Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Summer Sweetness....

One of those quick easy light summer sweets

I tin evaporated milk (375ml) (chilled overnight) 
1 packet jelly powder

Dissolve the jelly in about half cup of hot water

Beat the evaporated milk so it is lovely and fluffy.... continue beating while your pour the jelly mixture in

(if you like you can add a dollop of sherry...or port... or rum..... )

Sets quickly - tastes so lovely and fresh

Scorching days.... good to sit quietly and stitch....

.... by hand.....

... or machine....


1 Cheryll said...

Oh Yum! That's looks so inviting. SO what time for dinner? :)

2 Miss Hillbilly said...

MMMM, it does look good. Kind of hot cocoa weather flying in here though. I love the little embroidery. I am itchin to do some stitchin. I haven't in a long while.

3 Cyndi said...

Ooooh, that dessert looks so good and refreshing....might have to try that soon!

Enjoy your stitching!



4 Susan said...

That looks so lovely - and easy. I wonder about trying a Coke flavoured jelly (is there such a thing??) and Baileys . . .

5 Valspierssews said...

Not too sure about the pudding but the stitching looks great.

6 rozhearts said...

Hi Fiona, I am finally back to the world of reading blogs and have enjoyed reading your blog again. That yummy dessert has bought back memories. My Mum did a dessert similar to this when we were young I remember it was always a favourite so I must try it again soon.
Love all that you have been doing sometimes wish I could achieve more I think I am slowing down as I get older. LOL.
(((HUGS))) Roz.

7 Wee Little Birds said...

OHH that dessert looks yummy. Have just stewed so apricots for tonight that jelly desert would be nice to go with them. I am sitting at the sewing machine with the fan blowing on me.

8 Janet said...

Your pudding looks absolutely divine! Love all the embroidery you are doing.

9 Karen said...

Yum. I remember those desserts. Very nice in hot weather!
Lovely stitching happening there, too!

10 Wee Little Birds said...

Just made a lemon pudding with a dash of Midori to go with my apricots YUMMY :)

11 Larissa said...

YarRRR!!! *screwed up face!!, lol* What is it with the universe that both you and Clare both post a super yummy-scrummy-delicious-looking dessert when I have just started on my weight-loss journey!!! ... On other things, that block is looking super cute, and I love your quilting - it that FM? It looks fantastic in the multi-coloured thread!!! Hugs!!

12 Maria said...

Oh that dessert reminds of my childhood. My Mum always made it for us in the Summer.
Yep. Have been sitting sewing with the Air Con on.

13 Nicky said...

Now that brings back memories... like almost everyone else above, my Mum also used to make this, but I wouldn't have known exactly how, so thankyou and I will try it for my family tomorrow! Love those cute little BG flowers too ..... stay cool won't you....

14 Mosaic Magpie said...

I love the sweet flower stitching!

15 rubyslipperz1052 said...

Yummy looking dessert...really pretty stitches. Is it really HOT where you are?


16 Michelle Ridgway said...

I had forgotten about that dessert. My Mum used to make it when we were kids. Very cool and refreshing especially over some fruit. Yum! Thanks Fiona for reminding me of it again.

17 Marg said...

I haven't had this dessert for many years. My mother used to make it all the time - when we were growing up we didn't have mains power, so things like ice-cream was not really viable. So this treat was our version of ice-cream. Brings back lots of memories! Love your stitching. It's been too hot here to do anything much - mostly been reading and playing Rummy-O with the kids. That's been fun! I think that today is going to be cooler - mind you, don't think we've had anything like the heat suffered in other parts of the state. Thank goodness! Can't wait to see the finished products of both your stitching projects. Cheers

18 Talin's Corner said...

That dessert reminded me of a sherbert/ginger ale punch that I used to love when I was a little girl. I love looking at all your embroidery stitches.

19 Sue said...

I've not had that dessert since I was a kid. I know there is a can of Carnation in the cupboard, if there is a jelly I'll be making it today. I love the dish it is in. Your stitching is as lovely as usual.

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