Saturday, December 19, 2020

WOOFA and Sunday Stitchers

This month has been a big fail as far as finishing off or working on UFO's..... 

(Thanks to Cheryll and the Sunday Stitchers for the nudging and support this year)

not to worry.... other life happened.....

December is frazzling so surviving is a victory!

I have made all my half Dresdens.... 

and now they are being joined to the borders..... they do look pretty....

some more lovely ornies arrived in the post this week...

an angel from Susan

and a caravan (look at all that detail) from Karen....

Of course they have been added to my chimney pole

I go to a couple of sewing groups during weekdays and this year I experimented with some mini Christmas cakes.  This was the second batch I made and they were gratefully eaten....

they have been a success... I will do it again

Hubz got a nice box with snacks and whisky 

to be honest I thought the box was the most exciting part.....

I have refilled it.....

This is one of my projects for next year.... it will be a big challenge and I will take it slow....but I'm very excited

Righto, Gotto Go.....

I saw this poem the other day.....



1 Jeanette said...

Love the cute ornies. The caravan is fabulous. Do you know i've had that Civil War bride pattern for about 10 years now & have never ever made an effort to start it. :). Good luck with yours. Hugs,xx

2 Susan said...

You are right - the box is great!
Looking forward to seeing your new project come along.
Lots of detail in the caraVAN - How cute!

3 Cheryll said...

OOhh NiCe ornies...
Lovely having you in the WOOFA group too. Hope to see you again in 2021.
Merry Christmas xox

4 Karen's Korner said...

You have a lovely project lined up for next year. Looking forward to watching it progress. Pretty half dresdens. Yummy looking mini cakes.

5 Flickenstichlerin said...

Oh my, are your dresden fans beautiful, very pretty border. I have Civil War Bride pattern too, and have not made it ....tempting.

6 Janice said...

The Dresdens are very cute. It won’t take you long to finish the top now. Your new decorations will be nice addition s to your chimney. I’m with you with the box. It will be much more practical. Civil War Bride is a very ambitious project. I’m sure you will make a beautiful version.

7 Maria said...

A lovely poem Fiona....
The dresdans do look sweet.
Cute ornies to add to the chimney tree...
I think your use of the box is great and a god idea making the little friet cakes with mug for gifts...

8 Jennifer said...

Cute ornies......and tiny plates! Yes, I would have snaffled that box too!

9 Michelle Ridgway said...

Wow! That is a lot of half dresdens but don't they look beautiful. Love your new ornies and I would definitely snaffle that box! Looking forward to seeing your new project come the poem xx

10 Helen said...

Cute dresden fans, definitely looking forward to your new project Civil War Bride.

11 kiwikid said...

Love the poem. The ornaments you received are so cute, love the caravan. Your dresdens look wonderful and I would have snaffled that box too. Amazing project for next year, looking forward to the start . The little Xmas cakes look wonderful.

12 Julie said...

That poem is amazing Fiona & I have saved it. I love your handmade ornies your friends sent - just so sweet & that caravan is adorable. I think your Tilda hexies make my heart swoon !!!

13 Julie said...

Dresdens I meant - not hexies !!

14 Louise said...

Thank you for the lovely poem. It's good to be reminded that not every day needs to be a peak experience. I had to laugh at you thinking the box was the best gift! We quilters need our project boxes, and a nice one is a delight :)

15 marina said...

love all those dresdens!
such pretty ornaments that have been arriving at your place.
I always look at boxes and tins with same idea lol

16 Karen S said...

I am so far behind with my reading that it is no longer funny!
I should just start fresh with this day but I do like seeing what you are up to.

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