Saturday, July 3, 2021


Thanks Cheryll for hosting us .... I did contribute some wine ....

I did a few rows of my wave blanket..... I do love the way it goes together and I am following a colour chart which is giving it a lovely countryside look.  

During the day I put this little quilt together.....  I dug out my scraps of Tilda and used up premade blocks where I could and then cut up smaller pieces.  Not sure why I chose to do the embroidery on all that pink... but there it is.   There was a lot of work in the embroideries so they aren't being chucked.

I kept cutting up to start a pile of usable blocks... really not sure what I will do with the smaller pieces but I can't bring myself to chuck them....

I have 6.5 x 3.5 (will become bricks one day) , 3.5" square (edges for the bricks), 2.5" (because that is a useful size) and strips and bits of any length or width more than an inch....

I'm just adding the pictures in the quilt because I think they are sweet..... even though we have had a horrible mouse plague in the farmlands these are sewing mice so they get to stay....

We have had a lovely bit of rain over the last couple of days (over 40ml), still damp and overcast so excellent weather to go and sew......

Righto, Gotto Go...... first I will pop over HERE and see what others got up to last night....


1 Karen S said...

Lovely work on your wave quilt. The colours are gorgeous.
The embroidery blocks have come together well. Yes, too much lovely work in them to waste.

2 Jeanette said...

Love your crochet rug, the colours are pretty. The mice are very cute & yes to lovely to waste. Hugs, xx

3 Jennifer said...

Very pretty crochet, the colours blend beautifully. Well yes, mice......they are cute but they are still

4 kiwikid said...

Your crochet is lovely Fiona, beautiful colours. Your stitcheries are beautiful.

5 Chantal said...

Thank you for sharing pictures of the mice. Your embroidery is always so wonderful to look at. You did a great job with the quilt and at cutting up the leftovers for a scrappy quilt. Your wave blanket is already so beautiful. Love the colours and the texture. Enjoy the sewing time. ;^)

6 Jane said...

Those little mice are adorable

7 Karen's Korner said...

Funny how we all think that pictures of mice are cute but when it comes to them running around our homes - well that is another story. Yours are just the cutest. Good job on cutting up your fabric. You are ready to sew whenever you find the right project for them.

8 Cheryll said...

All your embroideries are very SWeeT...
And I love the rug as it looks like flowers in a field...xox

9 Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Fiona,
your sewing mice are just adorabel, and much prettier than the real ones, especially when we have too many of them around.

10 Jindi's Cottage said...

Love your mice (the only acceptable kind!)...I've been considering tracing that pattern out - again! hasn't happened yet, ha ha the wave blanket, very pretty...

11 Ondrea said...

I looove your crochet! That pattern is really lovely. Your stitcheries are so cute. Funny how we decide to do things a certain way and then wonder what we were thinking lol. Lots of rain here too. A good time for crochet.

12 Lin said...

Nice use of your stitcheries and always useful to have some precut blocks around. xx

13 Janice said...

I love the colours of your rug. Is that her moors colour range? The mice are very sweet. Definitely worth showcasing. Have fun playing with the Tilda scraps.

14 Susan said...

The sewing mice are so cute - not at all partial to that other kind.

Love the wave blanket,,,love the pattern & the colours

15 Raewyn said...

I love the colourway of your afghan - it's making me want to pull out my crochet hook and start another one - I love the one I made a few years ago! And your mice are so sweet (even though they're not our best friends) and look lovely with the Tilda fabrics.

16 Karen said...

I love your Wave blanket, it looks so comfortable to snuggle with. And the sewing mice blocks are adorable! What a fun way to use them.

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