I had a special request for beds for dolls and other stuffed toys... for a certain grandiegirls birthday this month....
Happy 4th birthday Maddy.... we love you lots ...
I had some happy scraps from the 'strip' quilt... and they were perfect colours for a princess's stuffies....
... a little bunny slipped in there.....
an assortment of little beds ....
I also put in one of these pretty little zippy bags to hold those special treasures princesses have.....
this is an older pic now but I love it
Haha... even a princess has to be silly sometimes?
Maddy's mum sent me a picture with the little beds in use.... so sweet
they were all exhausted after a day at the Seaside and picnic lunch
Righto, Gotto Go..... I've got paperwork to sort out today... yeuckkkk.
I'd rather eat birthday cake.

Love the sleeping bags, they were a big hit when I made some too! Lots of fun to make and great scrap buster, for wadding plus fabric...bonus!
They are so cute. Hugs, xx
Perfect gifts for any princess, Happy Birthday Maddy!
Hi Fiona ,awwhh these are so cute,i think you have one very happy princess there my friend xx
Perfect princess presents Fiona...love the later photo too!!
These are such gorgeous gifts for your lovely grand daughter. And i do like the picture of a princess on a tractor. That's exactly as it should be!
Those little beds are so cute, Fiona. Happy birthday to Maddy.
she is definitely a little cutie!
what a good nanna you are to make all those little sleepy bags for her toys.
looks like they enjoyed a good sleep over.
What a lovely Nan you are Fiona. Looks like they were put to good use
Very cute - what a fabulous idea!! Happy birthday to the Princess.
Love them xxx
Just too cute for words.
They are really cute. And such a good idea to do a variety of sizes. She is a cutie.
Aww! What a lovely Nana for a sweet little Princess to have. Happy birthday Princess Maddie x
Happy birthday to Grandiegirl.....love all those little beds!
Oh Fiona,
this is just too cute. How adorable and how neatly the gang was put in bed, so cute.
Is the first picture with little Princess on a tractor? Are your tractors this big?
How cute! The beds and the grandiegirl. She's so lucky to have you.
Those little pieces are the sweetest!!!! I'm so glad you have a young one to do such for, as my 2 little great granddaughters prefer the more rough and tumble out of doors activities (totally opposite of their mom!!!!). Their dollies remain alone in corners of their room.........
The little beds look great . Such a cute idea.
Simply GoRGeoUS... xox
That's either one hungamunga tractor, or one tiny little princess! Love the little beds.
Looks like Princess Maddy had a great birthday and what wonderful wee beds...She's a lucky little girl to have such a fabulous Nana...
love those little beds, you'll have to do a grown up version :)
Oh how cute, goegeous idea
Lovely stuff Fiona. xx
Oh how cute - and your little princess is just adorable!!!!
How very very cute! I haven't kept up with your blog because I am mainly on my tablet and for some reason it hadn't come up that you had new posts. Grrrrr. My apologies
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