Friday, September 20, 2024

Third week of September

My scrap bin was overflowing...... so I am chopping into 3 1/2" squares and 2 1/2" squares

Usually I sort them into colours and add them to the colour scrap bins... but they are full too!!!

There is a plan for all these, I will make as many blocks as I can.  I do love a scrappy quilt!!

The pieces that are smaller than that is going to a friend who likes insanely small scraps (if you lived closer Chantal I would give them to you!)

I finished my Intermezzo Quilt (thanks to Marina for the distraction!!!)  

I do love the variegation and those fun little circles for the fringe....

I also got into my Christmas fabrics with a plan for some handmade decorations.....

I have a nice pile of 48 crochet squares for KOGO.  They will make a 1.2 x 1.6 blanket.  (These are just the ones I recently finished)

Embroidery Guild was fun this week, there was only a few of us and it's always those times there seems to be conversation between us all.....

I got quite a few of my Sashiko style blocks done.....

I bought some cheap towels this week and made up a bunch (8) of golf themed hanging towels from left over fabric.....

 Hubz is a keen golfer and these hang nicely on the side of his bag for cleaning the golf balls....

One of the most useful gadgets I bought a few years ago was this set for adding the plastic studs... so nice and easy and so many different colours.  I don't use them much so it will likely last my lifetime (and more) but they are great for these little towels.

One of the lovely ladies at embroidery brought in a shopping bag of lemons for me.... so I popped into a supermarket on the way home and Hubz and I made up this lemon syrup...

Makes a great cordial and fantastic in a gin and tonic!  I make it the way my mum used to....

 Equal parts lemon juice and sugar, bring to the boil, simmer for about 10 minutes to thicken up and bottle in sterilised bottles.....

She never kept it in the fridge but I do..... 

Righto, gotto go... it has warmed up again so maybe I'll go and have a nice refreshing lemon drink....

Have a lovely weekend....


Susan said...

Lots of variety as usual - those snap guns are great to have handy - like you I don't use it there will be plenty left when I'm gone,
Lemon syrup sounds great....I need a friend with plentiful lemons to share around.

Julie said...

A busy week with lots accomplished Fiona. I used to make lots of those hanging handtowels & a snap gun would've been so much easier than making all those button holes!!! Your lemon syrup looks wonderful ... if you lived near me I could keep you in lots of lemons. xx

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