Thursday, July 28, 2011

......mmmmm (I have no idea for a title)

This week I heard that our widget needed some time out in his room......
(well - he is 2 years old!!)

I  know I am biased but this picture just melted me ......

To me the greatest blog fun is making contact with people.... I really enjoy the interaction..... and your comments which I reply to always (well occasionally I miss some!!!)

Recently I have been receiving several comments that are 'no reply' - I respect your privacy if that is what you want.... however, maybe it is just a setting on your blog.....

If I haven't answered you this will be why..... Chookyblue explains it well HERE if you would like to check it out....

I would love to be able to answer you .....


Following my post about getting into needleturn I asked for tips and ideas from others......  I really do appreciate them all especially whilst experimenting with this new technique.....

There is only so many times I will make practice items so I am now already making my lovely Butterfly Garden quilt, even though I know my needleturn needs a lot more practice... I'm getting it whilst I make the quilt and I will be learning some of these different ways of doing it.....

In addition to the previous links and tutorials....
here are the tips and links received from you.....

  • A tutorial here on needleturn.
  • I use double thickness of freezer paper & iron first as it shrinks.
  • I love needleturn applique and it just takes practice. When I have circles to do. I make a cardboard circle the size required and then sew a running stitch around in 1/4 inch seam area of your chosen fabric circle and pull the gathering thread up and press really well with a steam iron. Gently ease the cardboard circle out and pin or baste your circle in then have a crease to guide you as you stitch....
  • Try ironing the freezer paper on the front, also the little clover iron is just fabulous for tiny seams etc,
  • Try all the methods, choose the best ones, learn lots of tricks
  • Rather than template plastic try is a thin heat resistant plastic product, comes in clear and opaque (easier to find little bits of opaque plastic on the table than clear!)....
  • For thread...try Auriful? It is awesome, cotton, gorgeously smooth and comes in the most amazing range of colours.
  • Use a good starch...makes a big difference... (not iron ease)
  • The best tip I think (well it is just my opinion)...find the method/technique/materials that suit YOU best and that YOU are most comfortable with, regardless of what anyone else says you must or should or shouldn't do...after all, when it is all stitched down as long as you are happy with it what does it matter how you got to the end result
  • I use freezer paper but in reverse to you. Cut out the shape, iron on the right side of your fabric, cut around the shape leaving about 1/8" to turn under all around the shape. Use the edge of the freezer paper as your guide. You can use glue to hold it in place. I have also done a reverse version when you draw the shape on the wrong side of your back ground fabric.
  •  Instead of using freezer paper or template plastic, use old cards (you know Christmas or Birthday). I love them. You do it like the template plastic. Just remember not to hold the iron on it too long and you can use it over again
  • I use Glue Baste - saved getting tangled in pins. Yes, use matching sewing thread. Don't use embroidery thread as it is not strong enough
  • If there was one hint I would pass on it would be this: only snip the fabric a little at a time (maybe 3 hand stitches worth) before turning. This way the fabric tends to lie flatter.
  • at the moment I am tracing round my plastic templates with a pigma pen, gluing with a few small spots of Glue Baste- then turning with needle and(lots of) fingers and too many thumbs
  • using a toothpick is a good way to push under the fabric, instead of using the needle. (a damp toothpick is even better.

    Great tips... thanks everyone - I have added them to my 'How To... ' page HERE.

     I am trying different methods as I go along.... this next set of blocks I have used double strength freezer paper.... Jeanettes tutorial method found HERE and it is certainly a lot easier than a single piece...


    My mum used to make the most amazing melt in your mouth pastry - which I can't do...
    I use a ready rolled bought one...
    usually it is in a cardboard box but last time I bought this (at a price!!)

    now I have a perfect project box... holds a 10" square just right...

    Do you buy things just for the containers?


    Anonymous said...

    Fiona your quilt is looking fantastic and i love the 1st pic,so cute

    2 Sue said...

    Wow Fiona that quilt is divine. You'll be doing needleturn tutes before you know it.
    I used to have a flat pastry box like that, I need it now , my pastry keep breaking in the freezer when I'm rummaging for other stuff.

    3 Chrissie said...

    I think your quilt is so pretty makes me want to stitch one too! I too look for containers and save them, so useful not only for crafting but for portions in the freezer. Although having DD and her boyfriend living here not much gets left lol

    4 Marilyn said...

    Your quilt is looking so good. You are doing well with your needleturn practice. I read through your tips and dont know if anyone mentioned that using a toothpick is a good way to push under the fabric, instead of using the needle. (a damp toothpick is even better. I found it helped a lot.
    Love the Widget pic - melts your heart doesnt it.

    5 The Patch Craft said...

    Have a look at Safeway and Coles they have the same size clear boxes for sale. Sometimes they are half price. I have bought a few of these for my blocks too.

    Love your quilt.

    Anonymous said...

    Lovely post - I tried needleturn applique once, but found it too fiddly but love the finished look. I will have to pop onto thes tutorials and try harder. I love love love the butterfly quilt - just gorgeous,

    7 Unknown said...

    oops, Annonymous is me, I clicked on the wrong button - I am not really annonymous. Just a silly friend with fumbly fingers.

    8 Scented Sweetpeas said...

    lovely bloggy post and yes i am guilty of buying things just for the packing. I love nice looking coffee jars for buttons and lovely looking glass bottles. I have even been known to buy yoghurt as it came in a nice glass jar ideal for tea lights, the food is just a bonus lol.

