Monday, August 11, 2014


Well - I did make the chocolate pudding from the book from Shez....

... it was very scrummy ... I had a dollop of home made yoghurt... Hubz had a dollop of store bought icecream!

THIS is the link to the recipe on line... in case you want to try it too....

The other night when I was going all around a quilt hand sewing the binding down Hubz asked why I didn't do that by machine....

I am not a purist by any means but I do like hand sewing a quilt to finish it off... I have done several where I have done it by machine and I love those quilts just as much.... and a lot of smaller items I finish off by machine ....

.... so what is it... just the satisfaction of a final bit of hand sewing at the end I think...  do you have a preference and why?

Here is my latest bit of binding... my little blue baby quilt (in case it is needed in November)

I did very simple quilting.. in the ditch for the borders and just around the edge of the stitching on the elephants.... 

I bought nice quilting fabric for the backing... because I liked it....

... this will wait for November now.... just in case 

(pink is ready and waiting too!)

Righto, Gotto Go... still more binding to be done..... 


1 Terry said...

The quilts are both so sweet! :0)

2 Narelle said...

I did wonder what chocolate pudding had to do with your title :)
Both gorgeous little quilts and the backing is perfect!
I prefer to hand stitch the binding but hadn't really thought about the why. I think for me it's a bit like "sealing it with a kiss" x

3 Chookyblue...... said...

not a purest here either but I do like a hand finished bind...........never tried the machine but have seen both and I think it is a nice way to finish off the quilt..............looking at your colours and quilting again.....grabbing those last loose threads you missed.........there is some sort of satisfaction..........

4 Michelle Ridgway said...

I agree with Chooky. It is a lovely chance to reflect on your creation and work and always gives me a great feeling of satisfaction. Love your cute "wait and see" quilts.

5 Jan said...

Those quilts are adorable, Fiona. I like hand finishing a binding - I love the calmness of hand stitching.

6 Chantal said...

Lovely baby quilts. The elephant quilt is adorable. Great job Fiona. I love to hand sew the binding because it's the last time I get it all to myself. Like a one-to-one conversation before the others get to enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona,of that choc pudding looks so yummy,love both your baby quilts,they are both very cute,and i also agree with chooky,its relaxing and satisfying knowing you are on the home stretch,enjoy your day my friend.xx

8 Leanne said...

Gorgeous quilt Fiona, I love both of them.

9 WoolenSails said...

Those quilts are so cute, love them both.
I love mixing greek yogurt with strawberry ice cream, makes a nice treat and I figure it is good for me, lol.


10 sunny said...

they're both cute quilts! I love sewing my bindings by hand. It's relaxing, and important to stitch in that last bit of love.

11 Sheila said...

I love both quilts ! I love doing the binding by hand mainly because I don't think I could do a real good job by machine and I just love doing hand work so it makes sense to do it by hand ;-)

12 Sue SA said...

Both are beautiful quilts, love elephants though! I love hand stitching binding down, find it relaxing and gives me an easy non thinking sewing option for those days you need one. Plus I find machine stitching binding doesn't come out as nice, but that is my poor technique - I have seen others do a nice job of it.

13 Daisy Jayne said...

both your choice of fabrics and style are just beautiful, I have used the backing fabric on the boys quilt in several items such a great choice for quilting infant items .... love that you have left your options open for the quilts

14 Cheryll said...

I like to hand stitch mine too... kinda like the finish of it better that way. As I do most of a quilt by machine...I think it's nice to hand finish it...old fashioned I guess!

15 Barb said...

What an adorable quilt... both of them are wonderful.

16 Cross Stitch Crazy Mum said...

They are both beautiful! Well done :)

17 Outback Crafter - Debra said...

oh Fiona, those quilts are gorgeous. The elephants are just adorable - I could eat them up. (Elephants are "my animal", just in case you were wondering.
I have song "Baby elephant walk" going through my head. funny.

As for binding, I prefer to hand stitch, it just feels finished and it gives me time to 'connect' with the quilt so to speak.

I do machine stitch on occasion but it always looks a bit dodgy, probably because I don't do it enough.


18 Mistea said...

The chocolate pudding reminds me of a family favourite. Lots of good times shared over my great aunts recipe.
Your quilts are both lovely, perfect for the junior in your family.
I like hand stitching binding. Like others have said it is the connection with the finished object, especially when it is made with love for someone special.
Enjoy the week.

