Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Back to Club

Fun to get back to club today - and catch up with lots of different people.

We had a destash day - if there are 5 Tuesdays in a destash on the 5th - This month however we have our Christmas party on the 5th Tuesday so destash was early.

Members can bring in their goodies to sell, usually quilting related but not strictly.

Today there was (sadly) two deceased quilters stashes.... and there was a lot of fabric to choose from.  A really lot.

I chose some metreage of plain colours ($6/metre) as they are great to have to add in for backgrounds.  And a couple of bags of neutral light scraps (50c a bag).   There was so much more that I would have liked at very good prices.

Bargains for us, but sad for lost quilters - however the amount of fabrics that were there has made me resolved to use the lovely fabrics I have ....

Once I had finished shopping I sewed down these pies onto background fabric.  (The two packs of scraps were to find additional backgrounds for this quilt)

As usual there was show and tell....

This one is so clever with the use of colour 

This was a fun mat ....

She used cat fabrics to make up the strips...

Simple 4 patch placed on point with sashing and cornerstones.... lovely

I took my circles.... quite a lot of interest as it is simple but effective...

I would never have chosen turquoise to go with the brown... but how good does it look?

The pattern is a free on from Fat Quarter Shop.... found HERE - I think I will add this to my want to make list.

Sweet baby quilt...

Effective use of colours... that yellow really cheers  it up...

And a group of little quilts....

All in all a pleasant day.... I am looking forward to our Christmas lunch.  Usually we have an ornament swap but that is not happening this year.  Apparently too many people were taking gifts when they hadn't brought one in.  Seems a shame to me as I think it would be easy to just hand tokens to people as they handed in a gift to make sure that doesn't happen.  However, I am pleased to have the pressure of making something taken away this year.

Take care....


1 Jennifer said...

Wonderful to see your show and tell, Fiona! Yes, use up that fabric.....a shame your fellow members didn't have the chance.

2 Kathleen said...

Love your circle quilt. Would be a good use for scraps. Did you hand or machine appliqué them?

3 loulee said...

Lovely show and tell, thank you for sharing.

4 Julie said...

Amazing Show-n-tell there Fiona!! Love the cat mat!!! I always think when I see craft items in the Op Shops (& craft making items too) - that all mine will end up in there one day too. Looks like you got some good bits in the de-stash sale.

5 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Such beautiful and creative quilts! Love the kitty, very cool! xx

6 Chantal said...

I ponder about my stash every time I hear a quilter has passed away. What will the boys do with all of it? Lovely parade of quilts. I find turquoise plays well with a lot of colours. It just isn't a colour a gravitate to though. I love that quilt. It is quite simple to make but so effective. The cat mat is so cute. Thanks for sharing. ;^)

7 Lin said...

As always your group has come up with a stunning show and tell. The turquoise and brown is striking - I am very fond of turquoise and terracotta as a colour combo.
Always good to stock up on background fabrics, something I never seem to have as I always gravitate to bright florals and prints. However, am slowly trying to use my stash no not planning to go out shopping.
The cat is very clever and yes, gift swaps can be a pressure! xx

8 Maria said...

It’s always lovely to see others show and tell. Thanks for sharing.

9 kiwikid said...

We have been given lots of fabric at our group from quilters who have passed, makes me determined to us mine up! Great to get the background fabrics, lovely show and tell.

10 Janice said...

A lovely colander so much variety. Enjoy your new fabrics.

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