Monday, August 12, 2024

Second week of August ....

As mentioned last post we went to the capital to see the Titanic exhibition.  We try and go to a cultural event every now and then!!! 

It was held in the city centre and parking was easy....

A model made up of half the sunken ship... apparently a woman was not believed when she said she saw it snap it half until they actually found the remains....

Many of the pictures, furniture and artifacts were not the actual Titanic but a sister ship named Olympia as they were made at the same time and similar style...

A lovely big model of the ship... not one for Hubz to make!

We found the list of First Class Passengers...

... and there is Great great uncle Edward.....  apparently he had bought a second class ticket but when he got there paid a few extra pounds to be upgraded... Went down on his 37th birthday!

Had a time finding his picture as the one I had he looked quite different .... Mr google helped....

All the first class passengers.....  Edward has been described as a 'Roly Poly Irishman' and I have found exerts of a letter he sent to his sister describing the first part of the voyage...  I really should make a better collation about the family ..... (he was also the great great uncle of the Fiennes actors)

We had some time so messaged Michelle and we were able to meet up for lunch which was a bonus..... no picture as we talked too much!

This months UFO was some little hearts I had cut up from some left over fabric.... these have all been blanket stitched on (machine) and I am thinking I might make it up into a tote or project bag

One more Sashiko style block has been sewn.....

and a few more (same same) teal and cream framed hexagons stitched...

On Sunday I went to my clothes making class where April had my pattern ready and I made up my blouse...... 

I hate pictures of me and think I look daggy in anything but I had a great time.  I will make another of these for practice and make notes as I go along so I remember some of her tips.  Next time I will make some capri pants I think.

Righto, Gotto Go.  Whilst in Brisbane we popped into the swedish shop and got some curtains which need shortening... todays job!

Have a lovely week....xx


loulee said...

Interesting to read some of your family history. Way back when I first started nursing I cared for a lady who had survived the sinking as a bay in her mothers arms. Lovely to see those sweet hearts, they will make a beautiful bag.

Jennifer said...

That's quite a family connection.....poor man, what a way to spend your birthday! Very pretty hearts, looks like an easy project.

Jane said...

It all takes on a new meaning when you have someone in the family involved. Did they have names of everyone or just the first class passengers? Love the blouse, well done :)

Lin said...

So interesting to see your relatives photograph and name recorded in the Titanic exhibition. I read a Celia Imrie book not so long ago about one of her relatives who was on the Titanic, a good read. Love your new shirt Fiona, very smart. xx

Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona wow that’s so interesting to find out and see things about the titanic and to see your distant relie ,I find all this stuff so interesting. Well done your shirt looks great and awesome that you and Michelle got to catch up 🤍🩷🤍

Janice said...

The Titanic exhibition must have been extra interesting, given your family connection. I do like your new blouse. Nice and summery and your little hearts are sweet.

Jeanna said...

Interesting story about your uncle, he was so young! You made a nice blouse. I haven't done any garment sewing in years. I love the appliqued hearts as well.

Julie said...

What an amazing exhibition Fiona & so wonderful that you found your great Uncles name. How young he was - so sad! Love those hearts - beautiful 💗 ... also love your new blouse - it looks so comfy ! xx

Barwitzki said...

You sewed a great blouse... good luck with the second one. Thanks for sharing a picture of yourself, I do that from time to time too. It's important to see each other sometimes when communicating... so thank you. I hope you like blouse number 2 too.
The Titanic exhibition and especially your relationship are very exciting. A hug from Viola for you

Susan said...

I am sure the exhibition was interesting...such a sad thing to have happened to so many. Good job on the dressmaking journey...I think I'll just keep buying clothes...even more UFOS otherwise...

Karen's Korner said...

An interesting connection to such an historic event. You did a good job on the blouse. Pretty hearts. said...

What a fascinating connection to the Titanic disaster. I've been enthralled by the Titanic my whole life. I'm 71 and my grandmother lived to be 97 (born in 1901). When I was young she told me about the publicity when the Titanic went down (she was 11 years old). The community held church services during that week to pray for survivors.

Ondrea said...

How wonderful that you found your relative's photo and have some of his letters! The Olympia sank too during the war. One woman survived the Titanic, the Olympia and a 3rd ship that went down too.! I have her book. I visited the Titanic memorial in the grounds of the Town Hall in Dublin and the slip way. Love you Sashiko and well done making yourself that shirt. Clever gal.

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