A Treasure Chest......
for my favourite pirate who turned 5 last week
This lovely edible treasure chest was made by DD1 - I think it's wonderful
Our little Pirate lives in the UK and he was 3 last time I cuddled him..... it really is time for another cuddle.
I felt really bad&sad as I had promised him I would be there for his party but things didn't work out.....
(eat your heart out Johnny Depp - you can walk the plank)
Pop along to Melody's House on the Side of the Hill and see what other treasures have been found - I do love the cottages she has found this week
My little blocks are growing......
oh - I love, love yellow daisies.....
I really should clear up the loose threads before taking pictures!!
don't you just love this cute little stitchery on a 2" square
Definitely a project where I can get lost in my Happy Place
Hope you can too!

Your grandson and his cake are such a wonderful treasure!! And your stitching is very beautiful.
What a little sweetie! It is definitely time for a cuddle, Fiona. I imagine your heart was broken when you had to change your plans. Fingers-crossed that it'll happen soon!
aww hes so cute :) And the stitching is gorgeous. Thought Id let you know I havent forgotten you, I just havent got to a post office. My bad
Very cute pirate and his cake is amazing. I am sorry you didn't get to be there for hugs.
Your applique is looking fantastic. Well done!
Your little pirate is very huggable. Hope you get to cuddle him soon. Our son lives in Belgium and we are going to visit him in 4 weeks time. Can't wait- he isn't too old for hugs either!! He doesn't have any children -yet!
Your little blocks are gorgeous. The needleturn is looking good.
Have a great day.
what an awesome cake! popped by from melody's, hope you don't mind a new follower. x
Hey!! what a neat birthday cake my DD is always on the look out for ideas...the chocolate clock cake is becoming a bit boring after 8 yrs but that is what her kids have chosen each year... she would love this though!!!
hugs Laurie
What a gorgeous little boy - I do hope you get to see him in person soon.
Your sewing is lovely - this will be such a lovely quilt. Thanks so much for playing along today.
Your grandson is a cutie and the cake is awesome. Your sewing is really lovely....
It is so hard when there are so many miles between families isn't there? Out of interested who moved, your daughter or you?
Enjoy being lost in your Happy Place :-)
What a great cake (and a real treasure!).. your Grandson is such a cutie... That cheekie smile on his face makes me think that treasure chest didn't look like that for long! ha ha...I hope you get to give him that cuddle soon!
Cute little priates make the best treasures :)
Looks like you've been busy too ... lovely work.
What a gorgeous pirate!! And so far away. Hope you caught up on skype.
Love the way the blocks are growing!
Wow what a treasure chest...lucky little pirate...
Your butterfly garden is growing beautifully...
great blocks Fiona and what a good looking little guy,happy birthday
WOW What a wonderful cake. YUMMY !!!!
great blocks
The treasure chest cake is so clever. Such a cutie young grandson too, it is hard not being close on those special days.
Your needleturn is progressing nicely and it is a cute embroidery.
What a cute cake...and a cute grandson. I am sorry that you don't get cuddle time very often. That is sad. :(
ARGH Matey - Happy Birthday and what a wonderful cake! Yep, time for a cuddle Fiona before he's too old for them! I'm so sorry you didn't get to go to his party. Your blocks are looking so wonderful!
Too bad your plans had to change as I know how much a cuddle with this sweet little guy would mean . Love your blocks , great work.
Hey Fiona! Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A Pirate's Life For Me!! Aaaaarrrrr!! :0) Gotta love a piratey birthday - and what a cute Pirate he is too. Hope the time comes soon when you get that updated cuddle. Your Butterfly Garden block is coming up wonderfully - good on you! Can't wait to see the whole block ... then the whole QUILT finished! :0) It is a happy quilt to work on, so ENJOY!! Bear Hugs! KRIS
What a cutie pie of a pirate! That cake is absolutely incredible! Oh my gosh!
xx, shell
I really love your yellow daisy block. It is really pretty. Hopefully you can get your hug real soon.
Your little man is just the cutest! Hope he had a lovley birthday. Your BG blocks are looking terrific, you're putting me to shame......
Have a great weekend!
Oh I so wish you got there for a special pirate hug... it makes me feel so lucky that mine is so close.. xx
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