Lovely Christmas gifts swishing around in blogland.... well done all of you... and now I have another 12 things to add on to my want to make list....... aaaaaaaahhhhhh ... does it ever end?????
I am continually enthralled at what people make... it is so motivating, and full of ideas and skills .... just so inspiring and lovely....
Anyways.... after all that gushiness .... I have made a couple of Christmas Items to go into Narelle's One Christmas Item a Month.... (except I did two....)
Firstly I made my Chilly Penguin Bag for the SAL....
(which I have shown before - but it is cute and Christmassy so here it is again!)
... and I also finished off quilting and binding this panel picture....
I quilted around the drawings
... some of them you can see quite easily like this little angel....
Thanks Narelle for hosting One Christmas Item per month.... even if we do two....

It's also time to share the North Pole quiltalong block....
well you see .....
I thought I would be clever and plan the rest of the blocks together
I did get one of them ironed down.... but no sewing...
Thanks Val for hosting this Sewalong
... and now we have ....

Righto, Gotto Go.... a bit of catching up to do today ...
love seeing your sal bag again it's gorgeous and the panel has quilted up beautifully.
wish you hadn't gone and mentioned how many months till christmas I am just going to ignore it and pretend it is a picture of rugby players or something.....
Very cute penguin bag and your Christmas panel will decorate your Christmas house beautifully.
You made 2 Christmas items and I made none, care to share?
Your Christmas panel is beautiful. Boy Fiona are you trying to give a person the horrors? Bad enough July is nearly over without being reminded Christmas Day is not far away. lol :) Hugs,xx.
It is lovely seeing all the little splashes of Christmas around blog land.
I may be inspired to begin planning some projects.
Enjoy the North Pole.
Wonderful pieces and I love how you did the panel, looks beautiful on the back too. I have some panels and got them to practice quilting on, guess I should use them.
lol Thanks for reminding us that Christmas is creeping up on us.
Cheers, Anita.
Your penguin bag is just cute cute cute!
That's such a great version of the bag Fiona... the penguin might be a bit out of his comforts here in Oz in December, LOL x
You will be well organised when Christmas comes!
You are really getting organised for Christmas .
EEEEKK!!!!!! Only 5 months to go.
I'm loving all the Christmassy things popping up everywhere...5 much to do...
Great gifts, you are so organised! I brought some Lego today (hmm is suppose to be for the kids, but really its for me too!) but not made one thing...better get onto that!
Your bag is just gorgeous!
I have so many things now on my 'wish list' :o)
Geez Fiona it's going to be Christmas before we know it...your Angel quilting is lovely!
Christmas is in the your pieces Bubz...
Fabulous stitching.
Oh, my, you are ever busy....
Mama Bear
Love the bag
Your bag is definitely worthy of a second showing, you're right there are lots of gorgeous Christmas things around at the moment, hugs Wendy
All beautiful... Love your chilly penguin x
I love the idea of one Christmas thing a month... but I have so many things on the go right now I dare not even entertain the idea!
Have fun with yours.
Lovely xmas sewing Fiona - your quilting is beautiful
Lots of lovely projects, as always. Great quilting on the panel.
Oh Fiona, your bag and your quilting is gorgeous. And what is the deal with reminding us there are only five months until Christmas? What are you trying to do to us? I have a headache just thinking about it!
Lovely panel! The quilting looks great... love the bag too, I will get mine done on time... I will...!!! xxx
I just love the bag, the colours are wonderful. Your quilting of the panel is exquisite :) 5 months? excellent now I don't feel so bad playing with so much Christmassy stuff, lol
I love the chilly penguin . You were very good getting some Christmas things done. Oh no! Only 5 months to go.
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