.... earlier this month I was working on some blocks for my North Pole Christmas quilt....
Val is hosting a quiltalong for this and I am trying to work according to her suggested plan...
there are 7 of us altogether making this... you can join too!!!
Mr & Mrs Clause's house |
as you can see I'm doing a bit of mixed fabrics, there are cottons, trims, wool felt for the trees and some fussy cutting (door and little tree)
Trees and Reindeer |
I will finish off the tree with a button star and some 'real' wood antlers for the reindeer at the end....
Righto, Gotto Go... got the Elves bunkhouse and the 'carryout' to make next
(I'm tossing between 'takeaway' or 'BottleO'.... what do you think?)
Val has a linky HERE so can always pop along and see what others are doing - I just LLLLOOOOVVVE Val's block...
PS.... Rellies are here, rain has stopped, rivers are going down, sun is out, ....
Val has a linky HERE so can always pop along and see what others are doing - I just LLLLOOOOVVVE Val's block...
PS.... Rellies are here, rain has stopped, rivers are going down, sun is out, ....

I love it... I really wish I could work on this along with you and Val - and I see she is near Brisbane too...
I love how you did your blog, that is a fun quilt along.
I have the book, but haven't gotten a chance to use it yet.
Your block looks great Fiona. Mine arrived yesterday so am looking forward to planning mine and stitching along with you :) hugs
Oh this is just too cute, I know this will be such a charming quilt with all the extras you are adding ,I would love to do this BUT , no book and no time ;-) hugs Sheila
So pleased the rellies are finally here...enjoy!!! Love that quilt!
The block looks great. Glad your rellies arrived. Hugs,xx.
Glad to hear all is well with your visitors and the weather. Great blocks too.......how about Hot Choc Bar.
Glad the rellies got there safe. I love the look of your blocks. The antlers look so cute and I love the rick rack roof on the house. Good job linking up on my blog.
Lucky Mr & Mrs Claus, that is a very sweet house and much fun additions. Enjoy your visitors and maybe some dry days?
WooHoo... on all counts! :)
You're really doing a great job on your project there. Ric rac just adds something special doesn't it? Love your star button too.
Cheers, Anita.
So cute, I love the twiggly antlers on the reindeers
this project is so cute Fiona and i love your version and i think takeaway,lol.
Glad the rain has stopped and rivers are going down,there will be no tours for the relies yet?
Enjoy your day my friend.xx
Good to hear your relies have arrived safely. Hopefully the weather will be kind for their visit.
Lovely blocks - the ricrac adds a great touch.
Glad to hear that the river is subsiding. Your blocks are looking fabulous.
Such a sweet project... Glad your visitors are safely in residence.
Love your blocks sp far fiona - would have loved to do this SAL with you all - its just gorgeous
Oh, I think definitely a Bottle-O!
This looks fun, I can imagine some little people being very intrigued with this one
your block looks fantastic. It's going to be a great project.
Hope you are enjoying your rellies now that they have arrived. Don't want to bring them to Melbourne do you?
Your block looks very nice Fiona. Glad to hear everything is back on track. Sharyn:)
Looking good! Isn't it interesting how much of a difference it makes to the reindeer when it has its antlers!
I like BottleO.
Love your blocks, glad your rellies arrived safe, enjoy
Your blocks look great! The ricracs and antlers really make them something special.
glad all the family is safe ......just love your blocks
I vote for the BottleO...where else are you going to get the beer for santa... and a little bottle of red... to celebrate when you finish? ..It looks great already!
Xx Lea
Very cute! Is that real sticks for antlers? Cute!
Blocks are looking great. Glad the weather has settled down too.
This block is gorgeous Fiona, I love all the detail you added, hugs Wendy
So, was it a Bottle O - or a take away place that you did??
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