Sunday, August 6, 2023

First week of August - FNWF

I sewed up this sweet little pig critter from Joy's sewalong... (Joy has some other sewalongs happening so have a browse)

Over the last week I have put these 4 Dresden plates together.  The little stitcheries had already been done and I had a machine sewing day and sewed up all the blades and this week attached to the background fabrics.
These are for Gossip in the Garden.....

and this is where I am at with the quilt now.... there are a couple of gaps as you can see but not much left to do for this part.... then a pieced border....

Outside in the garden the beetles came back.... this is the first year we have seen these and they have been in great numbers on one particular tree (which they don't seem to be harming)  I believe they are Cotton Harlequin beetles - I just love the colours

Saturday morning saw me at Quilt Group for Community quilt sewing...

They have a couple of boxes with strips of fabric and also pieces of wadding too small for quilts so we are making up Quilt As You Go strip blocks....

I found some reasonably busy backing and placed the wadding on top (used some glue stick to make sure it doesn't move - hint from a friend sitting next to me) then started sewing strips from the centre out....

... of course it is no fun unless you can make a bit of a mess on the table....

We use plastic fold up tables... they are very useful but quite light and my sewing machine can go a bit fast when I get excited and the whole table wobbles!  Same friend sitting next to me said place the foot pedal backwards and then it stays at the speed you set it.....  it works!! no more speed wobbles for me....

Most people made a block then moved on to the next so they had a few finished blocks by the end of the day.  I prefer to do all my centres... have a session at the ironing board.... then sew the next line ... on we go....  as a result I have a nice pile of unfinished blocks - hopefully I will get these done this week....

I have also brought home some Japanese fabrics to cut and kit up to be made into a couple of quilts....

Righto, Gotto Go - Sunday has arrived, coffee is ready - have a lovely day ...xx


1 Chantal said...

Oh! My! You are so close to finishing Gossip in the Garden. It's gorgeous! The patience you have for making blocks of embroidery, and piecing, and applique, that sounds like too much work for me. But I really love, like REALLY love it! Those beetles are fun. I bet if you place them a certain way, they make a quilt pattern, lol. You have a nice pile of QAYG blocks. Do you have a plan for them? Enjoy your Sunday. ;^)

2 Jennifer said...

What fabulous beetles....did you know that bright green iridescent beetles' wings were used as sequins on clothing, back in earlier days? There are pictures online. That's going to be a cheerful QAYG project!

3 Jeanette said...

Gossips is gorgeous. I almost want to make another in similar colours. :) :). The beetles are such a pretty colour.

4 Ondrea said...

You really are having fun zooming along with your sewing lol. I love your Dresdens and that quilt is coming along quite quickly. It looks gorgeous. Wow! Never seen or heard of those beetles before...are you sure they are not chocolate foil wrapped ones???

5 Janice said...

You are getting so close with Gossip. It is looking fabulous. The community sewing day sounds very productive. I’m sure you will have your blocks knocked over in no time. You next seat neighbour had some very helpful tips. How pretty are those beetles. I hope they continue to be harmless to your plants.

6 Julie said...

Every time I see your Dresden blocks, it makes me want to make some Fiona - I just adore them. Gossip is looking just so beautiful. I have never seen those beetles before - the colours are stunning!

7 Maria said...

Gossip is looking lovely and you've nearly finished it.
Nice little stitchery SAL block with Joy.
You got two good hits from your friends, gluing and turning the foot pedal around.
Love those bright beetles....

8 loulee said...

Gossip in the garden is looking stunning. Those beetles are pretty too. Have fun with your scraps

9 Lin said...

Gossip is looking lovely and I especially love the Dresdens but all just lovely. Those beetles are amazing. Nice work on the strip blocks - a productive day and you learnt some things too. xx

10 Jane said...

Those beetles are stunning, I've never seen anything like them before!

11 Barwitzki said...

Your sewing work looks so great... I wish you a lot of fun creating it.
Gorgeous fabrics... I'm sewing a skirt now.
These colorful beetles are very impressive... what a variety of colors.
A warm greeting to you from Viola

12 Raewyn said...

Wow, Gossip in The Garden looks so close to being finished and it's looking really good. Cute wee pig stitchery :-) The sewing day looks very productive and a good idea to sew charity quilts in a group like that.

Anonymous said...

Gossip is looking great all up together. Those beetles are so stunning. Glad they aren't damaging their host.

14 Jeanna said...

Your embroidery is so pretty. Cute little pig and your dresden blocks are stunning!

15 Karen's Korner said...

Gossip in the Garden is just gorgeous. I have never seen such bright beetles. A very cute piggy stitchery. You are like me....the production line method works well I think when doing multiples of anything.

16 Karen S said...

Great progress with Gossip in the Garden. It is looking good.
And those bugs are fascinating. Amazing colours!

17 Susie H said...

I love this idea of sewing strips on the batting. My goodness, your Gossip in the Garden is GORGEOUS!!! As a matter of fact, so are those beetles. Have a good rest of your week!

18 kiwikid said...

Love the little pic stitchery, you have made great progress with Gossip, not a huge amount to go now. Great hints from your sewing neighbour. Great beetles! They are like jewels on the leaf. Your strip blocks are going well to.

19 Susan said...

You are almost on the home run for Gossip. When I saw your IG post about the Cotton Harlequin beetles I first thought they were chocolates - so gorgeous!

20 Chookyblue...... said...

gossip in the garden is going along great.......

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