Sunday, July 28, 2024

4th week of July

 It has been lovely having a couple of warm winter days .... 

Over the weekend I put together my Asian Inspired fabrics top for the clubs Community stash....  I do like the look with the sage grey/green background.  Its up to someone else to find backing, wadding and get the quilting done (though sometimes I get to do that part)

On Tuesday at a friends house I got a few more framed hexagons done.....

... after finishing off this Sashiko style block ...

Now for a contraversial subject... brussel sprouts!  I find people love them or hate them......

I used to refuse this vegetable for many years - then a daughter suggested frying in butter with bacon and garlic.....

I love them this way now.... lunch yesterday!

Embroidery club yesterday saw another Sashiko style block done - very similar to the other one but less lines going to the centre .. I have done 62/365 now!!!

As you can see I am struggling to get my centres nice and neat and even stitching, however I think when they are all together it won't be too noticeable.  I am certainly not unpicking!

Clouds are over, a sprinkle of rain, and the wood fire is back on but I have some quilting to do ... but first some coffee!

Have a lovely rest of the weekend,.... xx

Friday, July 19, 2024

3rd week of July

This week has seen me make a start on putting together the blocks of the Asian inspired fabrics

There are 9 of these to make ....

One more sashiko style block was sewn... a little fiddly and rather messy ...

A start on the framed hexagons to join up the Field Journal blocks....

... and of course blocks of crochet gently continue....

I have signed up to a local lady doing dressmaking..... inspired by watching The Great British Sewing Bee.  I used to make quite a lot especially when my children were young.  However lost my confidence and lost my shape that fits into anything.  April helps make a pattern to fit.  Not sure I need another sewing hobby but I fancy it.

Righto, Gotto Go.... I'll get a couple more of those blocks together this afternoon...

Have a lovely weekend...x

Monday, July 15, 2024

Second week of July

And here we are half way through July!

WE have had a lovely few days at the coast with friends..... we ate out once a day, including one meal at a brewery,  looked at the ocean (cool wind so no toe dipping this time!), visited an Air Museum and had lots of laughs and chats....

I crocheted a few KOGO blocks whilst in the car.....

Last week at a machine sewing day with friends I continued with these blocks.  All the Asian inspired fabrics need to be bordered and this has been going on for a while.... Still more to do....  I have been doing these at Community Quilts each month but want to get them together soon.

I managed one Sashiko style mini block at Embroidery Group....

It seemed a busy week but craft wise not a lot got accomplished....

Righto, my tea is drunk and I have a donation quilt on the rack to be quilted....

Have a lovely week everyone....x

Sunday, July 7, 2024

First week of July

FNWF on Friday thanks to Cheryll...

I did a bit of orange peel blocks and then worked on my crochet scarf..... I am about half way through now - have to use the pattern still for every row and it's a bit wobbly but fun....

The Blessings top is done, that pink border is all scallops so that took the most time for the border.... machine blanket stitched....
I will keep a look out for a suitable backing - but meantime it is waiting patiently....

This month's UFO is my Quilt As You Go blocks that I did as part of my Scrap Challenge last year .... but I gave up after 9 colours...

I have made them into 3 runners.... Quilt club sends off "Bed Brighteners' to some care places just to cheer up the rooms so I decided these could go there.

they were done as a monthly quilting challenge and each block is quilted differently and quite heavily - so wouldn't have been a snuggly quilt (in my opinion)

The yellow block was incorrect, so made a central piece (you can see the corners face differently to others).  I actually really like the block and think one day I will make a quilt of it...

Some more KOGO squares have been crocheted.  My eyes have been very tired lately, however the suggestion for eye drops and some new glasses have helped a lot!  I was surprised at how much I needed stronger lenses....

Hubby enjoys tinkling in his office with models for his time out at home and has just finished this Pirate Ship

It's been going for about 3 years, repairs, painting, gluing, knotting 

There is so much detail and really fiddly work.  A canon in each of those port holes ...

All those 'ropes' needing knots and cogs....

55 cm long .... I love looking at all the detail.... 

Now he is searching for another challenge...

Righto, Gotto Go, time for another coffee....  have a lovely week everyone....x

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