Saturday, October 17, 2020

Coffee, coffee, coffee.....

Hubz and I enjoy our coffee ...... 

We still have our pod machine and I do use it every now and then but a few months ago we got ourselves one of the drip machines..... like the ones we used to have way back when ....

So we experimented a bit with coffee beans and used our grinder so it was fresh...

Now it is really fresh....

A selection of Green beans purchased... we got Ethiopian, Kenyan and Brazilian ones

This is how they look.... green....

Hubz roasted them in a popcorn maker.... if you are interested there is lots on youtube and we had to experiment a bit with amounts so the beans would turn.....

It is interesting hearing the crack and then watching the outer chaff go off, then watching the colour change and waiting for a second crack....

Here are some of our first home roasted beans... they get sealed and wait a few days before grinding... there is a definite difference in the smell of coffee developing over this time....

Here is our home grounded coffee.... you can see bits of chaff in it that were still there (it was our first attempt after all)

We are still experimenting a bit on the amount of grind to the amount of water but I have to say I am pleased with our first result.... I recently started having black coffee as my first thing in the morning drink and this coffee is certainly very smooth....

We started off with the Kenyan.... this next week it will be Ethiopian... will be interesting to note any difference

So there we go... our new home roasted coffee... I wonder if I bought Hubz a few coffee trees we can really become self sufficient????

These blocks were finished this week....

Betty Butterfly ....

Cheeky Monkey....

Lady bug in blue.....

Gentle Giraffe....

They need some borders/piecing which I will get round to some time....  I will need to do a bit of thinking so that I can make them sizes to suit ....

Righto, Gotto Go.... time to try that Ethiopian coffee. 

Have a lovely weekend....


Susan said...

Have fun experimenting - I think I'll stick to the pods though (less work!!!)
Love these baby animals.

marina said...

Now that's a dedication to coffee drinking! I daren't show Joe your post.... he is so pedantic about coffee and what beans to use. He would love to roast his own. Wonder what a blend of all three would be like?
love those blocks... so sweet.

Karen's Korner said...

Those blocks are just soooooooooooo sweet. Fresh coffee...yum.

Jane said...

mum and dad used to grind their own beans, but they bought them ready roasted. I love the smell of coffee but don't drink it :)

Jennifer said...

I buy beans and grind my own, but don't roast the beans. Ethiopian coffee has a distinct taste and there is one variety - Yirgacheff - which is naturally lower in caffeine, so you can have more.

Lin said...

I love my coffee but am happy to buy it ground. Love my expresso pot too! The animal blocks are so cute. xx

Chantal said...

I could smell the aroma of your coffee beans all the way here as I sip mine on this sunny morning. I love my cup of coffee, not much of a tea person, but coffee, anytime!
Love those animals applique. They make me smile.
Enjoy a cuppa for me please. ;^)

Maria said...

Oh I bet those coffee beans smell gorgeous...
Cute animals blocks.

barbara woods said...

we drink a pot every day

Flickenstichlerin said...

A good cup of coffe is always nice, as are your finished blocks.

Janice said...

Roasting your own coffee sounds like a bit of fun. You’ll be working on your own unique blends soon. Love the appliqués.

kiwikid said...

Your animal locks are lovely, they make me smile! Interesting to see what you are doing with your coffee, I love the smell but do not drink it. So when are the coffee trees going in??😀😀

Shelina said...

That coffee looks good. I have a friend who grinds the beans, but I think they buy roasted ones. You will have to try different coffees to decide which tree to plant in your garden, unless you want a whole orchard!

Cheryll said...

Interesting... AnD delicious too...
Love the "animals" you are working on as well....

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

those are some adorable blocks. Will you make another baby quilt with them? mmmmmmmmm.....I can smell the coffee all the way over here. There is just nothing better than the smell of good coffee........well yes, the taste of good coffee is pretty awesome too!

Kathleen said...

What’s the pattern for those darling animal blocks? I have a new granddaughter and figure if I start a quilt for when she gets a big girl bed (age 3ish) I might finish in time! 😆

Louise said...

It's wonderful that your home roast coffee is so smooth you can drink it black! That's says loads about how good it is. I had espresso in Argentina that was like that...almost a different drink than regular old coffee :)

Karen S said...

As I read this post I kept smelling fresh coffee. Talk about the power of suggestion.
Love those applique blocks.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona sounds like you are having fun with the coffee,I prefer tea myself lol. What cute blocks you have made my friend ,well done xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

I can almost smell that coffee! Those baby animals are very cute xx

Raewyn said...

Interesting! That seems really adventurous doing the whole roasting thing as well!! I'm still in the instabt coffee realm but appreciate a nice coffee when I go out! Love those baby animals, they're going to make gorgeous quilts.

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