    9 marina said...

    your blocks are progressing beautifully, I admire your needleturn.
    The photo of widget is just gorgeous.

    10 Vintage Cate said...

    Your needeturn is looking really nice Fiona.The btterfly quilt is beautiful . I really love containers (like your Pampas pastry box). Woolworths have these cute little boxes in the lunchbox section called Clipz (or Klipz, I can't remember). They come in all different colours and sizes and are made in New Zealand. The smallest ones are perfect for holding embroidery floss bobbins for the project you are working on AND they are $1.97 - perfect!

    11 Anorina @SameliasMum said...

    Yes I buy things for their containers. Hadn't discovered these yet though.

    12 Marg said...

    I think you're doing brilliantly at needleturn applique. I'm like you - love it, but feel I need lots more practice. I think you just have to do it and with practice you do get better. Still think yours is looking pretty good right now. Love the colours and the pattern. Gorgeous.

    13 Nicky said...

    Your little Widget photo is so cute - What a character!

    Great needleturn tips, which way to choose I wonder? Your BG block looks beautiful, you are going to be done this quilt in no time at all. You go girl!

    14 Karen said...

    I'm laughing because decor have recently produced a pastry container that looks very similar to yours. And yes, I bought it/several for my sewing!!! I think mine is 12 inch. I wait until they are on special at half price.
    Your blocks are looking great!! Lovely to see it growing.

    15 Micaela said...

    That is a really cute quilt! I've been reading up on quilting but haven't dared to make anything yet.

    And yes, I do buy things just for the containers!! it's unavoidable...

    16 Sheila said...

    I love your applique quilt , your colors are gorgeous . The tips are great , we can all learn from others and give new methods a try and maybe make life easier in the process so thanks for posting those.hugs Sheila

    17 Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

    Your quilt is turning out beautifully!!!
    You gathered quite a few helpful hints.

    18 Cyndi said...

    What an adorable photo of little widget in his time sweet! Its hard to be two and be good ALL the time! :o)

    I think your applique quilt is just absolutely beautiful, Fiona. You are doing a wonderful job. Thank goodness for wonderful blog friends and all the tips and advice they give us, right? Keep up the great work!



    19 regan said...

    Love your quilt.....and your applique is wonderful! Well done!

    20 Talin's Corner said...

    Oh Fiona, I love your quilt so far. I love the summer colors and the variety of texture (stitchery, applique, etc.). You should be proud of yourself.

    Anonymous said...

    Well, I don't buy premade frosting very often but when I do, i keep those little containers. The othe day, I had purchased powder Hummingbird food. After opening it, I wanted to store the rest and grabbed one of those. Just right. I labeled of course.

    I've noticed the no reply also and sometimes one cannot even visit the blog of the commenter.
    Mama Bear

    22 Wendy said...

    Such a cute widget photo, I remember those days!! Your quilt is looking gorgeous, beautiful needleturn applique.

    23 Barb said...

    I love love love your quilt....your needle turn is awesome!!!

    24 Tarnyia said...

    LOVE your needleturn... gorgeous quilt xxx

    25 Micaela said...

    Hi again... I couldn't figure out how to reply to your post (technology is not my friend), but I wanted to let you know I really appreciate your comment... my sewing is coming along slowly... I'm making a ring bearer pillow (not too easy for a first project) I'll try and post pics soon, and I hope I can get some input...

    26 Allie said...

    What a GREAT post - love your comment about too many thumbs, lol, that's me! Your applique is looking wonderful, I'd never know you are just learning. Great job Fiona!

    27 Margaret said...

    You did use all the pastry first I hope---- putting it back in the freezer in gladwrap makes the edges dry out. Have you got a kitchen wizz ?? throw the flour , butter and lemon juice in whizz it until breadcrumbs come then a little water and wow perfect pastry every time DA DA.
    You make needle turn so easy I will have to have a go

    28 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

    Bubz..your BG looks fantastic, you must be so very pleased with it....I also have a thing for containers...LOL...

    29 rosie said...

    Fiona, your quilt is gorgeous.. I just love that little hand at the bottom of the door.. dear little poppet!

    30 Sandra :) said...

    Sneakyfingers is adorable - as is your quilt! And yes, I buy things for the containers too, if I spot something that's just right!

    31 donna said...

    Look at that had reaching for a cookie. That is so sweet. You quitl is turning out beautifully. Love the colors.

    32 Miss Hillbilly said...

    Yes I do like to buy things just for the containers.

    Thanks for all the great pointers on applique. It will help me when I get started!

    33 DeeDee said...

    I love that box..I must look at my safeway now... hehehe! never know.. . great idea.... and your quilt is coming along beautifully... what a treasure the first one will be.

    Yes that picture would make me let the little tike out... :D

    always fun to visit...

    34 KatieQ said...

    I'd be embarrassed to tell you some of the things I bought just for the container. Most of the time, I wind up giving the items away and keeping the container.

    35 Jindi's Cottage said...

    Your Butterfly Garden is looking gorgeous...perfect container, I'd have done the same thing, yes they'd have made a sale based on the container not the product!!

    36 Unknown said...

    Oh thanks so much for sending the link over Fiona! It's just SO pretty! Bah, you don't need practice. Your work looks perfect in my eyes. What a great combination of stitchery, quilting and needleturn appliqué. I'm a sucker for anything flowery don't you know! :)

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