Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Struggling ......

.... to get in the mood .....

this year I'm the Grinch....

.... I have an excuse ....

luckily ..... there are those who are a bit more sorted....

... Marina made this awesome decoration for me

Narelle hosts One Christmas Item a month and I won a magnetised list - perfect isn't it?
this was a great program where lots of inspiration and motivation was shared
we'll be doing it again next year

Michelle sent me this felt reindeer.... isn't that expression just adorable?

... and Shez sent this cutest little mushroom... with sparkles and all ... it can only make you smile...

thank you so much ladies... they all came with the most lovely cards too... if you didn't notice you should go back and look!!!

Cathy and I have been partners in the Santa Sack Swap and all my parcels have arrived now....
... just waiting for supervisor elf Cheryll so say "OPEN".....


... now for the excuse... and a lesson in How Not to clean a stove door.....

my stove door was not closing properly and I realised it was something to do with the hinges holding the door at the bottom ....

... so I set to taking the door off so I could get a good clean in there.....

.... apparently you do not get a grip so close as this.....

those hinges are on a spring and when the door is removed from said stove... they clap back... like a crocodile in a bad mood....

..... I was literally in it's grip... luckily it was the weekend and Hubz was around and could open the crocodile jaws and release me....

I will not show pictures - it turns my stomach - but both hands got bitten by said crocodile... I am very lucky it is only relatively minor damage ...  and very embarrassed to be so stupid....

...  it has slowed me down....

... the good thing is I can still hold a needle and thread ... even if it is for shorter periods....

... the other good thing is it shouldn't get too wet so I can't wash dishes.....

..... so frustrating .....

..... Hubz says I am like a crocodile in a bad mood now .....

... and my stove is called Elvis ...
fyi (the alligator belonging to Sonny in Miami Vice)
fyi ((I used to be in love with Don Johnson))

..... meanwhile.... back at home....
There are lots of bushfires around.... can you see the smoke haze.... 

... but they do make for brilliant skies.... 
(can't call it a sunset - you can see how high the sun still was)

Righto, Gotto Go..... I can hold the kettle if I use both hands so I'll have a cuppa .... I think vanilla coffee... I have some excellent home made vanilla .....


1 Allie said...

I adore all your pressies! But oh Fiona...I don't know what is going around in blogland right now, with everyone hurting their hands! Kelly from I Have a Notion broke hers, Jocelyn broke her wrist [they both had surgery], and now you, and yesterday I took off half my knuckle on my thumb with the cheese grater....this is NOT the way to get ready for the Christmas holiday. I sure hope you heal quickly, sweetie-pie!!!!! And I'm praying the fires go out and don't come anywhere near you!

2 Mistea said...

I always knew cleaning was a dangerous occupation.

Gorgeous goodies from your stitchy friends - so glad they cheered up the Grinch! I listened to A Christmas Carol last weekend and quite enjoyed the story - as amazing as it seems I don't think I have ever read that story.

Heal quickly and enjoy those stitches.

3 Susan said...

Poor you - thanks goodness you can still sew a bit - shame about the washing up of course.
Love all the little decorations.

4 Jennifer said...

Oh ouch! I prescribe a strong G&T and a lie down with a good book and a box of chocolates. Don't you lift a finger.

5 Christine M said...

Now I know why I keep putting cleaning the oven off! I hope you heal quickly Fiona. Lots of lovely ornaments to add to your collection there.

6 Hilachas said...

Great gifts you received. Those would cheer any Grinch up. Of course, the episode with the oven would make anyone grouchy again. Hope your hands heal quickly.

7 Jeanette said...

Love the ornaments. I just knew what you were going to say before i read it about those hinges. I was cringing just thinking of it. I do hope you heal quickly. Hugs,

Anonymous said...

OHH Noo you poor thing,hope your hands heal quickly.Thats a job on my list also to clean the oven i might just leave it awhile,lol.xx

9 Karen said...

You have received some adorable gifts. Lovely.
So sorry to read about your injuries and do hope your recovery is speedy.
Those fires are quite a concern. I hope they stay well away from you.
Don't worry if you are not in the festive spirit - there's always next year!

10 barb's creations said...

OUCH! I hope your hands are feeling a little bit better.
What gorgeous ornaments surely they've cheered up the Grinch a bit :) Barb.

11 marina said...

Usually I am a christmas Grinch Fiona, maybe you have taken over the crown this year! Hope your hands heal quickly, see cleaning is dangerous..
can't wait to see your pressies, don't know how you could wait.

12 Jane said...

Oh, Fiona! I'm cringing here in sympathy. Hope the hands heal quickly

13 Janet said...

Well you certainly picked an interesting way to get injured! I hope it heals really quickly - it must be sore. How nice that you got some lovely gifties to cheer you up.

