I really don't like not completing something I have set out to do.... but sometimes a change of mind needs to be made...
I have decided not to finish off the rest of the Block heads blocks but instead sewed together the blocks I have
This one is 54" x 42"
This one is 48" x 42"
I have two spare blocks... at some stage they will become something!
I am happy with the two smaller quilts - they are a bit bitty but also a bit pretty and can become useful lap quilts.
Most of the first one was already together and the second one was not too much to do as there are a few big blocks.
I then started to sew together blocks using the stitched postcards and flannel fabrics...
… and now the first row is all together (there are 5 rows to be done)
I am enjoying the scrappy style of this one.....
Now I need to pull out the next couple of stitcheries to be done for this month.....
One Block Wednesday (done on Tuesday) blocks are done for this week.....
and I have appliqued the stitchery onto the Dresden plate blades....
This is where I am at with these blocks...… 3 more to go ….
I think I need to watch more TV - I don't seem to be getting much of my handsewing done... I am working on another mouse at the moment but she needs a few more evenings work...
Today I went to a stitching morning ….
This is my efforts for it!!! From one end of the shrubs to the other end is 1 1/2" so you can see not that much.... but it is single thread and there are a lot of little knots (you can count them if you like). I have a bit of homework on this one... (several of us are working on the same project so I need to catch up with those that go faster than me)
Righto, Gotto Go... I need to pull out postcards and the next Flowerville stitchery and put them in a place so I remember to work on them.....

Sometimes it can be a refreshing relief to end a project you're no longer in love with. I love the hedge, something very satisfying about a bunch of knots
Even if you have finished you have two wonderful quilts there. Love the postcards, they look great. Well done on the OBW blocks, I have cut several today and will get to them after my holiday. Your stitcheries and dresdens are lovely...your shrubs are tiny...ai was too scared to count the knots 😊😊.
We could all do with more time for sewing....I am scared to try to count those itty bitty things!
I really like that you made two smaller quilts from the Blockhead blocks...
Flowerville is very sweet and your Postcards are looking great sewn into its row...
There sure are lots of tiny buds on the stitchery.
They made beautiful lap quilts, great idea for pieces we lost interest in finishing into larger ones.
Love how the postcards look in the quilt and your stitcheries are coming along beautifully.
They are both beautiful quilts. Love how your postcards & Flowerville look. Hugs,xx
Indeed......you need to know when it's time to say "enough". At least you have two pretty quilts.You have certainly had a more productive week than I have - well done!
The post card quilt is lOOking gOOd... & so are all the other projects.
Well done Fiona...xox
Yes together is more useful! They are pretty. Gee you have done quite a few Flowerville....It's going to be such a gorgeous quilt! Postcards looks great TOO....love all those lovely little knots....well done xx
That's a lot of stitching/sewing. I especially love your Dresdens. Always a favorite of mine, and your centers are gorgeous.
It is lovely to see things coming together with different projects.
Yes, sometimes not finishing all parts of a project is a decision to be made. I think the 2 smaller quilts look fine.
Sometimes it´s nice to change your mind with a project but they still look good as always. Love the dresden plate. Hand stitching can be so theraputic , I love doing french knots as they are so versatile xcx
A change of mind is perfectly acceptable and they will make lovely little quilts. And it gives you time to work on all the other projects. Those Dresdens are looking very pretty.
Not even going to try to keep up with the OBW blocks.
Fiona those are just gorgeous!!! Well done. I love those Postcards, so cute, and the dresdens with the stitchery!
I do love those Blockheads - they are going to make great lap quilts. xx
I just love all of your blocks and projects
The two quilts that you have created look great. Much better than one unfinished one. Now you can move onto other projects. Postcards looks like it will be a nice, snuggly quilt, being in the flannels. Your other projects are coming along famously. Your last one is going to very detailed - so much fine work.
I know how you feel about just letting a piece be smaller than you originally planned. Better done than perfect. I had a few blocks sewn together and waiting for more and just picked them up today and said, "This is big enough. I'll add a few simple borders and finish it up." Time to move on! Besides, lap quilts are nice, too :)
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