Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Commenting ..........

I do love that blogger is free for us to use ... aren't we so lucky?

I have seen several blog posts about the double word verification..... it is a bit tricky sometimes - I can do it ...... eventually... but it has doubled my time at the computer... which means halved my time at stitching!!!!  I don't mind if it eats into my housework time.... but not the STITCHING!!!!

Anyways I thought I would let you know that I have had my Word Verification off for some time - no problems... I promise..... 

I love it when a rainbow is in the perfect place.... those bushes in the front are just a few metres from my front door - the little yellow lantern flowers are just loved by little birds - the bush vibrates with them

So the pot of gold at the rainbow is that Blogger does have a spam filter - Allie tells you about it in THIS POST (she explains much better than I do) but because of that we can turn off the word verification and then go to the Comments and delete spam before it comes to the email....

How to do it....

Just pop by at Robyn's place HERE.... her instructions are so clear....

Done... easy at that....

Don't forget to empty out your Spam box every now and then .... I forgot for a while and there were 42 in there this morning.... so it does work as these didn't appear on my blog or come to my mailbox - but they do need deleting!  

Just thought I would let you know... in case you want to make it easier for us old biddies!!

I really love the interactive side of blogging so I hope I can keep up

It is wonderful to have blog friends from all over the world and lucky me was sent a lovely parcel from Sammie from Bears at Home - over in Alabama - I have been reading Sammie's blog for some time and I love her stories and journal entries.... it is quite special when we have that insight into people's lives - and she has the cutest bear family

It was such a box full of pretty allsorts... can you see the scarf... it just drapes so beautifully.. and there is pretty paper plates with matching napkins, Christmas socks (I have NEVER had special Christmas socks! - oh what fun!!), scented candles, home made washcloths in such fun variegated yarn - I love them - and a book to make great cards ... and lollies (but shhhh... I didn't share with Hubz)

Thanks Sami..... such fun

Righto... Gotta Go..... Blogs to read....


1 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Beautiful box of goodies there :o) Just been and checked my spam folder! I turned off my word verification and have had no trouble to date. And I am with you on loosing time on stitching ..... housework well that's ok :o)

2 Sunnybec said...

What a lovely box of goodies, it's always fun getting a parcel through the post. I turned my word verification off a few days ago, no spam so far, I have trouble sometimes reading the white on black letters, I click until I get one I can read but like you say it all takes extra time. One more question... what's housework??????? Hugs

3 Mistea said...

Lovely box of goodies you have - Christmas socks are very special.
Glad you didn't have to share the sweets.
I'm with Sunny -what is housework?

4 Maria said...

Thanks for the info. I will go and turn my off too.
You were very lucky receiving all those nice goodies from Samme.

5 Mosaic Magpie said...

I so whole heartedly agree about the word verification thing. It takes me forever to figure out the words. Adds way too much time to commenting. Have the comments sent your email, you can see them right away and delete any that are spam.

6 KaHolly said...

It is annoying, isn't it? I've not had any problems without word verification, either. Love your box of goodies!!

7 diegoagogo said...

Oh My word!! I LOVE the picture of your gum blossoms. The colour of the sky is amazing!!
I am living in London, UK but originally from Sydney - the light & colour of the sky is definitely different!!
I would love to have a gum tree & keep it pruned so as to always be able to reach the blossoms.
London, UK

8 Allie said...

Thank you to the link to Robyn's post - awesome! I would love to see those lantern flowers in person. Beautiful pic, hon! And such lovely gifts from Sammie, wow!

9 regan said...

You're right.....we are very lucky! I know I couldn't do blogging if it cost me $ instead of time......but I'm SO glad that so many have turned off the verification already! Yay for getting the word out!

10 Wendy said...

Lovely gift for you! I haven't had word verification for a while and haven't had any problems, I must check my spam box though!!

11 Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I agree that we are very luck to be able to use blogger free of charge. I still hate the new word verification and have turned mine off also. I switched to moderating my comments and am glad I did, I've averaged at least two spam comments a day and some have been less than desirable. Moderating does mot take long and I want people to be able to add comments to my posts easily!

12 Teresa F. said...

Great gift box you've received. Love the xmas socks.
I, too got my comment verification removed and no spam whatsoever.

13 Leanne said...

Turned off my word verification also. Lovely gift.

14 Janet said...

I hear it's your birthday - today or tomorrow or whatever day it is - I'm always confused about what day it is in Australia. Happy Birthday! I hope it is, or was, a wonderful day. And would you let me know whether you have to do word verification when posting on my blog - pretty please. When I look at my settings they say it is on, but when I try to post on my blog it doesn't ask for word verification...

15 Bev C said...

Hello Fiona,

Lovely goodies you received from your blogging buddy.
Happy days.

16 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

No word verification for me either...I get the odd strange comment...but just ignore...so tomorrow is a very special day...Happy Birthday for tomorrow Bubz..

17 Joy McD said...

What a lovely box of goodies!!
Well, I get lots of spam with my new blog which is a pain, but even worse is that I can't seem to comment on blogger without being a "no-reply", which means I still need to use blogger to comment.... oh well,these things are meant to try us... and keep us away from our stitching... :)

18 Allie said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Fiona,
Happy Birthday to you!

I hope it's an awesome day for you, sweetie!!!

19 Sheila said...

I turned off word verification too but have had some spam filter through but not enough to put it back again. I think birthday greetings are in order according to Cheryll so Happy Birthday Friend!!
hugs Sheila

20 Narelle said...

Thanks for the link ... I've turned off my word verification too and had forgotten about the comments folder.

21 Marilyn said...

So much to catch up on after even only a few days away. Love your box of goodies. Not sure which day is your birthday, but hoping you have a very happy birthday.
I find this double word thing so annoying. I always have to redo even though I check it carefully. So I will be reading up on those links you gave. Thanks for sharing them.

22 wee litle birds said...

Thanks Fiona those new word verifications were driving my insane. Now if only I could fix my no-reply blogger i would be happy.
Hugs Tanya

23 elliek said...

So glad people are taking off the word verification... those two words got me every time!! Hope you have a lovely birthday

24 GerryART said...

My blog Comments Word Verification has been turned off for some months now. I've had no problems with Spam.

What scares me is that I can usually solve the new word verification on the first try.
What's up with that ?????


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