Friday, January 4, 2019

Making a Start ......

It's easy for the days just to roll by for me.... I picked up on this cartoon …. I need to focus a bit more I think, and take advantage of the days ....

My visiting family has gone..... I always feel very empty when they go …. so I comforted myself with some time in the sewing room..... (and there might have been some jelly and custard left in the fridge that needed eating)

These are my latest circles... they had all been prepped and some of them needleturned down....

there is still quite a few more to do.... 

Last year I bought some of the vinyl mesh and a pattern to make some bags ….   

as you can see the mesh holds the bag quite firm.....

There is no lining and the bags didn't take long at all..... 

 Evening sewing has been working on these little stitcheries.....  

I was asked to modify this pair of jeans …. of course I had to have a little fun with it!!

… perhaps it will start a new fashion trend...…

Righto, Gotto Go...… sorting out something to take tonight to sewing.....


Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona sending you a big hug my friend,it's hard when family live so far away,I enjoyed seeing your pics of the boys having so much fun.
Oh I love your bags very different with the mesh in them and your stitcheries look fantastic,love the thread.
It's a hot one here today Fiona around the 40 debs toaday so I can only imagine how hot it is your way,keep cool my friend xx

Shelina said...

Oh your stitcheries are so cute! It takes me a while to get back into a pattern when the family leaves.

WoolenSails said...

One of these days I will make a circle quilt. I have been collecting prints with dots and circles to use in it, and i will probably machine appliqué with that. Looks like you got a lot done and some beautiful pieces. I am enjoying some quiet time, was a bit hectic for a few weeks.


Michelle Ridgway said...

Hard to have them far away. Love your bags and gorgeous stitcheries. Your circles are looking great. Happy sewing and be kind to yourself xx

Jennifer said...

A great start to the new year......stitches have been happening here too.....

Maria said...

A great way to keep busy by going into the sewing room and create..
Lovely bags.. You reminded me I have some of that mesh tucked away !!
Your Circles are growing.. Beautiful Stitcheries..
Funky patches on those jeans.....
Enjoy your sewing night.

Allie said...

Judging by the look of your projects, 2019 is going to be a gorgeous year for you! LOVE the circles, bags and stitcheries!!! Clever idea with the jeans, too!

Sue SA said...

Modify not mend? I did a lot of jean mending before Christmas, for some reason hubby and I both had holes in the rear end of our jeans :( but didnt think to do anything this cute! Wish I had of, much more fun!

kiwikid said...

Beautiful circles Fiona, saying goodbye does not get easier no matter how many time you have to say it!! The bags look great, I have a kit to make one here, must get motivated and make it!! 😊 the stitcheries are very pretty. Love the creative fix for the jeans.

Karen's Korner said...

Lovely circles. Those bags look pretty and practical.

Chantal said...

Love the bags then I saw the jeans and I'm like "Oh yeah! Baby! you gonna start something with this". Watch them line up at your door with old jeans. Too cute! ;^)

Lin said...

I love your circles Fiona and those jeans modifications are brilliant! xx

Karen S said...

Looks like you have jumped right back into sewing. It is hard when everyone leaves so a distraction is a must!

Raewyn said...

I bet it took a bit to get used to the empty house again; what better way to occupy yourself than with a pile of mending/sewing and some yummy eats. I like the look of the bags - does the mesh run the full height of the bag, or just where we see it?

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