14 Sunnybec said...

Oh my goodness!! Thanks for the tip about the oven, mine is the same, I will warn the hubby before he tries to clean it...ROFL.... Seriously you take care, it sounds very painful. Love all your little ornaments. We are -5C this morning and snow is forecast, please send some sun!! Hugs x

15 Marilyn said...

Now really Fiona, that is a tough way to get out of the washing up - surely you could have come up with something gentler. Seriously, I do hope they heal very quickly and you are able to go about your stitching with a cuppa more comfortably. The decorations are gorgeous and just right to take away a bit of the Grinch.
Hugs xx

16 Katherine said...

Your poor hands. I sympathise with you although I haven't managed to do it yet. Rest those hands and let them heal properly. On the flipside you have some beautiful ornaments from friends and it must be very hard to leave those swap presents alone too.

17 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Ouch, I wish you a speedy recovery. I now have another reason to never clean my oven (Glenn has been doing it since I hurt my wrist a while back). Beautiful cards and decorations. hugs

18 retdairyqueen said...

Well Iam so pleased you can still manage some stitching and of course the house work is too hard xx

19 Oddbjørg said...

Lovely decorations!
Sorry to hear about your hands! Hope you will be better soon!

20 Cheryl said...

Love all your new decorations Fiona - ooh and hope your hands get better soon - sounds painful

21 Michelle Ridgway said...

Oh no! Bad oven! You poor thing. I hope your hands are better soon.

22 Susan said...

Housework is so dangerous, especially cleaning the oven! Hope you feel better soon, but enjoy watching someone else do that washing up.

23 Valspierssews said...

Lovely prezzies. I love those wooden decoration embellishments. So sorry to see you have hurt yourself . Just take it easy. I bet you everyone in your family knows exactly what to do to make Christmas work.

24 Maria said...

There's a reason I don't clean the oven often.... Do hope your hands heal soon..

Nice wee gifts you received Fiona...

25 emma @ frog, goose and bear said...

Fiona - ouch!! i'm with maria - great excuse for me to continue to not clean my oven! hope you're feeling better soon. xo

26 Wendy said...

oh no, that sounds terrible Fiona! I knew I was right never to attempt to clean the oven ;0)

You got some beautiful pressies though, that reindeer is so cute!

27 Noela said...

Love your decorations. So sorry to read about your oven mishap. Hope your hands will heal quickly. Hugs...

28 In stitches and seams said...

Oh Fiona! I hope you take care of those bites ...... ;) That had to hurt, sew glad to hear hubby was there to rescue you. Thaose are aome lovely gifts. I like the idea of making Christmas all year long and will have to try hard to do that next year. take care
in stithces

29 regan said...

I'm so sorry you got bit! That sounds horribly painful! Take it easy and don't do anything except a little stitching. Cleaning, laundry, dishes....let em go! :o)

Anonymous said...

What an amazing assortment of gifties, you lucky girl!

I know all about how appliances will suddenly attack you for no reason AT ALL. I feel for you, I really do... - my iron attacked me not too long ago.

Bad, bad oven! Good one calling the door 'Elvis'. I just call the iron ')&%$§*#' until further notice. :D

31 Wendy said...

Oh, poor you, I hope your hands are recovering. It sounds painful. Love the gifts you received and the "sunset" is beautiful. I do understand what you mean about lacking the Christmas spirit, I often feel a bit flat by December! Hugs Wendy xx

32 Anita said...

Hi Fiona,
The closer it's getting to Christmas the more I'm feeling like the grinch too.....must be catching!!! lol. Hope those hands get better soon. Love the reindeer.
Cheers, Anita.

33 Nicky said...

Oh Fiona I hope your hands are feeling better now. Little wonder you are feeling like the Christmas Grinch..... those lovely gifts must be helping to cheer you up!

34 Deb R said...

Ouch ! Hope your hands get better soon.... gorgeous pics, hope the smoke stays away!

35 Sheila said...

Oh dear I have been some what absent from blogging and did not read your not so fun adventure with the oven door , yikes , so glad your hubby was home to rescue you . Hope it heals real quick . Lots of really sweet ornaments to adorn your tree this year , sweet!! Hugs Sheila

36 Narelle said...

Oh my! I've just caught up on your oven injury and my stomach is turning just thinking about it.
Glad to hear you can still stitch and have a cuppa but I'd avoid those dirty dishes for a good while yet :)

Your gifties are all so sweet!

37 Jindi's Cottage said...

I am so not one of those who are organised...I had ideas but that's all they remained, ideas...*sigh* maybe next year...if I start in January!...glad that others are on the ball, you've got some gorgeous new decorations the sentiment of the list pad...
Ouch! oven doors/crocodiles...who knew they were related!...

38 Fairy Floss Stitches said...

OH NO... Not your hands!...mean oven...don't ever clean it again!..or wash up!
Lovely gifts too
hope your all better soon.

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