Saturday, January 12, 2013

How much thread does a thread catcher catch?

... as much thread as a thread catcher can catch.....

.. if a thread catcher can catch thread...

... and less than 12 thread catchers can catch thread.....

... and due to blogger suggestion a 'scrap catcher' got made too!!!

.... and now I am working on a sewing mat.....

that's what happens when you can't calculate fabric requirements adequately!!!

? want a thread catcher....

3 of these can go to new homes...

(the rest are going into the gift box)
((except the ones I am keeping for myself))

open to non thread catcher making peoples

just use the word 'crazy' in your comment

but not in relation to me

or you get disqualified from selection

Righto, Gotto Go... cool place to seek out.... I may be having a meltdown .....


1 Jane said...

lol, looks like you were having fun and didn't know when to stop. Using them for scraps is a good idea

2 Susan said...

You are like a machine, and maybe just a little crazy (of the good kind). I have made a thread catcher already, but I'm sure lots of people would love to win one of your cute ones.

3 Sue said...

You made me laugh. It was just what I needed. Thank you! Very nice thread and scrap catchers. Lovely fabric you used.

4 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I have been making the same things...LOL....very addictice..

Anonymous said...

lol am i crazy for wanting one of these,well done Fiona,you are on a roll.xx

6 Unknown said...

I am crazy in love with them and hope to be lucky.

7 Karen said...

Just love all those wonderful crazy thread catchers! ha ha!

8 Wendy said...

Sewing maths according to Fiona: one miscalculation of fabric x 1 talented person = 3 awesome thread catchers. I'd be crazy not to want one! Hugs Wendy

9 Mistea said...

Those sure are cute little crazy catchers - Looks like they have been happy dancing in your sewing space.
So happy you are good at miscalculating and sewing up a storm.
Great little(big)catcher for the scraps too.
Enjoy your crazy sewing mat.

10 Joy McD said...

LOL! They look like they have been multiplying!!! Well done for finishing them all though! And please don't have a meltdown :) xxx

11 Anita said...

Those thread catchers are 'crazy' good honky!!! lol. Just admit're hooked girl!!! They're lovely indeed.
Cheers, Anita.

12 Sunnybec said...

You drive me crazy!! Not really but couldn't think how else to get the word in. Love the two sizes, I have a thread catcher but think it needs to be bigger.... it always seems to be full! You need to consider birth control all your things keep multiplying like rabbits! Hugs xx

13 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

I'd be Crazy not to put my hand up for one of these as I am not making any as I don't want to become addicted! It might also stop Glenn fro rolling his eyes at me every time he picks up a coffee cup off my table in the lounge with threads in it :o) thanks for the chance. hugs

14 Chrissie said...

I would indeed be crazy not to want one of your enchanting thread catchers,something I keep meaning to get around to make instead of leaving little balls of waste threads around.

15 Dot said...

Those thread and scrap catchers are awesome. You really seem to enjoy making them. LOL! Can't wait to see what a "sewing mat" is.

I really want to thank you for answering my question on the SAL blog. I appreciate it.

Stay cool and out of this crazy weather. ;o)

16 Narelle said...

You're on a roll with all those thread catchers .... thread beware!
Lovely fabrics too :)

17 Melody said...

I will go crazy if I don't win...not really but it was the first thing that popped in my head . Lovely work.

18 Susan said...

No "cr.zy" from me - but I love your sense of humour! keep it coming. I think you must have enough by now . . .

19 retdairyqueen said...

Oh Fee I love your crazy Blog It always makes me laugh
Beatiful fabric in the lovely thread catchers

20 CathyC said...

I'm crazy for that fabric you have used ;-) Seriously, you have done a lovely job on those thread catchers ;-)

21 Cardygirl said...

Super cute, and seriously clever girl!

22 Jennifer said...

Are those crazy thread catchers breeding? I'm sure there weren't that many last time you showed them......

