Widgets and my muffins in a bottle worked out!! They were to make 20 but we had 12 large ones... maybe a bit of overflow happening!
The only problem was the bicarb/baking soda had compacted. I didn't think of using a sieve as there were choc chips included but we did get a few lumps of soda which weren't terribly pleasant!!
I did get another panel for My Small World done on Friday … the blocks were all done so it was a quick put together.
Widget wanted to continue on his 'quilt'....
of course its all getting out my old machine, sorting out his 'special' table blah blah blah and he has had enough of it after 10 minutes!! At present he is quilting along the squares. I noticed some of the fabrics in it are in My Small World too!
We are painting inside the house, well we aren't but we are getting it done. It's all happening sooner than expected and I started putting away things over the weekend.
These little ducks sitting on top of a sideboard were very dusty... so they had a shower in the kitchen sink. They are mended and cracked and chipped but they came with us when we immigrated and I remember them growing up....
My wooden cats that also came with us needed some care too.... here you can see the difference once I gave one a good oiling
… not shiny in the morning as the oil had soaked in..... I love them.... they also came with us
These are the curtains that were in the house and you can see the dark feature wall (its not really as dark as that)
we are painting in a white....
curtains are being replaced .... a bit of a difference.
There is a story with these curtains.... when we immigrated I hadn't long had curtains done in our house (immigration was a sudden decision) and we only brought 3 cubic metres of stuff - basically any sentimental stuff came and I wanted my breakables safe so I packed lots of fabric around... namely my curtains.
they are big and bold and heavy and have sat in plastic bags since 2002..... now I am going to use them...
they were too short... so the hems have been unpicked, the curtains washed, hung and they are pinned here.... just need to take them down and sew the hems (calico lined).
I used to work for the curtain and upholstery business that made them - and I just love those bold colours so I am delighted. Not everyone's choice but they are mine... and best of all it's costing me nothing but time. It's a nice big open plan space so can take the bold colours.
I have plain maroon ones for the dining area needing the same treatment.
All this has meant new poles too.... here is how the 'old' ones were... bent and filled with funny foam stuff....
… and here in the dining area they aren't straight....it has bugged me...
Hubz removed the old ones and put up the new ones this weekend ready so the painter can patch the holes.
much nicer, lighter poles … and they are straight!
Widget's job was using the pliers and taking out the nails from the walls.... we will start from fresh as to hanging our pictures as a lot we had put up to hide nails etc that were there when we came.
I'm not looking forward to the next few weeks with my stuff all over the place and not where it should be.... on the upside I have to have a charming young man in the house for a while....guess I should really supervise quite closely?????
Maybe a bit of a boring post today....
Righto, Gotto Go... supervision to do!!! Nice legs... I guess it's all that up and down ladders..... hmmmm

Not boring at all. Your blocks are coming along nicely. The short term pain will be worth it to have a nice light airy home.
I quite like your curtains! Like Janice said, the pain will be worth it when all is finished and in place!!
Your story is never boring and I admire yours and hubby's courage to come so far from your home. I was so happy that you have a piece of your old home here now and I do lovely your duckies and cats. Good luck with your painting....and leave that young man ALONE! Hahaha!
It'll be lovely to have it redecorated and have your curtains hanging again. All the mess will be worth it in the end
Hi Fiona i love your story and i love that you are using your curtains ,so many memories every time you look at them,i wont know your house when i visit next,lol.
Its lovely that you are spending time with widget,sounds like he enjoys pottering around with his Grandma or Grandpa xx
I love your bright curtains.....so very cheerful! How lovely to still have your special treasures after so many years because they are a part of your life story, aren't they? You can survive living in a packed-up house, we have done it for months.....twice.....
Hi Fi I remember u doing your curtains at Fair Fabrics!!! U also did your kitchen floor - black and white blocks??? Funny how things come back. Such good times! I pop in to see what u up tòo - love your work. And u write as u talk!!! Colleen xxx
I love those Small World blocks!!! Oh how fun to make your home fresh, love your curtains, and nice straight rods...your ducks and kitties are just darling, a house feels more like home with treasures around!
LOL Not boring at all - the mind boggles at the thought of you sneaking looks at him from behind doors!!
I love the curtains - great that you kept them...and the cats posing ...very funny!
Oooh I love your new/old curtains. I always like nosing round other peoples houses - hope you give us some after shots too. xx
Lovely bright curtains. Will be worth it in the end.
Painting is quite a chore but it is so nice afterwards. You'll have the feeling that you are finally in YOUR home. Crocked poles won't get to you anymore and will be able to relax more. ;^)
We need new carpet right through the house and I keep putting it off because of the upheaval....and I am thinking well we should paint first....ahh all too hard! SO I feel your pain, but like your outlook, yes it will be lovely and well worth the hassle! Good luck!
I enjoyed reading your post Fiona...
The bold curtains look great in your home especially with the maroon chair near them..
I never take my curtains down to do hems, just pop the machine on a small side table and sit on the floor and sew up the hems..
Nice MSW block and Wigets quilts looking good even though he has a short attention span.
The ducks look like they are enjoying the shower.Special cats..
I love your curtains...the new paint will make them stand out...will be lovely...id watch the painter too, all day if you have too wink wink lol
Never a broing post from you Fiona, good to see your treasures from when you moved. I love the curtains, they are great fabric. Yep coose superfision sounds important!!😆😆😆 Widget is going well with his quilting.
You are in for such a busy time with all the painting happening. Of course you had to add extra work with curtains, but why not. And they look great. Love that they are special to you.
Great to see the panel together.
I love those curtains! The big floral really shines in your open room. I'm so glad you can enjoy them every day! Where did you immigrate from and how long have you been in your new home?
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