19 Jennifer said...

I'm with you on sewing the binding down by hand, I have machine-sewn binding down and it's good for speed, but I do think you get a nicer finish by hand. Chocolate pudding looks very nice!

20 KERYN B said...

Love the quilts especially the elephants. Pudding looks AMAZING..

21 Cath said...

I just love both of those quilts you have made. I really must get around to doing my elephant one now that i have seen how pretty yours is! I just enjoy the process of handstitching the binding down....or maybe I am a purist!

22 Jeanette said...

The pudding looks nothing like binding Fiona. :) As to binding I prefer handsewing it down. I don't like the look of bindings that are completly machine sewn. Guess I'm a purist. lol. Love the elephant quilt, so cute. Hugs, xx

23 Jane said...

I've done both, depending on who the quilt is for and how the binding has been done. I do love the process of hand finishing the binding, it's a great way to say goodbye to it

24 kiwikid said...

Love both quilts....hand sewing the binding is the last relaxing bit of the quilt process to me. Sounds like you are on a binding marathon!!

25 Susan said...

They are both beautiful quilts, it will be a lucky baby either way. I am ll for hand sewing the binding, but you probably already knew that about me!

26 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Love both those quilts........and that chocolate pud, yummo

27 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Love both those quilts........and that chocolate pud, yummo

28 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Love both those quilts........and that chocolate pud, yummo

29 Cheryl said...

that chocolate pudding does look very yum Fiona. Lovely baby quilts all completed ready. I do love sewing binding by hand and lots of other hand sewing

30 Raewyn said...

I think I agree, hand sewing down a binding is a nice way to finish a quilt, I enjoy spending the quiet time with it, if that makes sense!! Both your baby quilts are lovely and wonderful finishes. Will be loved for sure.

31 Wendyb said...

They're gorgeous Fiona....maybe they'll need both?? LOL I've been making a chocolate brownie in a mug in the microwave, which has been delish on these colder nights...dont know if my hips will thank me for it though!!! And I agree too.....binding gives me such satisfaction....Love it! xox
sugary hugs xox
Wendy :o)

32 Jindi's Cottage said...

Mmmm choccy pud - yummo!! Love those elephants and the backing fabric is so perfect. I'm a hand stitch the binding girl...I like the finished look better...

33 Susan said...

I don't mind the hand sewing on the binding, but a machine finish is good for nursery/childrens quilts etc..

34 Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

So organized with those beautiful quilts Fiona! I like to hand sew a binding down! I made that Lemon Delicious Pudding...delicious!

35 barb's creations said...

Both quilts are equally gorgeous! MMmm self-saucing chocolate pudding you just shouldn't tempt me with such yumminess especially when you know I have no will power when it comes to deserts :) Barb.

36 Baa. xxx said...

Beautiful quilts! The Mother loves to finish her quilts by sitting down at the end of the project and hand binding it! -It's the way to go!

37 Lin said...

Great quilts Fiona - love the backing fabric!I always hand sew binding - so much neater I think and a pleasure to do something mindless infront of the TV after all that concentration on the quilt itself. xx

38 marina said...

two gorgeous quilts fiona!
I so love those blues in your elephant quilt and the backing is adorable.
yummy chocolate pudding..

39 Karen said...

I love the way you have planned ahead with both colours. Great finish on the blue. And the pink is lovely, too.
I still like to hand stitch most of my bindings. Mainly because I do a better job that way. I have done a few by machine but have not yet perfected that to the point where i will use it on a special quilt.

40 Anthea said...

Hi Fiona - it's been lovely to catch up on what you have been doing lately - the quilts are all just gorgeous - I love the baby boy one, and yes i do a mix of hand & machine for binding, depending on what it is & who it's for - i love sitting to turn the bind over & hand stitch it into place...

Well done on persevering with the eclairs, they look fab & oh-so yummy... re the words verif'n - you can opt to 'refresh' & get a new one to try, by clicking the circle icon just to the right of it if you need to. Those ones sure do look tricky!! x

41 Sisbabestitches said...

Scrummy pud :) I really enjoy hand stitching binding, a lovely slow way to finish a slow project. Though to be honest, I have loved/preferred doing it by machine recently, much quicker finish so all the sooner I can snuggle under it. Plus for little kids it's a bit more robust :)

Your quilts are gorgeous! How on earth is the poor baby going to decide which to be, lol. The backing for the Elephants is so cute :)

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