I have done the last of my 9 patch swap blocks last week....
These are them all together and they are off in the post to Trish to share out.... thanks Trish.... i am so looking forward to my bundle made by bloggy 9 patchers...
These are so easy to do in strips ... sew the 3 strips together, press, slice and stitch the 3 rows - the points come together well (mostly!).
I am using the left overs plus other fabric from this range (Judie Rothermalls 25th Anniversary) for my Aiming for Accuracy quilt-along blocks seen a couple of posts ago
this is the latest of the A4A blocks
this is the latest of the A4A blocks
I started this applique last week and just finished these needlecases. They are from Anorina's 52 week Scrap project
(tutorial HERE)
they are so cute it was impossible to stop at one
Anorina is giving us lots of different ideas for using up scraps.... and we've just started so there will be lots more to come!
(tutorial HERE)
they are so cute it was impossible to stop at one
Anorina is giving us lots of different ideas for using up scraps.... and we've just started so there will be lots more to come!
... and I have finally add the binding to this small quilt (a UFO from last year) with lots of pieces (484 to be exact!) ...
.... which I am calling Organised Chaos ...
.... which I am calling Organised Chaos ...
...... made from New York Beauty blocks free tutorials on line... (links to the different blocks can be
found HERE)
It's a maroon stripey binding which is not clear in the picture but gives it a bit of a border
An adventure into paper piecing and I had a bit of fun with the quilting... quite heavy so the finished article is stiff....
It's not very big (36" x 29") so will use for a topper and the stiff quilting won't matter....
Righto, Gotto go.... I want to finish prepping the rest of my North Pole blocks and get to work on that
....and some secret stuff which you can't see ....
and it's .....

Just love a reproduction nine patch, what a great collection! The piecing for accuracy block looks great, but the NYB blocks are fabulous, so many tiny pieces and no points cut off, well done!
you do such beautiful work Fiona,well done and have fun with your nine patch.xx
such fab work, you sure have been busy
Love your blocks. It will be so exciting to get our assorted ones back. You've been very busy this week, your NYB look great, very artistic.
The NYB is fabulous - gorgeous colours. It will be interesting to see the 9 patch blocks come together and thanks for the links...cute needle case
Just to prove I do read your blog! LOL. I love Organised Chaos, how affective is that! Beautiful, and your quilting is just stunning. Hugs x
You have been busy Fiona. See you tomorrow night!
So much gorgeous sewing Fiona
I love the variety of your 9 patches. It will be interesting to see everyones all together. Love the quilting on you PP blocks. hugs
Lots of lovely work to see as always, you are such a busy girl. Beautiful quilting I look forward to seeing what you make with it.
What interesting nine patch fabrics! I love your NYB too, aren't they fun? Even though foundation piecing is the work of the devil!
Everything looks wonderful! I love those little needle cases! :0)
Lots of busyness here. Gorgeous quilting on your NYB piece.
Those are lovely nine patches.
Enjoy visiting the north pole.
Brilliant sewing going on at your place
I love the little needlecases and the quilt is just stunning! your quilting is so professional looking.
Lots of wonderful pieces, I do enjoy nine patches. I also love working with wool and felt, thinking about trying something with my roving today.
What fun to be swapping the 9patch bundles...
Lovely A 4 A block.
Nice needle cases Fiona..
Have fun working on your N P blocks.
Always lovely things to see here! Your butterflies are so pretty and your new york mini is gorgeous, amazing quilting. Hugs Wendy
Wow Fiona you have been a busy chick... Love this sweet little needle cases!
Whacko for you Fiona - the finished Beauty is just amazing - well done & especially to do that quilting so well too. You are one clever gal! x
Those needlecases are so pretty with the butterflies, and what a wonderful quilt, just love looking at the quilting on the reverse
The quilting looks so good from the back - hard to see it on the front, in the photo. Lots of lovely things going on there.
Hugs xx
Organised Chaos looks amazing. Great work. You will have fun playing with all the 9 patches that come back to you.
Waow ! This is a lot of 9 patch blocks !!!
Your New York beauty quilt is really amazing !!
You are all ticked off on the side bar of my blog, I can t wait for them to arrive
Love love you New York beauty just gorgeous, you are so clever with your quilting
Love your 9 patch blocks and New York Beauty is just that....great stitching Fiona.
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