Thursday, November 8, 2018

My week......

The week started off by me wondering what happened to Spring.... it got horrible hot for a few days.....

Good for staying indoors with some aircon on....

I finished hand stitching the second of my United Stitches - the block is cut at 4 1/2" …. 

On ChooseDay I sewed up my pinwheels together...…. 

I am going to add a thin white border and I have some of the pink for binding..... 

I've always loved repeat blocks though I seldom make them....

I caught up on a few Moda Blockheads...... 

These 3 are 6 1/2" …...

and this one 12 1/2"

… and suddenly today the temperature cooled down … a lot!  I needed a jumper again!

Today I finished off another of the Blockheads blocks.... this one is big 18 1/2"

Of course I have caught up just in time for a new one to come out!  I think this is going to be quite a big quilt - there is still 17 more blocks to do.

Hand stitching while watching a movie I caught up on a few more circles.....  I still have quite a few more of them to do also ….

Trying to catch up on a few projects I have already started as I am eager to start a new needleturn applique project with some gorgeous French General fabrics.....

Righto, Gotto Go..... I think I might just go and stroke those fabrics I want to play with......


Janice said...

It’s good to see that you caught up momentarily. It sounds like me with a Splendid Sampler. The pinwheels look great. Can’t wait to see it finished.

Michelle Ridgway said...

I love your block heads and Pinwheels looks wonderful. Such pretty stitching.....sooooo glad it's cooler xx

Maria said...

WOW! That's hot pleased it cooled down for you... we had a 5 deg early Tues morning, thankfully it warmed to 15 by the time we went for our morning dip.
Good to be up to date with your blocks.
Such a pretty pinwheel quilt.
Oh there's always a new project !

marina said...

Such fantastic blocks and stitching.
Can’t wait to see your new applique project and fabrics!

KaHolly said...

All your ongoing projects are fantabulous, but those circles really speak to me!

Shelina said...

You've shown us lots of beautiful projects so I am glad you had a chance to play inside for the day. The fabrics you used for the circles are fabulous!

Sue SA said...

We are experiencing a very mild Spring but had a hot flush last week and back to cool this week - feels weird, but rings true of the weather when I was a child. So nice to have some rain, just hope the farmers all got some too. The blockheads block of half square triangles looks amazing, and I look forward to seeing how they all fit together when they are different sizes - I can do jigsaws, but never made a quilt where the blocks are different sizes, but love the effect when they are together.

kiwikid said...

The ponwheels look wonderful, well done on the catch up, the blocks look great...I ur weather is up and down too,rain forecast for today. Love the circles and looking forward to your new applique project.

Jeanette said...

The pinwheels are stunning. Love your blocks, they are lovely as are you circles & stitchery. That temperature was horrible, let's hope it stays cooler for a while. Hugs,xx

Helen said...

Terrific projects.... not even the heat slows you glad to have these cooler days though.

Louise said...

That's an enormous swing in temperatures! There must have been a big front that passed through. Your circle block fabrics are so sophisticated, I just love them :)

Pink Rose said...

Lovely work Fiona i always love visiting your blog,you do such a lovely variety of projects

Pink Rose said...

Lovely work Fiona i always love visiting your blog,you do such a lovely variety of projects

Michelle Ridgway said...

Hello my lovely friend xx

Jane said...

Love the pinwheel top, it has such a happy feel to it

Lin said...

I do hate it when you get sudden temperature changes like that. The pinwheels do look fantastic now they are all together and your Blockheads are looking very pretty. A new applique project huh! xx

Pink Rose said...
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Christine M said...

I love your pin wheels Fiona. The fabrics are so pretty.

Karen S said...

Wow, your temps are really all over the place. How crazy.
Love seeing the pinwheels all together. So colourful.
Your have been keeping up well with all the blocks, too.
Hope at stays cool for a bit longer.

Raewyn said...

A very productive week Fiona - your pinwheels look gorgeous, as does your wee United Stitches block. Oh golly, you've reminded me that I've got a bit of catching up on Blockheads to do...I love the soft colours you are using for yours. Hope the temperatures have settled down a little bit for you.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Oh dear, getting hot already? That doesn't bode well... thank goodness for a/c and you still managed to get lots done. I love the pinwheels, so bright and cheerful! And all your other blocks too.. you've been busy! xx

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