Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Last week I have been best friends with

and cold tablets and cough mixture

This week I have been best friends with this cover (still snuffly but feeling ok but shamefully I shared my lurgy with Hubz so he has been off work)

During elections I have for a while done 'election day' but this time I asked to do some after work for the rest of the week.  We live in such a democratic country and I must say I do enjoy learning about the process.

As a result not much stitching has been done.....

… but my first sock is growing and soon I will decrease for the toes

In the garden the zygo cacti have been flowering....

I love this bright pink colour

These pale pale pink aren't as dramatic but I think they are even more beautiful.... so soft and dreamy 

Righto, Gotto Go.... get back to that sock knitting.  I do hope you can avoid colds, coughs, flu …...


1 marina said...

Darn that flu!
I had it too and then shared it with hub, he has been off work too.
Flu shot next year for me I think!
Great progress on your sock

2 marina said...

Forgot to say how lovely your zygocactus look in flower.

3 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona so sorry that you have been sick,not much fun,hope you and hubby get better soon.
Oh boy you are doing so well with your sock,very proud of you,well done my friend.
Gee i love the colours of both your zygo cacti,i didnt realize how pretty cacti was,hope you have a lovely evening Fiona,take care xx

4 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Goodness, I think everyone seems to have a cold or flu back "home" at the moment! Glad I escaped :) Hope you feel better soon, and you are doing so well with your first sock!! I still haven't managed to get beyond the ribbing :) xx

5 Cheryll said...

Good to hear that you are on the mend...
Feel back to your ole self soon... xox

6 Susan said...

Hope you are both fully fit soon...

7 Karen's Korner said...

Hope you & hubs are feeling better soon. Your sock is coming along nicely and looks very warm and comfy.

8 Michelle Ridgway said...

Glad you are finally pushing that bug out the door. Wow! Your sock is looking so great....clever thing! Your cacti are gorgeous! Hope Mr. BubzRugz is on the mend too!

9 Chantal said...

Hope you'll get better soon. It always takes me forever to get better. Love your beautiful flowers. Wow! That hot pink is really HOT! ;^)

10 Louise said...

Those kinds of lingering colds and coughs are just so awful! I'm sorry you've been suffering and now your Hubby is, too. For me, the worst part is how raw my nose and eyelids get from wiping them with the tissues :( Here's to a better week ahead, with plenty of stitching and a good dose of democracy :)

11 kiwikid said...

Colds and sore throats are lingering on here too, shared by hubby and a visitor the other weekend. Hope you are both feeling much better now. Your sock is going really well. Your cactus are both beautiful colours.

12 In stitches and seams said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better
Hugs and stitches

13 Jane said...

Hope you're both feeling better now

14 Jennifer said...

Haven't worked an election for many years......I remember very long days and no going home until all the votes have been counted, no matter how long it took. Not much fun having the flu, glad you are shaking it off!

15 Lin said...

Good to hear you are feeling better. Very nice neat heel turn Fiona - the sock is looking great. xx

16 Karen S said...

Colds are not a good way to spend time. Good that you are well on the way back now. But good that you did manage some knitting.
Take care.

17 Maria said...

Sew good you are feeling better and hope hubs is too now..
Great sock progress and very pretty flowering cactus.
Wonder if mine will be flowering when I get home?

18 Janice said...

I’m glad you are starting to feel better and hope hubby does soon too. Your zygo cactus are looking lovely. I’m just hoping that mine haven’t been frosted while we have been away.

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