Sunday, July 7, 2024

First week of July

FNWF on Friday thanks to Cheryll...

I did a bit of orange peel blocks and then worked on my crochet scarf..... I am about half way through now - have to use the pattern still for every row and it's a bit wobbly but fun....

The Blessings top is done, that pink border is all scallops so that took the most time for the border.... machine blanket stitched....
I will keep a look out for a suitable backing - but meantime it is waiting patiently....

This month's UFO is my Quilt As You Go blocks that I did as part of my Scrap Challenge last year .... but I gave up after 9 colours...

I have made them into 3 runners.... Quilt club sends off "Bed Brighteners' to some care places just to cheer up the rooms so I decided these could go there.

they were done as a monthly quilting challenge and each block is quilted differently and quite heavily - so wouldn't have been a snuggly quilt (in my opinion)

The yellow block was incorrect, so made a central piece (you can see the corners face differently to others).  I actually really like the block and think one day I will make a quilt of it...

Some more KOGO squares have been crocheted.  My eyes have been very tired lately, however the suggestion for eye drops and some new glasses have helped a lot!  I was surprised at how much I needed stronger lenses....

Hubby enjoys tinkling in his office with models for his time out at home and has just finished this Pirate Ship

It's been going for about 3 years, repairs, painting, gluing, knotting 

There is so much detail and really fiddly work.  A canon in each of those port holes ...

All those 'ropes' needing knots and cogs....

55 cm long .... I love looking at all the detail.... 

Now he is searching for another challenge...

Righto, Gotto Go, time for another coffee....  have a lovely week everyone....x


loulee said...

Great way to use up your QAYG blocks. You're off to a great start for the month. Wow, that ship looks amazing.

Chantal said...

I love your crochet scarf. It's fun to see how the colour changes from one to the next. Congrats on getting The Blessings at a top level. Can't wait to see all the fancy quilting you will do on this one. I remember those QAYG blocks. They all looked so nice but to join them together like this is a great idea. I love the yellow one. You know me; all cheering for the oddball. Do you know the name of that block? My! Gosh! Your hubby is talented. And patient! His ship is AMAZING! My boys looked at the images and were very impressed too. Bravo, Mr. BubzRugz. Awesome job! Enjoy your successes ... both of you. ;^)

Jeanette said...

Great idea for your blocks. Love the colours of the scarf. The ship is amazing, well done Mr BubzRugz.

Julie said...

Those runners for the Care Homes are such a wonderful idea Fiona & just look lovely. Gosh you & hubby both have good eyes for the details in things - that ship is amazing!!

Jennifer said...

Love the pirate ship! I think I may have started this scarf once, or something much like it, but decided I didn't love it enough to finish it in the yarn I was using. That's a fun block too.

Susan said...

Good you sorted your eye issue - I have drops, omega 3 tablets, supposed to do eye massages...oh sigh...

So good that hubz has a hobby to entertain him too. it looks fabulous!

Lin said...

That ship is a masterpiece! Congratulations to the maker. I too like the 'wrong' block it makes a nice curved shape. Nice to use all your blocks, they make great runners. Your crochet scarf looks great, lovely colours and Blessings is such a fun top. xx

Jindi's Cottage said...

I really really like the curved effect of that incorrect block...Wow that ship model is amazing, all that detail!...pretty colours in your scarf...

Susie H said...

Those runners are really pretty, love the pretty colors -- sure to brighten someone's room. Your hubby's hobby is really cool. Glad he's got something productive to occupy himself. I think your scarf looks great. The gradient colors are so pretty!

Janice said...

You both do such beautiful, detailed work. Just lovely.

kiwikid said...

That ship is amazing - as you say so much detail! So much patience!! Great idea for your QAYG blocks, I like that the yellow one is different, I wonder if anyone will notice?? Good to hear the new glasses have helped, good pile of squares there.

Maria said...

I couldn't even crochet that scarf so you'er doing really well Fiona.
So good to have Blessings finished.
I like the way the yellow block is even though it's wrong.
Lovely pile of crocheted blocks.

WOW! Hubby Pirate Ship is amazing......

Ondrea said...

That scarf is beautiful! The colours are awesome. Love your runners and that yellow block looks good despite being made wrong. Well done!

Karen S said...

Gorgeous colours in that scarf. It looks lovely.
Your Blessings top is wonderful. Great work on the scallops.
I like the challenge blocks. Good idea to turn them into bed runners.
I am impressed with hubby's pirate ship.I can appreciate the detail in it. A lot of work. My hubby works at the opposite end of the scale. He volunteers at Docklands restoring the Alma Doepel, a 3 masted ship. I am going to show him your hubby's work.

Raewyn said...

Gosh the scallop border is effective but would have been a lot of work. Oh yes, I started the On Williams St blocks too. I like what you did with them, and also the yellow variation block! Wow well done on hubby finishing his Pirate Ship - so much detail and such a beautiful piece.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Those blocks are so lovely and will definitely brighten a care home room. Well done Mr. R on your pirate much detail. You've My done a great job! Mr. R would have been very impressed! So glad you got your eyes sorted xx

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