I started playing with my Aneela Hoey Little Apples fabric a while ago....
............... and made this coin panel (charm squares sliced in half)
I picked up the pink in the fabric (in case we have a grandiegirl you see) ...........
but I couldn't stop there so I traced some of the trees...... and tortoises..... and apples.....
and snails... and flowers.... and grasses.....
to make a panel to fit along the top.......
and still I couldn't stop....
..... so I added a little bit of applique...
I think this may be the perfect backing....
.... a bit of 'vintage' sunbonnet Sue picking up the grey....
I hope its a girl so I can give her this.....
I hope its a boy so I can keep it......
...... now for the quilting inspiration .....
and I'm thinking to pick up the green for the binding???? or the red?

Brilliant Fiona. This is fabulous. I might have to steal this idea and make a boy version for Henry.
looks great Fiona.....lovely fabrics.......I have some Sherbit Pips to play with........
Love what you done. The top looks fantastic. Hugs,
Oh Fiona it's gorgeous! Coins would be a great way to use up the charm squares I've bought over the years but haven't managed to cut into, LOL!
For the binding I think I would go with the green - I think it would be a bit softer than red. However, you could audition both and then decide - the red might really pop!
Well aren't you creative? The embroidery is a perfect touch!
Oh Fiona this is so lovely and looks great...love 'if its a boy'... I would want to keep it too.
Hugs Dawn x x x
Wow! It looks fantastic!
I love the little stitcheries at the top and the applique is great too.
I would love the green binding, the red would be nice too.
ADORABLE. Love it. I think I vote for the red... hmm.. hard choice.
very cute quilt
binding how about a blend of the two colors if you do not want one to stand out more than the other. cut your strips the width of fabric and then at least in half or thirds and join with a 45 degree angle. If you go with a single color it will pull that color and embroidered trees out. Either way it will be adorable. be proud of this one..... and when is the baby due???
Hello Fiona,
Creativity is seeping out of you. Love the fabric and your additions are so beautiful. Babies on demand,put in a order right now!!!
Your family must love you so much with all your beautiful creations.
Happy days.
That is just too stinkin' cute, Fiona! I LOVE the little embroidered panel you added...and the applique is nice, too! And although green is one of my most favorite colors, I would probably make the binding red if I was doing it. I love the way red looks with gray! But whatever you decide, it's going to be beautiful and the recipient (maybe you? :o) will love it!
So cute! Good Job :)
This is wonderful, Fiona.
I love the way you have picked up the little pictures in the embroideries. That is such a great idea. You will see everyone doing that now!!!Gorgeous applique too.
This is going to be a lovely baby quilt!!
What a lucky little vegemite!
I Love the fact that you have thought outside the box..Love what you have done to make a seperate border with the Stitching...Fabulous.
Well Done.
well done Fiona you have done a wonderful job of this quilt and either red or green would look good for the binding.Congrats on your win at Allies
Oh, that is so fabulous and wonderiferous!!! Wow, hmm, I don't know whether to wish you it be a boy or a girl...
Oh my goodness look at you putting your sewing skills into practice! I absolutely love it! Never thought about copying something from fabric. I hope it's a boy too ...... x
You never run out of ideas and go with them, a lovely, quilt .
The upper and lower borders make for a very unique quilt! Lovely!
What a beautiful quilt. I absolutely love the stitching at the top - just gorgeous. I'm tempted to say red for the binding...
that is just gorgeous! love your panel across the top...lovely colours too.
It is adorable ,just love the embroidery you added as well as the applique ,I think I'd like the red it would make it pop ,I'm sure it will be sweet whatever you decide.hugs
Absolutely ADORE that embroidery...brilliant!
In AWE of you and that beautiful quilt!!!
Oh my goodness - it's absolutely gorgeous!
I love your stitching. Love, love, love it!
How cute is that!
Its a beautiful quilt Fiona! And your stitching is just perfect and sooooo sweet. You are so creative and productive. I'll keep reading your posts and maybe some of your energy will rub off on me!
totally agree with everyone Bubz...looks fantastic....
Fiona your quilt is beautiful. The stitching really adds a lot. LOVE it.
Fantastic quilt! Love the cute fabrics, and the stitchery, you're a clever girl. I hope you get a boy ............ or a girl......LOL
Fiona that is absolutely gorgeous..
This is so lovely - you have really enhanced such a simple but effective design. Love the stitchery and the applique really make it unique. Looking forward to what you decide for the binding.
I love the look of your quilt and your stitchery sets it off perfectly, clever you!
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