Friday, May 17, 2024

3rd week of May

Another week gone by.....

Almost no progress on my Embroidered Table Runner so I haven't even bothered with a picture - I am planning to focus my hand-work on it this next week.

I mentioned daughter and grandson moved out (without taking the cat) and whilst here she enjoyed using my bowl cosies for those soups and porridge etc.

So I made her some for her new place.... These are reversable and I made 2 girly ones and 2 boyish ones and a cat one (to remind them of Apollo at my house)

As you can see the cat really is perfectly comfortable using our bed....

This embroidery took me most of the week.  I have a retreat at the end of the month and they have a swap - this year it is a placemat....

Although it is fairly simple doing the 4 rows of running stitch over 4 threads took me a while keeping them within the lines - and weaving three lots up and down and over......

However, I like the effect and I think it will be usable as well as attractive....

On Tuesday at Quilt Club we had a charity day raising funds for the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation.  The theme was red (it is the clubs 40th anniversary this year) and we were encouraged to wear red and decorate our tables.  

I personally had nothing to contribute to the decor (except heaps of admiration) but the ladies did a fantastic job of it...

the setting was different on both sides....

Our table won 1st prize for the table and we earned a box of chocolates to share!!  All a bit of fun though it was amusing to see the competitive side of people come out.  

I did take some red wool to crochet!

For show and tell we were asked to bring in an early item of craft.  I took in this quite large tablecloth

I must have made this in my early teens and I remember it was a gift for my mom. (she was very surprised as I wasn't very crafty at all)

When I had to clean up her house I was touched to find it there and remembered I had made it.... One of the few things that came with me when we immigrated as it can roll into a small space.

Sentimental I guess because it is not well made and I think might fall apart!!! hahha

I did have to give it a wash before I took it as somehow it had dirty little cat prints on it!!!

Righto, Gotto Go.... coffee to drink


Jeanette said...

Sorry Fiona i just had to laugh about the cat. Reminds me of my brother & his cat & how we inherited when he left home. :) He sure does look comfortable on your bed. Love the cosies & thanks for the reminder that i've been wanting to make some. I'll get the fabrics & pattern out now. :) Love the cloth you mad your Mum, it's lovely.

Julie said...

How funny that they've left their cat there Fiona ... well probably NOT funny for you. He sure does look most at home on your bed. Love everything you have made - those bowl cosies are such a great idea. Love the red table decor - some interesting items tucked in there. xx

Lin said...

Very smart placemat Fiona. The red table does look amazing! It took me a while to work out what the lethal looking double pronged instrument was at the front of the first picture lol. Lovely that your Mum kept the pretty tablecloth. xx

Jennifer said...

That's one very comfortable! Love your red themed pieces.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Fiona, I've been here quite a while on your site reading all your posts on that Sweethearts Playground table runner. I just love it and so enjoy seeing your progress on it. I like all the embroidery projects you choose, actually. And the array of stitching you undertake. All so enjoyable to read about. Thanks so much for sharing your work.

Maria said...

The cat does look at home but how do you feel about it! 🤔
Those cosies are a great gift for your DD and GS.
Looks like a fun day at your sewing group.
How nice to have the table cloth you made for your Mum many years ago.

marina said...

I hate to tell you but I think those plate holders are way too subtle in regards to giving hints about the cat and about the cat, he looks way too at home to be going anywhere lol
Love your tablecloth what beautiful memories attached, even the cat print ones

Karen's Korner said...

Me thinks that you have been "adopted" by Puss. Those bowl cosies make great gifts and pretty fabrics used. A lovely get together to raise funds for the local hospital. A nice trip down memory lane with the tablecloth.

Ondrea said...

Love your tabby, reminds me of one I had. The bowl cosies will be well used and the embroidery looks interesting. Such a lovely keepsake of your early craft days.

WoolenSails said...

We had the same thing happen, my son left his cat when they moved and said two weeks, it was over 8 years.
I do enjoy making bowl cozies, need to start making more, they do make nice gifts. The piece you gave your mom is such a treasure.


Janice said...

Your red charity day sounds like lots of fun and you had some very creative ladies on your table. I left my cat with my parents when I left home at 19, but he was more Dad’s anyway. That was a pretty fine effort with the table cloth when you were a teen. Of course your Mum would keep it.

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