Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The next stop....

After Phillip Island we started moving northwards again till we got to our Parliamentary Capital Canberra

We spent a couple of days doing the touristy things as much as we could...

Old Parliament House..... where you can follow the story of Democracy and the offices are all set up as in Bob Hawkes Day.... very interesting few hours spent there...

 Then New Parliament House..... big, bold... also interesting - they haven't been able to keep up with the pictures of recent Prime Ministers (we kinda been changing them rather rapidly)

View from the New Parliament Building, Old Parliament and then War Memorial on the other side of the lake (far end)

We did go up the Telsta Tower... so cold and windy but lovely views....

I have forgotten what this building was... big man made lake which is used well and has lovely walks around it

Art Gallery..... 

 Some lovely Parks, winter time so dry and brown from frosts etc but the locals were friendly

We visited one small museum which had this gorgeous Australian themed wood burnt work... I liked this little one  which housed doilies.... (or Doyleys)

We also spent hours at the War Memorial... so much to see

There is lots to see there.... 

Hubz and I have succumbed to head colds..... we had these already this year!!! grrr

Anyway chicken soup was called for... this is a recipe that I do follow as it makes it just right and has a squeeze of lemon at the end which just makes it perfect...

Very easy to make …. this is the one I made but there are choices on the internet of course

I finished up this embroidery.. there wasn't much more to do

Its 12" square....

I haven't before done such an intensive embroidery project before....

A pattern by Faeries in My Garden....

… so much detail... I nearly gave up a few times....

Now to find some pretty fabric to finish it off....

Righto, Gotta Go....  I hope you have a lovely week....


My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

Glad you liked Canberra Fiona, but obviously like us when we visit our family there, we end up with colds and flu!

Your stitchery looks terrific, and I bet it will take some time to find just the 'right' fabric to complement it.

Safe travels to where ever you head next on your adventure.

Pink Rose said...

Hi my friend this is one place that's on my bucket list,you got to see quite a bit and what a lovely place for a visit,so sorry you and Dave aren't feeling well,but that soup sure looks like it would've perked you both up,hope your day is a good one Fiona xx

Jennifer said...

Your unidentified building is the National Library of Australia - a fascinating place with an excellent cafe! We like Canberra and make an annual trip. Such a pretty stitchery, even if was a lot of work.

Karen's Korner said...

Canberra is a great place to visit - once you get used to driving around in circles. Hubs and I were nearly divorced in Canberra all due on how to reach the War Memorial. That stitchery is definitely something to drool over. Just gorgeous.

Jane said...

Love the embroidery! Hope you feel better soon. Jonathan has given me his cold, but I ended up with it going to my chest, back to work today and i'm still croaking

Helen said...

Lovely photos of your trip to Canberra, the chicken soup is the perfect pick me up.Love your stitcheries.

Sue SA said...

Very pretty embroidery, well done! We are planning a holiday to ACT next, but honestly some of your views look exactly like I remember when my parents took me 40 years ago...without new parliament house of course!

Janice said...

It's surprising how much there is to see and do in Canberra. Your embroidery is beautiful, well worth the perseverance. Take care of those head colds, the soup would have been very therapeutic.

Chantal said...

Sorry to hear you got sick again. Sounds like you had a lovely trip up North. Your stitchery is always amazing and this one is the top. Wow! Really spectacular. Hope you get better soon. ;^)

Maria said...

Great photos of your travels in this and previous posts...
Pretty stitching and the. Soup looks delicious..

Louise said...

Oh, that soup looks yummy! It's just starting to feel a bit autumnal here, so I'm starting to crave soups and stews. Your little embroidery is amazing! All that detail! I'm glad you perservered :)

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time away! sorry you both got colds again... :( Love your embroidery! Glad you didn't give up! xx

kiwikid said...

Somehow I have missed your post here Fiona...so much to see and do in Canberra, I get lost with the one way roads, but really enjoyed the Parliament buildings and the War Museum. I think I have the same photo of the sphere in the air outside the art gallery. Great post.

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