Robyn has given a challenge to find some hexagon's .......
..........mmmmm ...........
this is a photo of mosaic floors I spotted in Melbourne.....
I made this bag some time ago when I was experimenting with hexies.....
it's fun but not practical..... too shallow.......
too easy to steal my money
if I had some in there
There has to be some snacks
Pumpkin Scones anyone
they look the right shape?
Last year's Stitch-A-Long required 1/2" hexagons....
a real challenge for me making them
This is the whole block.... you can see how many there were to make
Thanks to Marina, Carol and Lorraine for this lovely block
which I need to make up into something
My ongoing Christmas Hexi ornaments.....
They even have a special Hexie box.....
(I think we originally got chocolates in it - yummo!)
and a lovely card
I've had a few of these lovely 'quilt' cards from overseas
I just love them
love, love, love
Oh - and I have some templates.... for motivation..... for when I am going to get hooked on hexies
Have you got sexy hexies to show us
pop along to Robyn's and join in the fun

I love all the hexies... Dont you just love those quilt blocks too.
Hope you have a super day!
Wow! Hexagon city at your place. My favourite is the scones :)
The mosaic flooring was a great find and how clever were those scones to organise themselves like that :)
Love all your hexie finds.
well done Fiona you have lots of hexies i didnt think i had any till i seen your hexie bag then i remembered that i had made 1 last year,i had better go and find it.
Hello Fiona,
I think I need to come to your kitchen straight away. Those scones look divine, I can see the steam coming out of them.
Happy hexies.
I just love all of your hexies. They are fun to make.
Now that is one awesome hexie display.....your stitching round the block looks fantastic...
Yum... pumpkin scone hexies! my absolute favourite today *grin* toni xxx
Love all your hexies! (especially the clever scone hexie)
I don't think it will be long before you are a hexiholic!
Oh those pumpkin scones...delish!!
Lovely stitched/coloured fabric hexies....great pics.
Love your hexies. I love stitching hexies..especially the English Paper Piecing Method...I get to park my tush on the couch!
Lots of great hexagons, I do love working with them.
Now that I got my machine back, time to get sewing.
You found a lot - love them all!
Love all your Hexies. You and I have the same stationery cards. They are so cute.
Fabulous, especially those stitched Christmas hexies.
Oh Fiona... thanks for finding a hexing floor..was hoping someone would :D Love it and your scones...very clever!!
Another great week... Happy Friday and Happy Easter to you too xox
Loved seeing all those hexies and I'd love one of those pumpkin scones please , tea would be nice too ;-) hugs Sheila
I found my hexie bag Fiona and i really like the fabrics that you have sewn your bag in
Gorgeous, every one. I especially like the embroidered blocks.
I made a few then quit. I might take them up again though as I have seen a couple of neat things done where they are not the 'whole' quilt. Much better.
Too much fun! I do love hexies. :)
xx, shell
Great to see all those hexies - I would have never noticed one in everyday life before. Good to see your Stitching Around The Block - mine is nearly done; I'm thinking of turing mine onto a cusion as one of my friends has done - it's a good size for it.
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