Since yesterday I have been unable to access my Inbox and all saved emails from my Yahoo account..... I have spent over an hour and a half 'chatting' to help staff on line who finally realised they couldn't help me since I live in Australia and I have to get someone local.... of course I had to email Australia from that account and maybe they have answered (maybe they haven't) but of course I can't get into the email!!!! haha.....
Anyway I have now set up a new email - in gmail..... but this means previous comments and emails have all gone..... I am trying to import them but so far having no luck.... and seeings I don't really know what I am doing........
My apologies if you have emailed or commented and I haven't replied.
...... this is a pain... all my swap details (and I do love my swaps) and contacts etc are down the gurgle it seems...
... I will have to rely on my temperamental menopausal memory
well..... you can imagine how much I need that glass of wine......

I copy all my swap info into word documents and save them in my computer....because my e-mail account is finickity and it might just put them somewhere I can't find them, but also because I can be air brained sometimes. I've deleted important e-mails in the past....
How utterly frustrating Fiona!!! Janet's suggestion is a good one, however I'm like you - all my stuff is in my emails too.
Good luck!!!
Joy ;o)
Modern life eh!!
ohh nooo have a bottle of wine,lol
Hi Fiona,
I know exactly what you are talking about regarding frustrating computers and email accounts!! Lucky you, I am your Chrissy swap partner for July (just got the email today), so if you are able to email me back or leave a comment on my blog I can send you the relevant info.
Its nice that I 'know' someone I am swapping with this time - I've been following your blog for a while now.
Hugs, Larissa.
I hate this has happened to you. Don't worry about anything this end, I got your email and answered (if you haven't already read it) and none of it was important. Hang tight someone will get you figured out. By the way, I love gmail.
Oh!! DAG-NAB it!!! I'd give you a cyber hug....but, the glass of wine might make you feel better...than the hug =P
crack open that bottle and chill, find a teenager that can come and fix your computer in a second. They always seem to know everything!
Good luck with the memory thing, what was that again?
Poor Bubz...very frustrating...I think you may need two glasses...
I am finally trying to catch up on my blog reading...and my internet wont stay on tonight. A few more blogs to go...
No need to reply...I completely understand!
How frustrating. Good luck with either finding out what you need to fix it, or remembering what you need to.
The rest will take care of itself. And most of us have been in a similar situation so understand about emails being lost.
I was going to say you need two glasses of wine not one, but I like the comment from Shez better...go for the bottle. I also save all my contact addresses in word - I don't trust email accounts anymore.
Technology is great when it works, but when it doesn't it causes huge headaches-hope it all gets sorted for you.
I agree. Forget the glass, go for the bottle. You may even find that the whole thing makes sense then. Good luck!
Computers - either brilliant or "lets take this heap of.... to the dump". So fantastic when they are working well - but when they're not!! Good luck - hope you get it all back.
Poor Fiona, I so feel for you... I agree, grab a teenager or techno wizard!! I run to my daughter in law, she is awesome.. Sending hugs xx
*passes you a bottle, a packet of double choc timtams and gives you a hug*
my hot mail is doing that lately. i delete emails, come back to find them still there. grrr. it keeps trying to install software. i hate it! it's not my PC because it happens on my laptop too. grrr i feel your frustrations.
I'd probably be in a worse mess than you, I have no technology bones in my body ;-0I tend to write out the addresses for swaps straight away or I just might delete by accident .Hope you get things up and running properly . hugs Sheila
Ohhh Fiona, I feel your pain. It's not quite 9am that too early to join you in a glass of wine?
Maybe chocolate might be better and a nice cry usually does it for me.
Fiona I so feel your pain. I am have gmail and I am having trouble with my email. Every now and then I get the window that says and it wants my password. Enter password does not work. My husband has go in and delete and whatever else he does. Then it works for awhile well I am in the same boat again. Do you mind if I copy your picture with the laddy shooting the computer? That is so how I feel right not.
I feel your pain Fiona. I am looking for my swap partner Maries address so I can mail off her pressies. I can't find the printed copy & as my lappy died I don't ave access to my email or the Word docment I saved. I am so hoping my backup worked before the hard drive was wiped. Great when they work these technical gadgets! Tracee xx
Good luck, I think we have all been frustrated at one time or another. So we can all feel your pain. I have to also say that your pictures were very funny.
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