Thursday, February 13, 2025

Second Week of February

The lovely Brisbane Sunday Stitchers invited me to join in with a Group project which is a small quilt called Floral Fun, featured in a Quilters Companion Magazine (No. 127)

These are my blocks for February ....

Susan, who leads me astray sometimes and I are sewing Be My Neighbour together and these are my 2 February blocks .....

I host a 'machine sewing' day at my home once a month with a few friends and these are the main projects I work on .....

It is a free pattern by Fabric Patch (was used for a Moda Sewalong)

I have finished my crochet cot blanket ........

A fairly simple design but gives a nice texture and feel....

I have now started another scrappy adult size one which I am making from a bunch of different variegated yarns..... (I hope it does end up looking ok)

I was given quite a large piece of 'Cheater Quilt' fabric some years ago and in my sorting and clearing made up a tablecloth (I don't have a fancy table but it does scratch when the girls come over with machines, or when I try and cut papers on it!

I did a quick all over meander using an old gifted but never used,  doona cover for the backing and machine sewed the binding (no need to go in the queue this time!)

It suits the room and will not show any tea stains etc!

This year I am trying to keep to a leaders and enders project (I keep forgetting to lead or end and just go straight in!)  Scrappy 9 patch blocks to start with... they will eventually be the centres of stars....

this weeks blackwork flower done today.....

The next Caswell block has been started but I'm moving slowly this week.  I am now of an age where I am eligible for a free Shingles vaccine, "oh yes ok" - I'm there for anything free!!  Well, my arm is so sore, my whole body aches and I just want to sleep....  it will blow over soon I know but then I have the second one to look forward to.... still preferable to a dose of Shingles

Righto, Gotto Go, I am attending a Fit To Flatter 2 day workshop this weekend and hope to learn how to adjust patterns and end up with a new dress ..... I need to go and put my supplies together.

Have a lovely weekend.... and week ....x


1 Jennifer said...

Oh yes, the shingles's not fun, is it! Some fun projects there, and I like your tablecloth.

2 marina said...

lots of lovely projects. I can't believe you are being led astray? Hmmm
great table quilt , great use of the cheater fabric.
well done on finishing your crochet blanket.
I love a scrappy 9 patch!

3 Lin said...

Your houses are lovely - such pretty, soft colours. Nice finish on the blanket and your blackwork is pretty. The tablecloth looks very practical. I had my second shingles jab recently - not quite such a sore arm but I am glad that is it! As you say, better than having shingles. xx

4 Chantal said...

Love your neighbourhood. Love the flowers on the roof. Why we don't put flowers on roofs more often? It's so cute. Great idea for the cheater quilt. Easy, fast, lovely and practical. What's not to love? Great job on the crochet project and the embroidery. Hope you feel better soon and all is well. Enjoy the workshop. ;^)

5 Karen's Korner said...

You have "built" some nice houses there. The perfect fabric for a tablecloth when the girls come over to sew. I am like you - mostly straight into the seam no leaders and enders.

6 loulee said...

Busy as always. Those houses look great and so does your table cloth, what a great idea to use up that cheater piece.

7 Janice said...

I went and had a look at Floral Fun and see the original has B&W blocks. How are yours going to work? Are you appliquéing flowers? Susan is known to lead people astray, but you don’t have to follow. LOL. They look fun blocks. The table cloth worked well, too.

8 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

The crocheted blanket is just lovely - I like the texture and am sure it will be quite nice and snuggly. Love your Be my Neighbour blocks! I might need to add them to my "to sew" list..... ! xx

9 Narelle said...

You've had a busy week with lovely projects.
Tablecloth looks great and I look forward to seeing your new dress ... hope you had an enjoyable workshop.

10 Barwitzki said...

You really have a lot on your plate, dear Fiona... lots of beautiful things.
The little colorful blocks that become the center of the stars are beautiful and it will be exciting to see how the project continues.
You did a great job with the children's duvet.
I like the "Be my neighbor" project... beautiful houses. Thanks for the link.
Viola sends you nice greedings.

11 Michelle Ridgway said...

Those naughty friend enablers! Good progress. Your crochet is lovely and great use of the cheater fabric. It looks really nice. I haven't had my Shingles yet. I hope you feel better soon xxx

12 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona I have had the same reaction as you with the shingles injection and have just had my 2 nd about 3 weeks ago and it was a lot worse than the first ,good luck my friend 🤍🌸🤍

13 Susan said...

Who??? Me??? Enabling??? Never....LOL

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