Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A different Tuesday .....

My usual Tuesday girls sewing day has been suspended for a couple of weeks so I was thrilled when Brisbane Tuesday girls drove up the mountain and we had a coffee together...

Helen was collecting a quilt she had kindly let me play with.....

Here we are chatting about it.... such gorgeous colours and Helen's stitching is perfection....

... so kind ... Helen brought me up this pincushion... more of her gorgeous stitching and it's filled with walnut shells... lovely weight to sit by the sewing machine and not run away!  Thank you so much...xx

... we all needed some breakfast .... and here we are afterwards.... I pointed them in the direction of a quilt shop and off they went...

So lovely to see you Helen, Noreen and Teresa..... 

When I got home I finished up this project that I had worked on at our weekend retreat....

The embroidered top was done last year.... I just loved doing it

This lime green linen was just perfect for the backing (matching just a bit of that colour used in the front)

As it is an unusual shape I needed to make the inside cushion....

... and here is the new cushion

A lovely day out and a UFO finish......... yay...

Righto, Gotto Go......overcast damp day which is just lovely for sewing....


Anonymous said...

Good morning my lovely friend,how good that you got to catch up with the Tuesday girls,i can imagine how much fun you all had.
Man oh man i love your cushion,what a lot of work has gone into the stitching,what a fun piece to do,and boy its quite big,i thought it was pin cushion size,well done Fiona.xxxx

Chantal said...

That's a lovely pincushion. So happy for you, enjoying pleasant company, finished a UFO and got a gift. ;^)

Michelle Ridgway said...

A lovely Tuesday catch up. I love your gorgeous embroidered cushion....beautiful finish xx

WoolenSails said...

Looks like a fun get together and a wonderful gift.
Your pillow case is beautiful, I need to make some, but simple since they will be used and washed a lot.


Shelina said...

Catching up with friends is always fun. Your stitchery is beautiful - how wonderful to turn that it into a pillow so you can always enjoy it.

Susan said...

Love the cushion...I know the quilt will be gorgeous - hope Helen brings it along for us to drool over!

Jennifer said...

Lovely to catch up with your friends......and how lovely is that cushion!

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Gorgeous cushion and glad you had such a fun day! xx

Sheila said...

Glad you enjoyed your day with your friends . The pincushion is sweet and I love your new pillow, just gorgeous.

Lin said...

Pretty pincushion and always good to spend time with friends. Your cushion is stunning - I love it. xx

Helen said...

Always lovely catching up with friends. The cushion looks great love the embroidery.

Christine said...

Well done on your finish and Im glad you weren't lonely on Tuesday. xx

Louise said...

Another beautiful bird stitchery! And the green on the back is lovely...better than on the rag quilt, yes? :)

kiwikid said...

Congratulations on a great finish!! Love the bird stitchery. Lovely for the Brisbane girls to come up for a visit.

Maria said...

Sew nice to have The Tuesday Girls come and visit and I'm sure you will make Helen's Quilt beautiful.. lovely pincushion she made for you.
Oh love your cushion ...just gorgeous!

Jane said...

not a bad day :) love your pincushion and love the cushion cover too

Chookyblue...... said...

great to see the Tuesday girls.....and a lovely finish with the cushion.........

Raewyn said...

It sounds like you had a nice time with the Brisbane girls Fiona. Your cushion finish is lovely - the piping around the edge finishes it off beautifully.

Janice said...

What a lovely way to spend the day.

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