Saturday, May 19, 2012

FNSI .... A Secret Project .....

For FNSI (hosted by Bobbie and Heidi) I worked on my OASS (Once A Season Swap)

- shhhhh... it's a secret....

the one I am making has lots of different things in it....

some writing

 some stitchery

 some applique...

some wool felt 

some piecing

some matching points

some quilting

some binding

a label...... (sorry a piece of sticky label fell on it)

It's not quite finished so I can't show you what it is!!!

I really don't like to swear... I had to do a bit of the 'M' word  .....

Hubz asked me in the nicest of way to fix his trousers for him.....

after which I needed a snack.... just to keep up my energy.........  coffee and walnut cake... my all time favourite 

.... I used this recipe....

Righto, Gotto Go.... some binding to finish off.... then I want to go visiting blogs and see what else was made...


1 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Can't wait to see what it is that you are creating for the swap and by the looks of a very successful FNSI. hugs

2 Janet said...

You're such a tease - with both the sewing and the cake :)

Anonymous said...

lovely sneak peeps Fiona,i am very intrigued,cant wait to see it,and that cake looks so yummy,i want to come live with you,lol,you bake the loveliest things.xx

4 Jennifer said...

Yummo, cake......that makes up for having to fix the hubster's duds!

5 Michelle Ridgway said...

Lovely sneakies Fiona. I have some duds waiting to be taken up here. But no delish coffee and walnut cake to have after :(

6 Cheryll said...

OOoooh.. someones's a lucky partner! Looks VeRy intEResTing!
Great FNSI in your home too! :)

7 marina said...

lovely sneak peeks!
Will look forward to the big reveal.
what a good woman fixing hubz' trousers, you deserved your cake.

8 Fee said...

Lots of lovely sneak peeks - The cake looks delicious xxxxx

9 Grammasheri said...

I know my name isn't on the swap but am looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Meanwhile, my name IS on that cake! I have all the ingredients except the caster(superfine) sugar, so will pick that up tomorrow when in town. Then, let the baking begin!

10 Jeanette said...

Lovely sneak peeks. The cake looks so yummy. Hugs,

11 Margaret said...

I had an M job too last week, funny how we can sew buttons on owls and such . but it is bothersome to sew a button on a shirt.
I will await the secret sewing with anticipation.

12 Allie said...

Darn those sticky labels, they just get on everything, don't they? *G* That project looks amazing, sweetie, can't wait to see it! Oh ugh the "M" word....*shudder*

13 Sunnybec said...

Interesting.. oh I hate secrets, you are such a the way too much walnut cake will make you fat so I see it as my duty to take some off you :) Hugs

14 Bev C said...

Hello Fiona,

You are like a politician showing us something but not really telling us the whole story.Enjoy that cake.

Happy days.

15 Bobbie said...

Looking forward to the unveiling of your mystery stitching .... clever you to be able to incorporate all your wonderful talents in one project ...

hmmmm ... I may even pop in for some of your scrumptious cake ... and one of your wonderful coffee's .... (my car has been broken for awhile now .. but is all fixed now ... ) ...

see you soon .... xxooxx

16 Lyn said...

Looks like a lot of elements in that piece of secret always your 'reward' for all that work looks yummy!

17 Christine M said...

Looking forward to seeing the finished product. I hate that M word too!

18 Jindi's Cottage said...

Well that certainly looks tease you!...

19 Marilyn said...

Looks like an interesting secret project. And that cake !!! yum. That will give you lots of energy to finish off your stitching.

20 Maria said...

Hmmm that cake looks pretty good! lol

21 Mistea said...

Very successful FNSI if the cake is any indication. Delish.
Lovely sneaky peaks - Lucky partner.
Enjoy your cake.

22 Wendy said...

oooh, intriguing. No doubt if you're making it, it will be stunning.

I didn't get to join in FSNI, I was working til 11pm!

23 Maria said...

Interesting sneak peek Fiona looking forward to the reveal...
Hmmmm nice cake.

24 Unknown said...

Ooh how intriguing... A work of art no doubt?...

25 Deb R said...

Ohhh looks like you have been really busy!!! Cant wait to see the big reveal, love secret sewing....stolen your cake recipe too, yummm :)

26 Teresa F. said...

I know you can't show but it's so unfair not to be able to see all the wonderful things you've done. All except that yummy cake, of course!

27 Nicky said...

Secret stitching is the most fun type of stitching! The 'm' word is a swear word at my house too, what does he mean I love using my sewing machine? - not on that sort of sewing!!

28 Teresa said...

Talk about sneaky... I'm so tired just looking at all your little teasing photos... there's so much in it!!! Looks amazing.. love your snack too... he he..

29 Wendy said...

Those sneaky peeks look great, so does that cake - yum!

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