Monday, July 15, 2024

Second week of July

And here we are half way through July!

WE have had a lovely few days at the coast with friends..... we ate out once a day, including one meal at a brewery,  looked at the ocean (cool wind so no toe dipping this time!), visited an Air Museum and had lots of laughs and chats....

I crocheted a few KOGO blocks whilst in the car.....

Last week at a machine sewing day with friends I continued with these blocks.  All the Asian inspired fabrics need to be bordered and this has been going on for a while.... Still more to do....  I have been doing these at Community Quilts each month but want to get them together soon.

I managed one Sashiko style mini block at Embroidery Group....

It seemed a busy week but craft wise not a lot got accomplished....

Righto, my tea is drunk and I have a donation quilt on the rack to be quilted....

Have a lovely week everyone....x


Jennifer said...

A few days at the coast sounds nice!

Lin said...

Always nice to be beside the sea - and with friends too. Nice work even if not a lot by your standards. xx

Raewyn said...

Your getaway at the coast sounds lovely, always nice to have a car project. The Sashiko blocks are lovely - is it one a day for the year?

Maria said...

Lovely to spend time with friends especially at the coast even it’s too cold to toe dip.
You still had time to do some crafting too.

Karen S said...

Good to have time away.
And you even kept projects going!

Jeanna said...

Your trip sounds wonderful, and you got a lot of crocheting done on the ride. Good for you! All of your blocks look great, Fiona.

Janice said...

Considering your few days at the coast, you did well. I love the colours of your Japanese blocks.

Julie said...

You achieved lots despite going away for a few days Fiona. Love the sashiko - so simple & lovely. I think a few days at the Coast sounds wonderful at this time of year. Enjoy the rest of the week xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Beach therapy is always lovely. Sashiko is looking good and the community quilt will be lovely x

kiwikid said...

Good to hear you had some rime at the coast. Lovely blocks Jo, sewn and crochet.

Susan said...

A few days at the coast sounds lovely....I love to watch the ocean,

we all have days, weeks when we are busy but not a lot to show for it...LOL.
Still looks like quite a lot was accomplished.

loulee said...

A few days away sounds good. Lovely blocks.

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