Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And the Baby is.......

............... A NO SHOW....

no tummy ache, no back ache... nothing, nill, nix

I tried to look up other words for Nothing...
 when I googled it I got a link to a Facebook page....
. on NOTHING..... how about that????

So I am waiting, waiting.......

'It' was due on Sunday..
.......... and my brother (who had a birthday yesterday) was due heart surgery tomorrow.... 

baby is postponing itself until 'It' decides on an opportune date... 

and my brothers operation has been postponed till further notice ...

.............. well as you can imagine I haven't been able to sit still 

and I WANT TO SWEAR at those people who ring my phone even though I am on a DO NOT CALL register...

... and so I had coffee.....

and mulched my roses.....

don't they look pretty.... I should go and pick some....

Excuse me..... 

I'll have a coffee and go and pick some

that's better... they are lovely and happy....

hold on ......

... look at the lovely ginger jar I am using for the roses...

isn't that dragon just awesome... you can see the jar has a big dent in it... 

still beautiful.... made of some sort of metal...

that's my treasure.. used to belong to my Mum..... aren't I lucky to have it now?

....... so once the roses were done, 

I had a coffee

and then I had a wash, 

 and watched some Needleturn DVD's

whilst I sipped some coffee

and did some of my new quilt......

and some stitching.... oh no ... you can't see that one in-case Sharon is peeping.... but this will give you a general idea..... but you should pop over to her and see her stitching.. we are making the same quilt and she has done so much....

then a quick cuppa
and then I sewed on some eyes

I learnt to do it on the machine....

not sure if it is quicker, or stronger.
but I have the attachment
so why not

I think I need a coffee

Melbourne Cup day.. the race that stops a nation here... I missed it!!

but there is time to bet on WHEN and WHAT 
pink or blue and what date?


Anonymous said...

i say a boy and he will be born Friday and he will weigh 7lb 9ozs,or should i cover my back and bet $1 each way ,lol.
I just love these sneak peeks,i cant guess you will have to show me more,lol.

2 Susan said...

I say a boy too, but think he will be bigger at 8lb 5oz and he will be born tomorrow! (but I didn't pick the winner of the cup either!) Just remember- all good things come to those who wait!

3 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Oh the baby will come when it is ready to enter this big world ... so many cuddles awaiting him or her ..... looking forward to see lots of pics :o)and a bigger pic of that stitching would be good also!!!! :o)

4 Jindi's Cottage said...

Raindrops on roses...they do look lovely...I loathe those calls...which part of Do Not Call is so hard for those companies to understand!...nice umbrella action happening there...hope the tummy aches start happening soon...

5 rosie said...

The waiting is so hard... I remember it vividly... I hope everything goes perfectly for mum, dad, bub and grandparents...
Love those roses...

6 Wee Little Birds said...

You will soon be hugging a cute new baby. looking forward to seeing your baby pics.
Hugs Tanya

7 Melody said...

It is going to be wonderful when that little baby arrives, I agree the waiting is really trying and it is hard to settle.
Hope everything goes well for your brother.
I'll call back each day to check for news. Hugs

8 Karen said...

Waiting.... waiting........

9 Nicky said...

I'll put my neck on the line and say a baby girl will be born on Thursday......... or whenever 'it' is ready!
Lovely stitching, beautiful roses, and that wine looks pretty good too.......

10 Cheryll said...

With all that coffee you'll be lucky to sleep tonight... so perhaps tonight's the night! :)

11 Wonky Girl said...

Ah, that wee babe will be born when ready :)
Your Roses are a thing of beauty.
You have been posting many enjoyable entries on your blog lately. I just don't have time to comment on all but I do lurk and smile lots.

12 In stitches and seams said...

I think you need to talk to that tummy and let it know that there is a warm and cozy quilt and lots of love just waiting for him/her to make and appearance

13 Kats Studio said...

Love the roses, so maybe, it will be a girl.

14 Miss Hillbilly said...

That little one is already showing his/her independence, huh?

15 WoolenSails said...

I say a girl and she is going to be born tomorrow at 7 pm, lol.


16 Maria said...

Won't be long and the babe will be here.
Nothing worse than waiting.
roses are beautiful.

17 Janet said...

Blue - one week from today..... gorgeous roses and a beautiful vase. Nice things to keep your company while you wait.

18 marina said...

You have a boy, then a girl, so maybe a boy again?
I guess Thursday....
fingers crossed it comes soon cause that means a visit!
Love the dragon. Your new project is looking good and I love the eyes, how nifty to sew on the machine.
Mmmm Can I say, I don't think that is a cup of coffee in the last pic?

19 Sheila said...

I'm thinking a boy as well but more like 8lbs. 3 oz. a real scrapper of a guy with lots of hair and muscles . Lets hope he wants out real soon ,maybe tonight ;-0 Gorgeous roses and the container is lovely too especially since it was your Mom's .You always make me smile so thanks for that. hugs Sheila

20 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I am sure the new addition will arrive very soon....you are keeping busy Bubz...

21 Wendy said...

Poor you, the waiting is so hard. I hope all goes well for your family. The roses and sewing look beautiful.

22 Janice said...

You make me laugh!I'm sure you will have exciting news for us all shortly. Good luck with your needleturn.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that you are a Grandmother again! Congratulations on your new Grandson. How very very wonderful. toni xxx

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