Monday, November 12, 2018

Another week gone.....

Yesterday was 100 years since the Armistice was signed ending World War 1.  Such a time of enormous loss of life.

My paternal Grandfather was a church minister and served ministering to the troops.  I have his little pocket Bible.

If we have learned anything by history I hope we have learned to avoid war - though I know it still goes on....

This week I finished off my 3rd block for Flowerville by Rosalie Dekker.  I still need to make the little Dresden plates to go around the edge.....

I also did another batch of circles.  I bought a couple of different fabrics to add to the mix as I still have quite a few pieces of the background batik prints. 

A little while ago I bought some of this Vinyl mesh and a pattern to make a couple of mesh bags.  I will dig in my stash for some fabric to use but have sent off for some of the cotton webbing to use for handles.  When that arrives I will make these up.... 

This weekend I helped Hubz with a big clean of our fishpond - it was really bad.  I went and bought a few new plants, including this pretty water lily....

It is still quite murky with the dust off the stones (which we washed and washed but just can't get it all out) - hopefully it will settle in the next couple of days.  The fish seem to have forgiven us for the disruption and are swimming around happily.

Righto, Gotto Go.... I have a couple of quilts here to work on.....


1 Pink Rose said...
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2 WoolenSails said...

What a wonderful treasure to have from your grandfather. I agree, I don't think about it, but I prayer every night for God to bring peace to this world. Wonderful projects, you are always so busy with so many different projects.


3 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona yes i agree hope there will be no more wars,how lovely that you have your Grand fathers bible,very special as i am sure it would've been used many times.
Lovely stitched block and cant wait to see your mesh bags made up.

4 Lin said...

Nice work Fiona. Lovely treasure to have from your Grandfather - sadly I doubt if we will ever learn but we must have hope. xx

5 KaHolly said...

Such a prized treasure! Oh, those circles! The just keep getting better and better. I love your color palette!

6 Raewyn said...

What a treasured possession, Fiona. Another pretty block - I'm looking forward to seeing what fabrics you are using for the dresden bits. The market bags look like a good idea. YOur circles also look great - and very perfect :-)

7 Jeanette said...

What a fabulous treasure to have. Flowerville is beautiful. Love your circles. The water lily is so pretty. Hugs,xx

8 kiwikid said...

That bible is a wonderful thing to have Fiona. I often wonder if the human race every learns from the past. Your cirlces and stitchery are beautiful, looking forward to seeing the bags you make. The lily looks great in the pond. Has the quilter got to one of your quilts yet??

9 Michelle Ridgway said...

What a treasured keepsake to have and what awful things he must have endured bringing comfort to others. Love your Rosie block and circles. I didn't know you have fishes lol!

10 Louise said...

How lovely to have a fish pond! I miss my little freshwater aquarium. We do have an underwater light that occasionally attracts some interesting fishes, though. Your water lily is so pretty :)

11 Susan said...

Sadly, war still goes on - but hopefully not such a toll on human life. Definitely a treasured possession for you to pass on.
I love all the variety I see on your posts.

12 Maria said...

Great treasure of your Grandfathers .. sadly we still have wars ...

Nice progress on both projects...
A pretty lily for the pond.

13 Cheryll said...

LoVe that you are going in circles...
It will be a wonderful quilt... xox

14 Karen S said...

Your bible looks like a very special family treasure.
Lovely work on both your circles and embroidery.
And I am sure the fish will be happy as long as they have water and food.

15 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

How precious to have your grandfather's Bible! I love the flowerville block... xx

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