It was wonderful to have the girls over and do some sewing of our Sylvia's Bridal Sampler on Tuesday..... we got 2 blocks done
Birds In The Air (10 pieces) |
Weathervane (37 pieces) |
Even though I haven't finished unpacking I was in desperate need to do a bit of quilting... this is a sweet panel from The Quilters Angel - many of you will recognise it is Anni Downs pictures
(sorry for the faded look)
I am going to go around the edges and then up the sashings - simple quilting so the pictures are shown up well...
For those of you who do Facebook I have opened up a page for BubzRugz . This will be more sewing and quilting related as opposed to my personal page...
I have been doing some hand stitching in the evenings..... just a hint for now until Helen receives it...
On Wednesday I went on the bus with a friend to the Craft and Quilt Fair in Brisbane... one of the things I bought was some crushed walnut shells ... then around the corner I saw some more - look at the difference as to the grinding... so I got some more of the finer one which I think would be kinder to pins? It's not cheap is it? I have had no luck sourcing from Pet Stores around here.
I also attended a workshop run by BeBe Bold on 'boro' which was fun and I got this top of a coaster completed in the hour.... mine certainly was the most 'organic' one - the others looked so much tidier - but I had fun and think I might use some scraps this way!
I wanted to get a few more backgrounds in Reproduction prints for my sampler quilt... a couple of colours got mixed up with them too!!!
I didn't take photo's on the day... I had a problem with my phone (which is also my camera).... it was in my back trouser pocket and fell out when I got up from the loo!!! I will spare you the details but after a wipe and overnight dry it seems to be ok for now!!
However, I did meet up with a few people, and missed a few others, ran out of time to look at all the stores and quilts and was almost late for boarding the bus back!
Righto, Gotto Go... I'm off to play with that panel

Hi Fiona ,yes the walnut shells are expensive,you need to look in the pet shops that sell snakes and reptiles they are the ones that have it,good luck finding some as its a lot cheaper way of buying it.
Oh i love that panel and i cant wait to see what you do with it and your blocks are lovely my friend,hope you have a wonderful day xx
Dear Fiona,
what a great post about so much wonderful things going on. Love the Sylvia's Bridal Sampler blocks, love the fabrics, this will turn out so great.
Your blocks are wonderful. Sorry I missed you at the show. That technique looks really interesting. Have buzzed over and liked your new page xx
I think you need to make yourself a little phone holder that maybe hangs around your neck!!!
that panel looks intersting
I didnt get into the quilt show at all ....I'm sorry about that but I enjoyed all my shopping!!!
I have never been able to source walnut shells either. Will check out pet shops that sale snakes next time I am in Perth.
What a lovely day out with your friend to visit the quilt show.
A quilter needs her fix... so the time spent with friends was NeCessAry...
Look forward to seeing the panel all complete too. Enjoy your weekend. xox
Good to see you are able to do a little must be nearly having withdrawals. Have you found and unpacked my quilt know the French General really shouldn't be in a box...I'm still willing to look after it for you at least until you get settled.xx
Lots of playing going on. You are certainly catching up on the quilting!
You are working on some beautiful pieces, look forward to seeing the finished quilts.
I wonder if it wouldn't be cheaper to buy new needles, as to the cost of the filling;)
I make mine with stuffing since I just use them to hold the needles, but they do go dull fast.
walnut shells is one of the things I've never been able to find here, and emery isn't available either. I've read that fine sand works as well, I use the chinchilla sand as I know it's clean (obviously before the chinchilla has used it!) Have fun with your quilting
Good you could find the walnut shells....interesting that when something is craft related the price goes up!!! Good to see you have done 2 more blocks....the number of pieces in the second one makes me shudder...will have to try it one day soon!
What a fun post - except for the phone story, lol!!! Yikes! Glad it still your panel and your boro, and your gorgeous blocks, and went over and liked your new page on fb!
2 more lovely blocks added to your growing pile and a well earned sewing break with the girls.
A fulfilling day at the quilt fair too :)
Congrats on your new FB page and quilting venture.
Great to see more additions to the block collection.
Love the idea of the quilting on the panel. It is a lovely piece.
I saw the boro demo at our show, too, and really loved the idea of it.
Have fun with all your new fabrics.
Lovely blocks Fiona
Not easy finding the walnut shells, joe bought me some from a factory that used them for sand blasting, only hitch is he bought 20kg!! Have tried pet shops, even ones that have reptiles and they look at me like I've got two
Lovely new fabrics.....
Fiona I'm always curious about the issue with pincushion fillings... walnut vs craft fill.
My understanding is that modern pins & needles are made of different metals that don't corrode, so in the end it becomes more a matter of personal choice about what actually goes in a pincushion... lovely Sampler blocks, your piece count is climbing!
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