This week has been busy with one thing and another... nice busy... just busy. However of course my evenings are spent nice busy with my handstitching....
I am still working on getting up to date with my blackwork SAL....
Trumpet lily
Progress to date..... Still quite a way behind....
I am loving doing this .... Helen bent my arm... she is back blogging to pop over and say Hi .... so many have stopped blogging so I get excited at a starter or restarter....
Have a lovely week...
Righto, Gotto Go...... always things to do

Gorgeous work.
It looks just so beautiful so far Fiona - can't wait to see the end result - it will be stunning 💕
That's beautiful! :0)
What a beautiful stitching project, Fiona, so pretty.
Your blackwork is gorgeous, Fiona!
Its looking fantastic! Good on ya Helen for helping along…
So happy Helen’s blogging again.
I miss my friends when they stop. 🥲
Oh my! It looks amazing. So nice to see it coming along from the photo of the entire layout.
It's so pretty Fiona....a lot of lovely work. Friends are good for twisting arms lol!
Wow! Pedal to the metal on this project. So much progress. It's gorgeous. I hoped over to Helen's blog. She sounds like a lot of fun. I'm glad she twisted your arm a little. ;^)
This is absolutely wonderful.
I love seeing this garden grow so keep on working away please :)
Beautiful. Love seeing the whole piece. Hugs, xx
Your garden is growing beautifully and looking gorgeous.
Quite lovely! I haven’t cross stitched in many years, but I remember how soothing it was.
I have missed so many friends who used to blog.........but I will continue......been doing it for so long now it's just part of my life I would be lost without it......and the connections I have made......I too get excited when I find someone blogging again.......nice stitching........
Fantastic progress Fiona!
Very pretty.
I'm also behind Fiona on the blackwork but way behind you, trying to get a move as it takes shape motivates me a bit more.... lovely work and your garden is looking lovely....
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