Friday, June 21, 2024

Third Week of June

On the way to half the year done... and I can't say I have done half the projects I wanted to do!! 

This weeks crafting has included sewing face details......

I did these by hand embroidery 

Satin stitch and back stitch....

It does add some character to the faces....

Tuesday sewing I continued with sewing up hexagon flowers with Field Journal .....

5 more to go before I need to make the joining and border ones....

I put together the blocks for Blessings.... they had to be joined before adding the angel on top ... so that was done and she was blanket stitched around....

There is still a border to go which has a scalloped edge which will be blanket stitched and added on.

Happy with the progress this week... some crochet has been hooked - the blanket and the scarf are growing....

I do hope you have a lovely weekend.....xx


Jeanette said...

Cute faces, sure does give them character adding details. Blessings looks beautiful.

Jennifer said...

Well done, yes, those faces need features! Love seeing the progress on Field Journal, it's going to be gorgeous when finished.

Lin said...

The faces do look good, as does the top so far. xx

Julie said...

Gosh those faces look amazing Fiona! Really pop out at you. I dislike satin stitch = it is not one of my favorites. You seem to achieve lots in your weeks to me. Enjoy the weekend Fiona xx

Maria said...

Blessings and FJ are both looking great.

Susie H said...

Sew many lovely things to look at, thank you! Your Field Journal Hexies look quite intricate and nicely done.

Karen's Korner said...

Those cute faces brought a smile to my face. Field journal is looking beautiful.

Ondrea said...

The quilt is looking so lovely and I love those appliqued faces. Looking forward to the FJ joined all together.

Susan said...

The faces really do make the quilt!
it will be finished before long.

Not half done yet?? we are probably all in the same boat.

Janice said...

Blessings is looking beautiful. Yes, adding facial features makes all the difference. Your satin stitching is so lovely and neat. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished top.

dq said...

Fiona, what a joyful post to read today! Your animal applique' blocks are so darn cute. The embroidered hexies are a delight as well.

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