Half of the year has gone by.....
June has seen these projects finished for me....
A Kathy Schmidtz wallhanging .... which I just loved making
... a bunch of mesh bags.... which were a bit boring if I am honest.... but useful....
.... and my Tool caddy, which was fiddly, but I love my lizards and it is very useful....
So thats my OPAM projects, thanks Kris and Peg for hosting
... and I have continued with blocks for my Dutch Treat UFO.....
... and those are my Finishing Stitches projects... thanks for hosting Joy
A couple of wet days and these Apostle birds came into the veranda to dry off.... they are silly birds and don't stop chattering.... but they always make me laugh. They march around the house cleaning up whatever they can find ... then generally make a nuisance of themselves around the neighbourhood
Lovely mail this week all the way from UK .... don't you love how it was personalised with the decorations of the envelope....
... and inside a special teatowel..... this is our little Matilda..... there is another in her class so she is Matilda R
My design wall is looking like this at the moment.... that block with the aqua square is the latest in the Moda Blockheads weekly ones, also circles, Angel Story, Flowervill, mini baskets, Dutch Treat and My Small World...
Anybody get the idea I have a short attention span????
Righto, Gotto Go..... the weekend is here for enjoyment....
Hope you have a wonderful one

Lol Good morning my lovely friend,i think you are amazing with all the projects you do as you do finish them. I love watching birds too they are funny little critters.
Oh my what a wonderful parcel you got from o/s's ,i cant believe Matilda is at school,it only seems like yesterday she was born,lol.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend xx
Love all your finishes and gorgeous blocks on your design wall there. The Apostle birds are so funny. They remind me of grumpy old ladies telling everyone off lol! I think your special parcel is just gorgeous xx
Beautiful stitchery, always love doing Kathy's designs.
That is such a cute tea towel and a treasure.
That's not a bad month's finishes, well done! The tea towel is a good idea, if you don;t want to get it grubby in the kitchen it would make a cute cushion.
ALL delightful projects! Your stitchery is magnificent! I cannot wait until you put all your Dutch Treat blocks together. I’m very intrigued by that project. Such fun mail! Aren’t you the lucky one?
Awesome projects and precious mai❤️❤️❤️
Lovely stitchery and some great useful one..
Nice progress with you DT blocks and all your other projects..
What a fabulous decorative envelope from your UK family..Matilda.s tea towel is so special.
Don't think we have Apostle birds they sound funny.
Lots to show for the month. The class tea towels must be a UK thing. I had a pen friend who was a teacher and she sent me one years ago. We love seeing apostle birds when we are travelling, as we don’t get them here. They are so entertaining. Their manner is quite similar to choughs, which were one of our favourite birds when we lived out of town. We miss their antics. I’m envious of your design wall. It’s fun to see your WIPs up there. While they’re on show and you are making progress all is well. Remember, variety is the spice of life.
I've been printing out the Blockheads' pattern with the intention of getting at them but.......vintage seems to win out! Love that stitchery....so cute!!! Busy gal, you are!!! The high temps outside challenge the coolness inside...even with central air, one can feel the warmth threatening!! Storms later today will, hopefully, break the heat but not bring unwanted damage! Hugs............
What your design wall is telling me is that you have many talents and you are pursuing all of them. Hope July be just as nice to you. ;^)
Love you finishes even the boring ones. :) lol. All your projects are fabulous. Hugs,xx
what a lovely bunch of things your working on or have finished. I especially love the Kathy S stitchery...its calling me to make it lol
I look forward to seeing your design wall, its always full of an assortment of gorgeous quilts...I havent started my moda but looking forward to the holidays in one week where all I intended to do is sew.....in between the kidlets of course hahaha
For someone with a short attention span you get a lot done!! Lots of beautiful projects and blocks on your design wall. Your wall hanging is beautiful. Wonderful special mail..we have a similar t towel from whn the boys were in primary school, still going strong. 😆 I haven't heard of the apsotle birds before.
Lots of great finishes. That stitchery is wonderful x
That's some collection of work. beautiful, love the wallhanging :)
You've done well with all your finishes! Thanks for reminding me we are half way through the year :P xx
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