Some time ago a friend gave me a flimsy that she had made and, for some strange reason, didn't want anymore....
I added the blue border and then used it to practice some quilting... tighter than I usually do so the wallhanging is quite firm
It's one of the UFO's that has been lingering in the cupboard...
I quilted a few different shapes.... little orange peel type on the vase...
... and swirls in the background....
... and kind of paisley shape in the flowers ....
This week at Quilt group I put the final stitches on the binding.....
... for my hand sewing I have done another of Rosalie Quinlans Scandanavian Rose blocks.... as you can see all in backstitch and this one is using a Cottage Garden thread Canna....
Righto, Gotto Go..... this is a little fish I saw when in Tasmania..... he makes me laugh ....

Oh my gosh, that quilting must have taken you forever. It is so intricate and gorgeous. Great friend to give you that beautiful flimsy too.
You little guy looks like a relative of mine...signed Dory!
You did a marvellous job on the quilting you clever little sewer you! :)
It's such a gorgeous flimsy and the quilting sets it off so perfectly! I always feel inspired when I see your work. ❤️
Beautiful quilting it must have taken you ages.
Really lovely Bubz..
I really must get a new foot for my machine. Every time I see your FMQ I get the urge to go and do some, lol. Well done on getting another UFO out of the way
All that quilting looks fabulous !!
That was an awesome flimsy to come your way. Lovely quilting on it.
how good that you have finished the flimsy and boy your FMQ is awesome,well done my friend and that fish makes me laugh too it reminds me of a brussel sprout,lol.xx
Great quilting, thanks that has given me some ideas for what I was about to start!
Beautiful quilting Fiona
The quilting breathes life into the block. I will look lovely hanging on the wall.
Your friend will be amazed at what you have done with her project , your quilting looks amazing !! Cute stitchery too Fiona . hugs Sheila
You are so clever with your quilting, lovely little stitchery too.
lovely quilting on your hanging. It looks great. Love you stitchery. Hugs,xx
Looks great I love your quilting, wish you could teach me
Great quilting, I'm sure that our friend is sorry that she parted with that wall hanging now.Such a cute little fishy!
Wow! Thank goodness it's a little quilt otherwise it would have taken forever to do all that work in a big quilt! Great job. Just LOOOOVE it. Love the fish too hee! hee! :D
Gorgeous quilting, and a cute fishy!!!
Your quilting is looking good! Cute fish.
What a lovely hanging Fiona - your quilting is amazing. xx
Fantastic quilting Fiona...what a great job you have done!
I wonder if your friend is now wondering why she gave it looks so gorgeous.
Great quilting. I can't seem to do machine quilting. Well done.
This is a great way to work on your FMQ. I love the shapes you are creating. And the bonus is you have a lovely wall hanging at the finish.
Gorgeous work on Scandinavian rose. I have just worked on a booth next to Rosalie and I had a lovely time looking at all her work.
Lucky you that your friend didn't want her quilt top...your quilting is so good...
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