. My dad had horses but that is it. I admire the work thata farmer does , we sure cant do without them . Very pretty panel you have stitched up 😊

13 Raewyn said...

Nice to see the Agricultural post Fiona....nice to learn more about you - I didn't know you had rural roots (I hated boarding school too!). How different all the types of farming are and from country to country. Beautiful quilting, stitching and applique :-)

14 Chookyblue...... said...

your son takes lovely pics.......I knew he farmed but I didn't know your were a farmers daughter............thanks for the post..........

15 Jeanette said...

Great pictures from your son. I wasn't a farmers daughter but i know how hard it is as my uncle & cousin were dairy farmers. Love the panel. Hugs, xx

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