23 Chookyblue...... said...

LOL.........I thought I was the only crazy person to make 7 but you have outdone that makes your C_A_I_R then look great........44.3 here today.....

24 The Patch Craft said...

I must be the crazy one and not joined in this SAL. Your thread catchers are fantastic.

Keep up the great work.

25 Kate said...

I'm loving the fabrics that you used!

26 sunny said...

Those are crazy cute! Where did you get the pattern? I would love to make some for my retreat mates next month.

27 Sheila said...

I like your kind of crazy , those are just too cute and wow you were extra productive too!!

28 regan said...

I'm seeing a couple scraps in that load of threads that could be quite usuable!!! Now call me crazy, but that's just wrong! lol

29 Carin@Ullhärvan said...

I would certainly need one before I go crazy with all the threads and scraps being everywhere around me! I guess I`m a threadcatcher myself because I always have lots and lots of threads clinging to my clothes!

30 In stitches and seams said...

great way to use up those scraps....
i have one that I made a few years back that hangs off a pinchsion ...sometimes it is too small for the threads and things that end up in it. A bigger one is in demand ..... maybe this weekend.
thanks for the idea...
in stitches

31 De said...

Probably enough fabric there to make a small quilt! Love your thread catchers and hopefully some crazy non-thread catcher maker (is there anyone out there?) will win one!Ive done 5 since the start of January but there will be more in my future!

32 marina said...

they all look fantastic together. I must be crazy to not have jumped on this bandwagon!

33 Sandra :) said...

You're a thread catcher assemblyline savant, Fiona --- those are just lovely, and now I have an urge to make baskets, lol!

34 Deb R said...

woohoo fantastic production line !! Can I have one to meet my committment lol

35 Katherine said...

Such a gorgeous range of fabrics you have used for them too. I'm guessing it is a matching sewing mat for you too. Hope you find a cool place after all the crazy heat we have been having. A sprinkle of rain here at the moment and so nice and cool! Off to sew some more lol......

36 Mrs Shepo said...

What a great bunch of thread catchers and the fabric is gorgeous, instant pressies. I think we all have to be a tiny bit crazy to cut up fabric and then sew it back together again, great giveaway. Cheers

37 Christine M said...

You must be dreaming thread catchers in your sleep Fiona! Anyone would be crazy not to want one of your gorgeous ones. I haven't bought the book so I won't become addicted like everyone else!

38 Terry said...

Look at those lovely thread/scrap catchers! I'd be CRAZY if I didn't want one! Thanks for the chance! :0)

39 debbie said...

You made 12? Wow, that's crazy!! Some sweet little projects are just like that though. They could be used for lots of other things too, with a little imagination. debbie
I'm not in on Chooky's swap but I have made "fabric box" , something similar to "thread catcher" if that matters.

40 Michelle Ridgway said...

I was just thinking that it sounded liked some 'crazy' tongue twister. I love them and I am starting to worry that the heat is getting to you up the hill. Lol.

41 Elyte said...

Sewing strips to catch some threads,
In blacks and pinks and greys and reds.
She cuts and sews and cuts again,
It's crazy cos she won't stop at 10.

You have done a great job sewing all those catchers. A very pretty collection.

42 Anthea said...

OMG Fiona, i went CRAZY scrolling down through all the previous comments to get to this box!
Please, pretty please, pick me - I am a non-thread-catcher-maker... x

43 Wonky Girl said...

Your thread catchers are looking CRAZY fun! Ha, ha- I would treasure having one.

44 Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Crazy horses, spring to mind, my husband asked me yesterday what a thread catcher was. I think he remembers the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
I use an old plastic tub at the moment( not very pretty ).

45 Cheryll said...

Oh Fiona... you are toooo funny! :)

46 Leanne said...

You have been very productive.

47 Jindi's Cottage said...

OMG the production line certainly did go Crazy and work overtime...they all look fabulous though, great fabrics...

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