Saturday, February 8, 2014

Just gotta love babies....

I grew up on a farm and just loved the suckle of calves on my hands... as a child it was a sort of scary sort of sweet sensation.. 

Farming is an amazing lifestyle choice... but it can also be extremely harsh

This is one of Chookyblue's calves........

... this story is not all sweetness though..... Chookyblue and her family are handrearing a number of calves...

...... because their mothers aren't able to feed them....

.... because they don't have enough milk.....

..... because there is a terrible drought and our farmers are struggling big time...

sheep and cattle are being fed daily......

Chookyblue is posting regularly about the drought.... she and lots of other farmers need our support....

I have taken pictures from Chookyblue's blog.... with her encouragement..... thanks and lots of love to you ....

It does concern me that this week our media has gone crazy over a drug smuggling incident in another country.... whilst this devastation is going on at our doorstep......

Righto, Gotto Go..... EVERY FAMILY NEEDS A FARMER.......  I would just like to encourage all of us to support our farmers however we can and encourage our government to do the same


WoolenSails said...

That is so sad, couldn't get past the second photo, poor lamb. Being in the north, we are usually lucky, snow helps along with spring rains, but with more people in the area, it taxes the water table.


Melody said...

Well said, Fiona. I try to do my little bit by trying to buy Australian produce. Buying food in season helps too.

Barb said...

That is real sad about the drought

Marilyn said...

Great post, Fiona. Having just travelled through and to a drought area I can say that yes it really is that drastic. The earth is burnt to a dull lifeless grey. The further west I drove the less grass. We cant complain to the farmers when meat and produce prices go up either. The farmers are getting next to nothing for their precious stock, but by the time it reaches the shops, the prices are skyrocketing. Hmmm.

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

Very well said Fiona, some days..(well most) our government needs a good swift kick up the b......

Anonymous said...

yes very sad Fiona,hope the government help our farmers soon they sure do need it.xx

Chookyblue...... said...

thanks for your support Fiona.............

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Very well said Bubz...

Susan said...

So true Fi.

Allie said...

So sad - and it's happening here too - the little farmers are being swallowed up by the Monsanto farms, which are full of pesticides and GMO's. My goal this summer is to find a local farm to buy from. Praying your drought ends soon....we're struggling here too....

Noela said...

Wonderful post Fiona. So sad for so many of the farmers on the land. Hugs...

Cheryl said...

Well said Fiona, and how very true. Our Aussie farmers need our support

Jennifer said...

Everywhere we went recently is so dry, from here right down to Canberra and back......I don't think I have seen the countryside so parched.

weidemama said...

Das ist sehr schlimm mit der Trockenheit in Australien, wir in Deutschland können es uns kaum vorstellen.Wir hoffen für die Farmer und ihre Familien auf Regen und vor allem die Unterstützung der Regierung!
Liebe Grüße von Wilma

Love Bears All Things said...

Farmers are important to all of us....let us not forget where our food comes from...easy to forget when you're shopping at the grocery store....also drives prices up when farmers are suffering losses...Thanks for posting this, I had seen it at Chooky's place.
Mama Bear

Anthea said...

They are wonderful words Fiona - you are so right, such a circus of people & words focussed on something going on o'seas, perhaps easy to do because it gets ratings and sells mags...
But our agricultural backbone is in the too hard basket & gov't seems unwilling to sit down & set themselves to truly properly supporting farmers of this country.
We can't control the climate, but we can support those whose livelihoods are in danger because of it.

Helen said...

Thank you for the post it is a great reminder not to forget our farmers and backbone of our country. I absolutely agree about the media !!!

Narelle said...

Thanks for sharing and caring Fiona xx

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

It is so hard out there for all our graziers/farmers....Just wish I could help them somehow but knowing they are all hanging in for that precious drop!

Sheila said...

Farmers don't get nearly the credit they deserve , where would we be without them , I hope this situation improves quickly .

Michelle Ridgway said...

Thanks for saying what a lot of us a feeling and thinking. My heart goes out to them all, their families and communities because it's effects are so far reaching.

Quilt Kitty said...

Great and important post Fiona. It's easy to forget in the city that real food does not get produced in supermarkets. The important and hard to solve issues are so often buried, good hard working families suffer while lesser people get glorified. Lets all do like you First and get people talking about this. X

Jane said...

From one extreme to another, the farmers over here are suffering from too much water. In Somerset, huge swathes of farmland are under water. Shame you can't balance it out

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