Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lesson Three - Tuesday Treasure

Clare is doing a really fun activity for us to share some of our treasures. This will take me down memory road a little. Our family had a sudden opportunity to live in Australia (from Zimbabwe) and we came with very little (6 cubic metres and a suitcase each) I had to make quite a few choices about my treasures and only the irreplaceable came with me. This is not to say I don't have some regrets but I was so lucky to be able to bring anything at all! I have joined too late for this week but will find something for next Tuesday.

I have started a quilt for my daughter.... I love these fabric colours together.

Todays lesson............. well, I just learnt to hyperlink my post! But more importantly I am learning all the time how life can change suddenly but still be wonderful.......... Carpe Diem - Sieze the Day. Have a good one.


1 Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are going to play along , thanks very much !

2 Jo in TAS said...

Welcome to the Blogoverse! I'm looking forward to seeing what treasures you managed to bring with you!

3 Chookyblue...... said...

love the colours in your fabrics you have chosen.....

4 marina said...

well done on taking the plunge into blogland. It is a learning curve, having teenagers around helps too. (as long as they explain things slowly)

5 Kiwigirl said...

Welcome, and good luck with your 'quilt of lovely colours', may it help in your settling in process and be something that in years to come you relate to your new found home.

6 mel @ loved handmade said...

Your going to enjoy blogging, it's so much fun & there are some amazingly talented & lovely people out there! Thanks for popping over to my space, nice to have you...

7 Daffycat said...

Welcome to blogland! You are learning quickly! I know some who've been blogging a loooong time and still can't make a link ~ good for you!

8 Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Love your fabrics and your story. How hard those choices must have been! Thank you for sharing.

9 Liz said...

thank you for sharing. What lovely colors. looking forward to seeing more of your blogging.

10 Teddlywinks said...

Liz from Teddlywinks here! Ernie says hello - and he'd love me to write a story book, but I'm too busy quilting!!!
Maybe I could design an Ernie Dingle quilt instead?
Keep on blogging!

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