Friday, October 18, 2013


Just to say I am thinking of people who are affected by the huge number of fires in NSW at the moment... terrifying and sad times for so many .....

The borders are on my Aiming for Accuracy quilt so this is the finished flimsy

The whole quilt along was great fun and thanks to Michele at Quilting Gallery   for really informative teaching and a great design.... 

In the last borders the tip that helped me most was leaving about an inch at the end of the length required and cutting that off after sewing... this helped so much for that little bit of movement you get and then have a slightly off border... I will always do this with my borders now... (if you want a better explanation and a video to watch go HERE)

Tonight is FNSI and join ups are HERE at Wendy's place...

I was thinking to carry on with my Christmas stitcheries......

... but I have run out of the blue variegated thread....

... so the next thing is the Gail Pan Christmas stitchery....

.... but I have run out of the green thread.....

.... so maybe I will have to start on something new....

HERE  is a clue...... it's Sharon's fault.....

Righto, Gotto Go... prep work to do......


1 Terry said...

Your flimsy looks great! And I always do that with my border, although I thought it was wrong to do them that way! LOL

2 Susie said...

I like those stitcheries. Gat tip for the borders too

3 Jane said...

oh, Fiona, that top is wonderful. And that's what I do with my borders too, lol

4 Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Lovely flimsy Fiona! Here's a Cheers to you... It's Happy Hour!

5 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

I cant wait to see your something new :O) I need to go buy some supplies for my new something "H" and "E" :o)

6 Unknown said...

Fabulous flimsy Fiona. Sharyn:)

7 e said...

Hi Fiona, Your quilt turned out beautifully. What a great tip. I'll have to remember that one too. I haven't started on this quilt yet - day late/dollar short. But I did manage to get all the instructions. So looking forward to trying something new. Enjoy FNSI.

8 marina said...

your top looks fantastic! the colours are wonderful.
love your little stitcheries, the background for santa is so pretty.
Hope you are getting some new threads so they can get finished.

Anonymous said...

lol i knew it would be Sharon's fault,she gets you so inspired,with all the projects she gets up too.
Love your flimsy and your stitcherys Fiona,you have been busy and what a bummer you ran out of thread,have a lovely weekend my friend.xx

10 Maria said...

Fires are just awful and I feel sew helpless , just want to help....
Your A4A looks fabulous and lovely stitchery work too.

11 Narelle said...

Your flimsy looks amazing...well done!
No thread? Good excuse to start something new :o)

12 Mistea said...

Just another reason (or two) to fill that thread box!
Your flimsy looks amazing, that checked border is very fitting.
Hope you're all back together now.

13 Michelle Ridgway said...

Your quilt looks wonderful. Frustrating when you run out of the saying.

14 Susan said...

Love the border on the A4A quilt, Ill check this out too. Gorgeous Genetic Giraffe. Looks like you better go shopping!!

15 Cheryll said...

Don't ya hate running out of thread! Love the flimsy... it will be wonderful when finished! :)

16 Karen said...

Lovely to see your finished quilt top looking so wonderful. Great work.
Because it photographed so beautifully, I have to ask you what the blue thread was that you used in the stitchery.

17 Jennifer said...

Your quilt has turned out beautifully, that border sets it off so well!

18 Susan said...

Your flimsy looks great. Love the borders (and have both those fabrics in my stash). You might HAVE to go shopping for thread.

19 Josie said...

Love your A4A flimsy! Great tip for the borders... like Terry I thought it was wrong too but hey... if it works don't knock it that's my moto. I'll be trying it for sure. Running out of thread is so annoying hope you've got more now. Love the Keep Calm button... reminds me of someone...:o)

20 Joy McD said...

Love your flimsy! You have done a great job! xxx

21 KaHolly said...

Oh, no! More fires? Loving all of your work. I dug out a Gail Pan project the other day and decided to finish it up. She's so talented!

22 Tatkis said...

Your quilt looks wonderful!
Cute stitcheries in process :)


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