Friday, May 24, 2024

End of May is looming

Another week has swept past me....

I haven't done nearly as much as I wanted.... some unplanned things like a tooth breaking and then needing a rather expensive crown to fix it....

However, did find the dental experience a lot easier.  All done with an x-ray and scan and made (possibly 3D printed?) on site so done and dusted within 2 hours and home chewing comfortably.....  No come back for another appointment etc.

Then a cervical smear..... which is now self serve, so no indignation of spreading legs and having cold instruments shoved in.... just a visit to the loo and do it yourself.... and they are good for 5 years ...  

So you can tell what kind of week I had!!!  A lot better than it might have been.....

I needed not too much thinking for my sewing.... this tablecloth was bought at a charity shop some time ago...

A lovely cotton but too small for my 6 seater table...

My repurposing for this week, chop chop and sew in hems and I have 8 more dishcloths - that actually absorb water....

Progress on my Embroidered Table Runner...


,,,, and After....

Still lots more to do on this section...

KOGO have put a call out for baby blankets so I have started this one ... it is actually a pretty light blue with a navy stripe ... The crochet is a twist, easy but effective and I do need to watch what I am doing....

I am using a 4 ply acrylic so it will be soft and washable....  I will need to do a hunt for baby colours and soft yarn.

Righto, Gotto Go... a few things to do around the house before settling in for tonights TV viewing....

Have a lovely weekend .....xx


Jennifer said...

Pretty embroidery, it's coming along nicely.....good idea to repurpose your tablecloth; it would make good shopping bags too.

Jeanette said...

Your table runner is progressing well. Looks good. Good use of the table cloth, i'll have to remember that when i finally run out of crochet dishcloths. :)

Julie said...

Isnt May going by so incredibly fast Fiona?! Mind you I probably say that about every month! I love the idea of those dishcloths & they look wonderful. xx

Maria said...

You’re all serviced now both top and bottom. ๐Ÿ˜œ…
Great recycling ♻️ by making the dish clothes from the table clothe.
Some pretty embroidery done and also crocheting. ๐Ÿงถ

Chantal said...

Sorry to hear about the tooth problem! Glad that is all done and no pain. As for the other "hole", I'll keep it to myself, lol. I have to get that done too and I hope we have the same "self-serve" that you had.
You made an awesome progress on the table runner. I turn old linen tablecloths into dishcloths too. They are the best ones. Enjoy the TV sewing tonight. ;^)

Narelle said...

Oh my! The mention of 'dentist' and I'm in a horror story. My last visit for the 'other' I was pleasantly surprised by the 'self-serve' ... oh the things we must do!
That was great progress on your table runner and the crochet looks effective ... maybe another on my 'to do' list :)

Ondrea said...

Glad your dental and medical experiences were good. I have several crowns and the process sounds much quicker now. I am totally surprised about the pap smear. Love your embroidery and the crochet is looking lovely. I must find where I can drop off things for Kogo as my patchwork groups used to have boxes to put things in for Kogo but I haven't been involved with groups for years.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Ouch on the tooth front. I was disappointed there was no champers for my final CS visit lol! Your embroidery is beautiful. Good upcyling on the tablecloth xx

Karen's Korner said...

A busy week all in and out of the sewing room for you. Great job on recycling the tablecloth. Good progress on the runner.

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