Thursday, February 7, 2013


In May last year I first started doing these foundation paper piecing blocks and did another one quite quickly

Worked hard again in July and got several more done.... and then the block each month kindof dwindled until I picked it up again this week....

(Just click on the links if you would like to see the previous blocks in more detail)

I was determined this week to finish off the blocks....

and AbraCaDabra...mix them all together

My door peeper is so useful - gives a different view and I could see a block wrong way around...

Played around with placement.... every time I looked at it I saw something else I am not happy with....
I will just have to live with it ... can never get random properly random!  Whatever I do there are colours that are the same together....

that's 484 little pieces of fabric in there
you can count them if you like

30" x 37.5" approx (I am yet to add the borders)

I'm not really sure if I like it or not
sometimes I look at it and I love it
other times I feel a bit queasy

... but I think I have cured my addictive foray into foundation piecing....

Righto, Gotto Go....... I need calming tea after all that..... and lavender drops on my pillow ... 


1 Elyte said...

It's an adventure and an achievement. Great work and you never have to do it again if you don't want to. Well done.

2 Susan said...

I am not good at random either. It looks great - but if you only so-so like it - finish it off and stick it away for a bit - then have another look.

3 Tarnyia said...

Oh I think you did pretty well with your little foundation piecing exercise... love the stained glass effect with the light behind it and your feathered friends xxx

4 Karen said...

Well I think it is stunning. It will be an amazing quilt. You have been incredibly patient to get this done.
Love the stained glass effect when it is hanging like that,too.
And it looks like your bird feeder was getting a good workout!

5 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

I LOVE it Fiona and admire your dedication to get it done, way more than my 4 blocks! I love the pic with the birds to the side :o) hugs

6 Sheila said...

I think it is quite pretty Fiona , maybe once you get it finished you will fall in love with it . Hugs Sheila

7 Christine M said...

Your quilt looks fantastic Fiona. I'm amazed you could take a photo through a door keeper!

Anonymous said...

man that quilt is unreal Fiona,i love it and i can see that there is a lot of hrs of work in it,very proud of you its awesome my friend,have a wonderful day.xx

9 Susan said...

I think you are being a bit too harsh on yourself. Your work with all those tiny pieces is amazing, AND you finished it.

10 Jeanette said...

They look fabulous Fiona. Hugs,xx.

11 Chookyblue...... said...

it's looking great.........

12 Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

What an achievement I say that it looks fabulous.

13 marina said...

it looks amazing! Love the stained glass view. Well done you are a far better man than I Gunga Din!

14 Lyn said...

It looks amazing with the light behind it..a whole new must be pleased to have finished it.all those pieces which I am not tempted to count!!

15 Jane said...

At least you can say you've tried it, and you will have something stunning at the end of it

16 Unknown said...

Absolutely amazing Fiona. Well done! Sharyn:)

17 Valspierssews said...

The project certainly is dramatic. I think in really like it. You can always find something a bit less fiddly if you get the urge to paper piece again.

18 Mistea said...

Gorgeous Beauties.
Glad you are recovering!

19 Wendy said...

I think they're fabulous! Well done with sticking to it to the bitter end. They look great with the light coming through - you could make a curtain!

20 Jennifer said... have done it now, and it looks good!

21 Cheryl said...

Fiona how much work was that quilt - it is absolutely amazing

22 Cheryll said...

I think it's fantastic Fiona... and after such an effort...display it proudly!!! :)

23 Marilyn said...

Wow. That is a lot of pieces. It makes for a very dramatic quilt. Well done on getting to that point.

24 Chrissie said...

An intriguing pattern, looking really good, very brave with all those pieces

25 Sunnybec said...

Wow, it looks like a stained glass window!! You are so clever. I can't do random either, I spend hours trying to make sure same colours aren't together, sew it all and then see one that's wrong...happens everytime...I guess we should just go with the flow. I wont count them...I will take your word for it!! Hugs xxx

26 Katherine said...

lol you are braver than I to take this quilt on. I do quite like it and think that it is quite an achievement too. So many pieces in each block would send me a little nuts I think.

27 Janet said...

I bet it will look lovely when you've finished it. I love the picture of it with the light shining through!

28 Wonky Girl said...

Oh girl, it's gonna be wonderful when finished. I always wanted to sew some of those blocks but knew I would never finish.
Ha, ha- I use my DH for the "peeper" cuz he has a good eye for color.

29 Michelle Ridgway said...

You are amazing. It looks fantastic. I need a panadol and a good lie down just thinking about how you achieved it. Well done!!!!

30 Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Fiona this is going to be one awesome those colours!

31 Melody said...

Your projects just get more and more astounding. It is wonderful.

32 Narelle said...

Amazing quilt Fiona!
That's a whole lota foundation piecing :)Well done!

33 Josie said...

Love it!! I know just what you mean about needing a calming cup of tea but seriously... you cracked it! Well done!

34 Jindi's Cottage said...

Well done! Good to see you out of rehab and cured *LOL* Love each block individually but can so understand your reaction to the whole, I'm kind of having the same...reminds me of a modern art piece, in a good way...the math makes my brain hurt so I'll just believe you that there are 484 pieces...

35 Wendy said...

Your new flimsy is gorgeous, you are very clever!!

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